Avenger Assembled Posted June 29, 2010 Share Posted June 29, 2010 [floatr](Original Pic)[/floatr] [floatr][/floatr] Name: Barry Brewster Bowles Abilities: (10 pp) Str: 42/10 (+16/+0) Dex: 10 (+0) Con: 20/10 (+5/+0) Int: 18 (+4) Wis: 12 (+1) Cha: 10 (+0) Combat: (44 pp) Attack +13, +16 (ranged), Grapple: +34 at full strength/+13 w/out Defense +14 (+7 flat-footed), Knockback: -13, Initiative +0 Saving Throws: (9 pp) Toughness: +16*/+0 (+11 Imp) Fortitude +14/+8/+3 (+5 from Con, +3) Reflex +3 (+0 from Dex, +3), Will +14/+4 (+1 from Wis, +3) Skills: (44 r=11 pp) Craft (electronic) 6 (+11/+12) (w/masterwork tools) Craft (mechanical) 6 (+10) Disable Device 0 (+4/+5) (w/masterwork tools) Knowledge (life sciences) 6 (+10) Knowledge (technology) 6 (+10) Perform (dance) 14 (+14) Notice 2 (+3) Sense Motive 4 (+5) Feats: (28 pp) Accurate Attack All-Out Attack Attack Focus (ranged) 3 Benefit 2 (Wealth 2) Equipment 1 Fascinate (Perform [Dance]) Improved Crit (unarmed) Inventor Minions 16 (25 giant bees) Power Attack Ultimate Save (Toughness) Ultimate Skill (Perform [Dance]) Epi-Pen (1 ep) Masterwork Disable Device Tools (1 ep) Masterwork Cell-Phone (1 ep) Masterwork Electronics Tools (1 ep) Masterwork Multi-Tool (1 ep) Powers: (117 pp) Device 28 (Bee-Keeper Armor 2.0; 140 points, Hard to Lose) [112pp] Communication 4 (radio) {4} Comprehend 2 (speak and understand animals) Flaw: Limited-Bees) (2) Enhanced Constitution 10 {10} Enhanced Fort Save 6 (6) Flight 5 (250 mph / 2,500 feet {10} Immunity 15 (Drain effects, Life Support) (15) Mind Shield 10 (10) Protection 11 (Extra: Impervious 11) {22} Super Senses 6 (Darkvision, Direction Sense, Distance Sense, Time Sense, Ultra Hearing) {6} Weapons Array 21 (42 point powers; PFs: Affects Insubstantial 2, 6 Alternate Powers) (50) * BE: Enhanced Strength 32 and Super-Strength 5 (Total effective Str 67) The Proportional Strength of a Bee! * AP: Blast 14 (Extra: Autofire) - The Sting of Revenge! * AP: Blast 12 (Extras: Targeted 24 - 5ft square cubes Shapeable Area, PFs: Indirect x3, Homing x2, Progression) - Covered in Bees! * AP: Paralyze 14 (Extras: Alternate Save/Fortitude, Range/Ranged) - Radioactive Bee Venom * AP: Environmental Control 14 (halve movement, visibility) Extra: Duration [Continuous] (5 mile radius) and Obscure 14 (auditory) [5 mile radius) Extra: Duration [Continuous]- The Swarm * AP: Transform 14 (People Into Bee-People) - Extra: Alternate Save (Will) Genetically Engineered Bee Venom * AP: Drain Dexterity 14 Extras: Area-Burst, Ranged (70 foot radius) Bee Storm! Immunity 1 (Bees) [1 pp] Immunity 5 (Interaction Skills) [4 pp] (Drawback: Not vs. Diplomacy) 'you jelly' Drawbacks: (-6 pp) Normal Identity (free action, -3 pp) Vulnerable (Bluff Checks designed to make him gloat; common, moderate (50%) (-3 pp) Abilities 10 + Skills 11 + Feats 13 + Powers 117 + Combat 44 + Saves 9 + Drawbacks -6 = Total 225 25 Giant Bees Abilities: Str 38 Dex 10 Con 30 Int 11 Wis 12 Cha 8 Feats: All-Out Attack, Attack Focus: Melee (6), Dodge Focus (8), Interpose, Power Attack Skills: Notice 4 (+5), Sense Motive 4 (+5) Powers: Drain 12 (Dex) (Extra: Autofire), Flight 5 (250 MPH), Growth 16 (Power Feats: Innate; Flaws: Permanent), Protection 8 (Extras: Impervious) Combat: Attack +6 (includes –8 due to size) (+14 melee), Damage +14 (unarmed), Damage +12 (venom) Defense +12/+4 (includes –8 due to size), Initiative +0 Saving Throws: Toughness +18 (Imp 8), Fortitude +12, Reflex +2, Will +8 Drawbacks: Power Loss (Flight, if wings are immobilized, –2 points) Abilities 1 + Skills 2 (8 ranks) + Feats 17 + Powers 99 + Combat 52 +Saves 11 – Drawbacks –2 = 180 - The Bee-Keeper's love? Bees! His hate? Fleur de Joie and her friends in the Freedom League! His goal? REVENGE. He has escaped from prison RIGHT NOW. Link to comment
Ecalsneerg Posted June 29, 2010 Share Posted June 29, 2010 How did a PL 6 jobber villain get to PL15? Link to comment
Avenger Assembled Posted June 29, 2010 Author Share Posted June 29, 2010 He's an obsessive-compulsive genius who the guards underestimated. Plus, he was Malice's cellmate for a while there. Link to comment
Dr Archeville Posted July 10, 2010 Share Posted July 10, 2010 Do people turned into bee-people gain or lose anything, stats-wise? Can Bee-Keeper control Bee-People the way he does regular bees? And why'd he get so much dumber compared to his PL 8 Silver Age self? Link to comment
Avenger Assembled Posted July 10, 2010 Author Share Posted July 10, 2010 I would say people who turn into Bee-People take a big Wisdom and Charisma hit (in general, becoming more drone-like) and use those points to buy themselves a lovely set of shimmery bee wings, with maybe a stinger to go with them. Maybe losing the ability to speak in words? He cannot actually control bees, merely speak to them in their native language. And remember, the Modern Age Bee-Keeper is the successor to the Silver Age version, having secured rights to the identity after a personal interview. Link to comment
Dr Archeville Posted July 10, 2010 Share Posted July 10, 2010 Ah, I'd forgotten that (or... never read it in the first place). Maybe write that in somewhere? That aside, :approved: Link to comment
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