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A Day at the Museum (OOC)


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Hey folks. Here's the OOC thread for "A Day at the Museum". If anyone else would like to join in, please let me know. Claremont students are the easiest to add in, but I'm open to anyone. Initial IC post coming soon.

The initial plan is to RP at least portions of the tour before Shenanigans start up. I'm open to suggestions on anything from anyone, of course, as I'm not very experienced with GM'ing PbP.

Roll call:

GM -- Pengwolf

The Curator -- Pengwolf

Aiko -- Nyrath

Ironclad II -- Raveled

Kid Cthulhu -- Lone_Star

Rycon -- Starsign

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Latest GM post is up, IC post from the curator coming a bit later today, probably, but no need to wait around for that since you're all off in another part of the museum.

And don't worry if things seem boring now, conflict is coming soon.

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Okay, time for initiative rolls.

Kid Cthulu will not be acting during the first round, due to being so engrossed in the artwork. He gets a hero point for this complication.

The grating which is sliding down at either end of the hallway is moving slowly enough that you should be able to get past it this round without any trouble. The nearest one, which is also the direction you'd go to get to the main lobby, is about 20 feet away.

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The Curator's initiative: 1d20+0=4

Which gives us an initial order of





Go ahead and get started. Lone_star, get your initiative up when you can, and feel free to make an IC post about KC's distraction any time during this round. We'll just insert him in the proper place next round. Also, you can expect a GM post once any of you leave the room you're in, to describe what you encounter.

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GM post is up and Round 2 is a go.

Jessica/Ironclad gets a hero point for her Secret Identity complication.

KC, you get to act this coming round. Your flight is fast enough to make it to the lobby in one move action.

Aiko, you don't need to hold up the gate anymore. It's clearly jammed in place. Same goes for you on movement speed - one move action to get to the lobby.

Rycon still needs at least part of next round to finish getting her costume on before she can enter the lobby, but is closer, so again, only one move action needed to get there.

Action order next round is as follows:



Kid Cthulu


The Curator

GM posts may come mid-round as needed.

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Aiko, roll a will save against Despair. DC 14 (would be 18 except you have your mental immunity). Failure makes you shaken, failure by 10 leaves you helpless.

Super thug rolled a 14 to hit you, so that's only going to matter if you fail the will save hard enough to be helpless, in which case it'd be a dc 23 toughness save.

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Peng, just how tied are you to the Ini order?

Not too much, Raveled. It mostly only matters in this first round or two, when things are getting going. After that, it'll pretty much be "all the heroes" then "all the bad guys".

The bad guys have had their turn, so now it's open for the heroes to post.

so now, the rounds will look like:

GM post / bad guys (just had this)

Kid Cthulu


The Curator



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