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A Day at the Museum (IC)

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The descending steel gates were clearly not built to super-human tolerances. As Aiko braced her self beneath the descending portcullis, it slowed, then stopped, and finally, with a shake and a screech of metal, the mechanism lowering it broke, freezing it in place. The docent at the other end of the room just stared, mouth open, at this feat of strength from such a young looking girl.

Jessica managed to get past the gate and through the 'employees only' door, which thankfully had been left ajar. Unfortunately, a uniformed docent was hurrying up the hallway toward her. "Hey, you can't be in here!" he shouted, "We've got a problem in the lobby, and I don't have time to deal with kids trying to snoop around the back rooms."

Ashley moved toward the lobby, but slowed by trying to put on her costume at the same time, she didn't quite make it around the corner to see what was happening. When Edward peeked out into the lobby however, he had a chance to see what all the trouble was about. Except for a few figures, the large room was eerily still. The crowd of people had all frozen in place, but the expressions on their faces were ones of fear and panic. Even the group of Claremont students, some beginning to run, others in confident poses as if about to exercise their powers, were as still as the grave.

The few moving people in the room were clearly not patrons. Four of them looked like average thugs with guns, and they were moving among the crowd, filching the wallets and searching through the purses of the unresisting bystanders. Another, a hulking brute of man wearing a black-and-white horizontally striped costume with a cape, was smashing displays one at a time and stuffing their contents into a large sack. The final thief, however, was a pale-skinned, black-haired woman dressed in gothic-style leather pants and corset. She stood near the entrance to the museum, observing the proceedings of the heist and watching the doors and windows for signs of heroes.

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Jessica turned, dismayed that she'd been found. "I'm sorry, sir! When I heard the alarms, I just got so scared, so I ran in here! I figured thieves wouldn't go into here." While she talked, the girl let her backpack slide to the ground, her hand darting inside and grabbing one of her gauntlets. "I'm only gonna be in here a second, anyway," she concluded, pressing a concealed button. The device pumped out a wave of debilitating sound concentrated on the guard, while her music player, already tied into the Ironclad suits' computers, played a counter-rhythm to keep her unaffected.

Once the guard collapsed, Jessica dropped the gauntlet and stripped down to her jumpsuit. Pulling out the components to her suit, she stuffed her street clothes into the pack and began to suit up.

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As the portcullis gives a screech of tortured metal as it stops Aiko calls out to Blake. "Get moving!" Then she is off, her powerful legs easily allowing her to catch up with Ashley. Instead of stopping to peer in and get a look at the situation in the lobby Karakuri simply keeps on going. A quick scan of the room later and the gynoid launches herself into a flying kick at the hulking brute, connecting and then landing to the side of him.

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The brute flinched a little as he took Aiko's kick square in the abs. "Hey now, that almost hurt!" he said, in a voice that clearly betrayed a lack of intelligence. "Hey Desperarae, we gots us a live one!"

The leather-clad woman drew a pair of long, thin daggers from sheathes on her belt, but rather than attacking physically, she just glared at Aiko. "It's useless, little girl," she said tersely, and Aiko felt the pressure of another mind attacking her own. "Just give up now."

The huge man chuckled at that. "Now, let's see how yous takes a hit from da Super Thug!" he said, striking at Aiko's body with a heavy fist.

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As Jessica finished donning her armor, the systems booted up and connected to Dawes Tech's databanks and the Internet. The system began overlaying architectural information on Jessica's visual display. As she dismissed them, she called her grandfather. "Grandpa. I need you to look up the Hunter Museum and see if they've a list of exhibits. Also, keep an ear to the police band radio." She shut down the voice line before Malcolm could answer and distract her, stepping over the incapacitated guard and out to the hallway.

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KC snapped out of it. He saw the woman attacking the cute Japanese girl, and he roared into action.


He shouted as mystic fire immolated him. His green skin and scales erupted from his former skin, and his costume appeared over that: a black bodysuit with an Elder Sign in white. He clapped his hands together, and summoned a ball of mystic fire, which he shot at the thug. It split up into multiple smaller globules, and rushed at the man.

"No one attacks cute girls on my watch."

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As Ashley was putting on her costume, she sees Aiko and KC pass her, even though she had a headstart. Rycon finishes putting on her costume as she rounds the corner, seeing her two friends attack the big thug and woman, but neglecting the other four. Seeing the opportunity that no one has noticed her yet, Rycon heads to the shadows in cover, waiting for a moment to strike the four thugs without risk of hitting any of the frozen people.

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The Curator burst out from behind the employee's only door he had been hiding behind. "Stop, thieves!" he shouted, with an odd mixture of bravado and nervousness. His modern grey business suit clashed anachronistically with the ancient Greek shield and shining European longsword he wielded. The tiny wings on his sandals fluttered rapidly as he flew toward the female thief, maneuvering around the frozen people. Floating a few feet off the ground, he struck her with a smart blow to the top of the head, but his sword seemed to hit more like a blunt object than a blade.

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In the comfort of her own mind Aiko dug out a bit of music as she felt a weak scratching at the edges of her psyche. While the lyrics were a mesh of japanese and english, and largely nonsensical anyway, she felt like having it going in the background as she fought this time around. The large oaf's unskilled blow missed her by a mile as the gynoid nimbly dodged out of the way.

"I don't know how I'd take a hit from you, but do have one of mine." As she talked the blue haired young woman practically danced around the lumbering Super-Thug. After a few moments, and a handful quick feints, the gynoid launched a powerful kick that was certainly no feint.

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