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"Concert Auditions. Second Floor, 2B" (OOC)


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Just a quick note, I'm not sure that the entirety of Octopus Dropkick has public identities. I'm the only one that I know of that's making his public after Battle of the Bands.

It wouldn't be impossible for Rift to have a secret ID after BOTB, but it wouldn't be easy. The only band member who bothered to run away and change into costume before flinging superpowers every which was was Zephyr. Everyone else pretty much outed themselves.

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Just to clarify (and it may just be me being slow; dang heat!): I think you said this connects to the charity thing, and from the Campaign thread it seemed like the concert would be a series of performances by supers - is this thread about auditions for a band that Gossamer's putting together for the charity event, or for bands or solo artists who want to perform at the charity event?

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Okay, I think my choice of thread name confused the hell out of folks. She just wants to see who in the superhero community are competent musicians and there for will be a good fit for the concert, not form her own band. I will change the name to help clarify this.

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As I'm pretty sure this thread takes place after prom, We'll assume that Eddie and Warren are on break from tour. They came back to the city to help with this gig, and we'll also assume that Eddie's going to teleport them to the next city that they're touring in in about a days time. They'll meet the bus full of supplies at the venue or something.

Is that okay with you, Darksider?

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Eddie has just about every perform skill in the book at at least a DC 20 with skill mastery. He's also brought at least one instrument of each type with the exception of drums. I'll say, he's brought a trumpet, a bass guitar, and a keyboard. He also brought a DJ turn table set.

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