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I'm using the "Shark" stats out of the back of the core book. There are 10 "real" sharks, 9 Medium-sized, and 1 Huge great white. There are also 5 infected humans, for which I'm just going to use the Shark stat-block, without the Mute or No Hands drawbacks.

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Fusion can swim twice as fast as any of the sharks or sharkpeople, so once she's in the water, she can easily catch up to any of them. She's got at least a round or two before they overtake the people in the water, and at least a round or two more before the sharkpeople hit the shore. But the people in the water can't hope to swim fast enough to make it to shore before the sharks overtake them. The sharks are swimming in a loose wedge formation, about ten feet apart. The great white is behind the wedge.

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So they go first. They start out 500 feet from the shore. They take two move actions to get 100ft closer (Swimming 2 - 5mph = 50ft per move action). They have not overtaken the bulk of the bystanders yet. Your move.

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Fusion activates the Swimming portion of her Super-Movement. She can move five hundred feet in a move action, so she can easily move in amongst the sharks and engage them in melee. She hits the Great White with an All-Out Attack, dropping her own Defense to +5. http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2600253/20. Not a great roll, but not an awful one. DC 25 Tou save for the Shark.

If I remember the grapple rules right, she can initiate a grapple at this juncture. Using all her tentacles, with her array set to Super-Strength 4, and with the All-Out Attack, her grapple is +32. 34.

OK, let me know how she did, and I'll write it up.

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If she had Improved Grab (or if you HPed for it), then she could deal damage with the same attack that initates the grapple. Otherwise, the attack roll to initiate a grapple does nothing but that. So choose - damage, or grapple.

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Growth 8 gives the great white +16 STR (13/+1 > 29/+8), +8 additional Grapple, and -2 Attack over the template, so his grapple bonus is +18. Since Fusion scored a 34, and has the higher bonus, he needs a 35 to win. That's a "17" on the die.

Great White Shark's Grapple check (DC35): 28. Not enough.

AA, choose a grapple result: Damage, Pin, Throw, or Escape.

It's worth noting that neither "Damage" nor "Pin" will break the grapple (so neither one will break her grip on the shark).

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Yes, the grapple persists until she releases it, now that he can't resist. Really, he's an object for her to wield at this point.

AA, make a Notice check with Fusion's tremorsense, then we'll move on to round 2 and the sharks will do their thing.

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Megalodon's Stealth check: 13.

Since Fusion's tremorsense isn't Extended, she gets a -1 penalty for every 10ft between her and her target.

Megalodon's hanging back about 100ft, since he can swim really fast, and has plenty of Notice to keep his Animal-Controlled sharks within Perception-range.

So Fusion needs to hit DC23 on her Notice check to "spot" him behind the pack.

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Alrighty. Then she can concentrate on the shark pack for now.

Round 2

Megalodon commands 5 of the sharks to stay behind and attack Fusion and there rest of them to proceed to the shore. However, he's already commanding them to just bite people instead of eating them, and when they smell the blood from the great white Fusion beat up, their strong instinct is to all stay behind and devour him. So they get immediate saves at +4 to break free from Megalodon's Animal Control.

Shark's Will saves (DC20): 1 makes it, 8 fail. So that's 6 sharks that stay behind to try and maul Fusion. Each one having at least 10ft of distance, they'll all Charge.

Shark's Attack rolls (DC20): 4 miss, 2 hit.

Fusion needs to make 2 DC21 Toughness saves against Lethal Damage. Then it's her turn.

The 5 sharkpeople don't have the same "inner nature" (yet), so they follow Megalodon's commands without resistance, keep swimming toward the shore (and the swimmers). Since they're still mostly humanoid, I'll say they only have Swimming 1, unlike the actual sharks who have Swimming 2.

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1: Injured

2: Passed!

Unfortunately, she can't stay and fight these sharks: she's got to stop the others from hitting the beach and biting more innocent people! So she turns around and Swims into melee with the sharks that weren't attacking her.

OK, she's going to spend an HP to stunt Takedown Attack, then she's going to use the Huge great white as a club to hit the other sharks. She'll All-Out Attack. DC 25 Tou save for the sharks

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Sharks' Toughness saves (DC25): ...They only have +4 Toughness, for a maximum possible result of 24. As Minions, they can't make impossible saves, and they automatically suffer the worst possible save result.

All 3 sharks who had advanced past her are knocked Unconscious.

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Round 3

Sharks (6): 13, NPC

Sharkpeople (5): 13, NPC

Fusion: 13, 2HP, Injured

Megalodon: 10, NPC

The 6 remaining sharks relentlessly pursue Fusion and her bloody cargo.

The 5 sharkpeople swim more slowly than the "real" sharks, so they can't catch up to Fusion or the sharks this turn.

Everyone's Medium-sized.

The 6 sharks are faster, so they get into position first. Since it's the top of the water, we're not quite in three dimensions, more like 2 1/2. They can't get over her, but they can get under her. None of them have the presence of mind to Aid each other, since they each want a bite. So instead, they'll all Combined Attack Fusion. Each one will roll an attack against her, and if they succeed, she'll roll one Toughness save, against one shark's bite, +2DC for every other shark who managed to hit her.

Her -5 Defense from All-Out Attack is still in effect until her action comes up.

Shark Attack rolls (DC15): 5 hit, 1 misses. So one shark bites at DC21, +2 x 4 sharks = DC 21 +8 = DC29.

So Fusion needs to roll a single DC29 Toughness save against Lethal Damage.

Then it's her turn.

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Of course you get a HP for covering the civvies' retreat!

Megalodon takes a move action to command his minions, and a move action to keep pace with you guys, and that ends Round 3.

Round 4

Sharks (6): 13, NPC

Sharkpeople (5): 13, NPC

Fusion: 13, 1HP, Injured x2

Megalodon: 10, NPC

Since Fusion is in their path, all the sharks and sharkpeople Charge her. However, with her Readied action, she unloads in their faces as soon as they're within range.

Sharkpeople Reflex saves (DC20): 1 saves, 4 fail.

Sharkpeople Fortitude saves (DC20): 1 saves, 3 fail.

3 of the 5 sharkpeople are Blinded.

Shark Reflex saves (DC20): 1 saves, 5 fail.

Shark Fortitude saves (DC20): 1 saves, 4 fail.

4 of the 6 remaining sharks are Blinded.

The remaining 2 sharks and 2 sharkpeople proceed to tear into Fusion. 1 makes a normal Charge attack, while the other 3 Combined Attack.

Shark attack rolls (DC20): All 4 miss.

Round 4

Sharks (6): 13, NPC, Blinded (4/6)

Sharkpeople (5): 13, NPC, Blinded (3/5)

Fusion: 13, 1HP, Injured x2

Megalodon: 10, NPC

Fusion's up.

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