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Jack Jr. WIP


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Very Very WIP.

trying to figure out how to find room for more of the vampy/Avengery stuff Like Stealth for instance LOL :Sigh:

Definitely can drop some of the Int/Wis in favor of Dex but he's mostly a Magician by trade so some of those seem needed.

Any advice welcome.

Stats: 38pp

Str: 10 (+0)

Dex: 10 (+0)

Con: 24 (+7)

Int: 20 (+5)

Wis: 20 (+5)

Cha: 14 (+2)

Combat: 16pp

Attack: +4

Grapple: +0

Defense: +10 (+2 flat-footed)

Knockback: -0

Initiative: +0

Saves: 8pp

Toughness: +10 [+6 Impervious] (+7 Con, +3 Forcefield)

Fortitude: +10 (+7 Con, +3)

Reflex: +0 (+0 Dex, +0)

Will: +10 (+5 Wis, +5)

Skills: 48r = 12pp

Bluff 0 (+2, +6 W/attractive)

Concentration 5 (+10)

Diplomacy 0 (+2, +6 W/attractive)

Disable Device 5 (+10)

Intimidate 8 (+10)

Knowledge(Arcane Lore) 10 (+15)

Notice 10 (+15)

Search 5 (+10)

Sense Motive 5 (+10)

Feats: 12pp


Dodge Focus 6

Eidetic Memory



Skill Mastery (Intimidate, Knowledge(Arcane Lore), Notice, Sense Motive)

Powers: 0pp

Power X (name/descriptor; Extras: whatever; Flaws: whatever; PFs: whatever) [cost]

AP: Power X (name/descriptor; Extras: whatever; Flaws: whatever; Power Feats: whatever; Drawbacks: Whatever)

Array 12 (Magic/Magic; 24pp powers; PFs: Alternate power 4; Drawbacks: Power Loss: Must be able to Speak and Gesture -1) [27]

BE: Blast 10 (Eldricht Blast/Magic; Power Feats: Acurate 3, Variable Descriptor 2; Drawbacks: Full Power -1) {24}

AP: Concealment 10 (Invisibility/Magic; Power Feats: Close Range, Selective) {22}

AP: Move Object X (name/descriptor; Extras: whatever; Flaws: whatever; Power Feats: whatever; Drawbacks: Whatever)

AP: Power X (name/descriptor; Extras: whatever; Flaws: whatever; Power Feats: whatever; Drawbacks: Whatever)

AP: Power X (name/descriptor; Extras: whatever; Flaws: whatever; Power Feats: whatever; Drawbacks: Whatever)

Concealment 4 (No Reflection/Vampric; All Visual; Flaws: Limited: Machines only, Permanent) [4pp]

Immunity 10 (Child of the Void/Magic, Dimensional; Life Support, Aging) [10pp]

Protection 3 (Forcefield/Magic; Extras: Forcefield, Impervious 6) [9pp]

Regeneration 9 (Child of the Void, Dhampir/Magic, Dimensional; Recovery 2, Bruised 1 (1 Round), Injured 2 (5 minutes), Staggered 1 (20 Minutes), Disabled 2 (1 hour), Resurection 1 (1 week); PFs: Persistant, Regrowth) [11]

Super Movement 1 (Return to Void; Dimensional Movement, Void only; PFs: Innate) [3]

Drawbacks: 0pp

DC Block:


(Name of Attack) (Save DC/Type) (Type of Damage: Bruise/Injury, or other)

Costs: Abilities (00) + Combat (00) + Saves (00) + Skills (00) + Feats (00) + Powers (00) - Drawbacks (00) = Total Cost

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I managed to squeeze most of what I wanted into 150pp. Suggestions still welcome.

Stats: 38pp

Str: 10 (+0)

Dex: 16 (+3)

Con: 24 (+7)

Int: 16 (+3)

Wis: 16 (+3)

Cha: 16 (+3)

Combat: 16pp

Attack: +4 (+10 w/ Blast and Strike)

Grapple: +4

Defense: +10 (+2 flat-footed)

Knockback: -8

Initiative: +3

Saves: 6pp

Toughness: +10 [+6 Impervious] (+7 Con, +3 Forcefield)

Fortitude: +8 (+7 Con, +1)

Reflex: +3 (+3 Dex, +0)

Will: +8 (+3 Wis, +5)

Skills: 68r = 17pp

Bluff 1 (+4, +8 W/attractive)

Concentration 7 (+10)

Diplomacy 1 (+4, +8 W/attractive)

Disable Device 7 (+10)

Intimidate 7 (+10)

Knowledge(Arcane Lore) 12 (+15)

Notice 7 (+10)

Search 7 (+10)

Sense Motive 7 (+10)

Stealth 12 (+15)

Feats: 10pp


Dodge Focus 6

Eidetic Memory

Hide In Plain Sight


Powers: 63pp

Array 12 (Magic/Magic; 24pp powers; PFs: Alternate power 4; Drawbacks: Power Loss: Must be able to Speak and Gesture -1) [27]

BE: Blast 10 (Eldricht Blast/Magic; Power Feats: Acurate 3, Variable Descriptor 2; Drawbacks: Full Power -1) {24}

AP: Concealment 10 (Invisibility/Magic; Power Feats: Close Range, Selective) {22}

AP: Move Object 12 (Mage Hand/Magic; Extras: Range: Perception; Flaws: Duration: Concentration) {24}

AP: Create Object 6 (Force Constructs/Magic; Extras: Moveable; Power Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Selective, Progression 2, Tether) {24}

AP: Strike 10 (Siphon Life/Magic, Vampric; Extras: Vampric, Alt Save: Fort; Flaws: Action: Full Round; Power Feats: Acurate 3, Extended Reach 1){24}

Concealment 4 (No Reflection/Vampric; All Visual; Flaws: Limited: Machines only, Permanent) [4pp]

Immunity 10 (Child of the Void/Magic, Dimensional; Life Support, Aging) [10pp]

Protection 3 (Forcefield/Magic; Extras: Forcefield, Impervious 6) [9pp]

Regeneration 8 (Child of the Void, Dhampir/Magic, Dimensional; Recovery 2, Bruised 1 (1 Round), Injured 2 (5 minutes), Staggered 1 (20 Minutes), Disabled 1 (5 hours), Resurection 1 (1 week); PFs: Persistant, Regrowth) [10]

Super Movement 1 (Return to Void; Dimensional Movement, Void only; PFs: Innate) [3]

Drawbacks: 0pp

DC Block:


(Name of Attack) (Save DC/Type) (Type of Damage: Bruise/Injury, or other)

Eldricht Blast ------ 25/Toughness ------ Bruise/Injury

Siphon Life ------ 25/Fortitude ------ Bruise/Injury

Costs: Abilities (38) + Combat (16) + Saves (6) + Skills (17) + Feats (10) + Powers (63) - Drawbacks (00) = 150pp

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