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Sturm und Dr... Archeville [OOC]

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Considering where this thread is going, perhaps we should change how the device will start functioning? Since Rycon isn't a stubborn teenager and will agree with the Doctor's advice, maybe there should be a test of some sort while she's here that will accidentally cause the device to work, though at 15% efficiency.

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Well wasn't our original idea to have the device start functioning at 15% and that we find out that the implant device is not the reason for her powers? (I stated it earlier in this OOC thread) I notice that we are going off the rails from the original idea, (the Doctor's latest thoughts sum it up pretty well, though for the sake of personality and character development, this isn't always a bad thing) so perhaps we should find a different way for the device to begin functioning?

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Well, if we can take an alternative where The Doctor does a study of Rycon's powers and the device activates, (perhaps due to the previous scanning session) then I'm fine either way. Oh, and I stated before, but I'd like to use this thread as a reason why Rycon got a power change. I'd like to set this thread as her last thread before the invasion. Is all this okay with you?

Also, I'd like some criticisms on the thread in the character building section I posted up as it's been ignored for quite awhile now.

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There will be three rather unusual signs that will show up. 1. During Palpation, Rycon's brain is much more sturdy and lightly heavier than a normal brain (it it is the source of her electricity). 2. During Inspection, her blood is shown to be white rather than blue while it is still in the blood stream (affected by the electricity). 3. during Auscultation, all of her organs makes a static-like sound (which is the electricity that moves through her body).

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Doc, since Rycon's power change happens after this thread, she would have an invisibility device to replace her knives. Perhaps Doc could ask her to try out a prototype invisibility device and lets her keep it after it's been deemed a success? (It only offers Invisibility 2, so it could be considered an inferior device)

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Ah yes, you would be correct. Now... if the Doctor won't give it to Ashley, how would she get it? I have a number of ideas.

1. She steals it from Dr. Archeville. (like that will ever happen, Ashley would do no such thing)

2. Someone working with Dr. Archeville gives it to her somehow. (He/she may be a spy working for another company)

3. Maybe someone tries to infiltrate the place, gets caught by the two, and Ashley decides to take the device he/she had after consult by the Doctor. (Doubt he/she would get far, considering the security there)

Any ideas you have? or maybe any that are good for you?

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Someone working there tries to steal it. Why? That's not important right now. What is important is that the person slips the cloaking device into her coat -- as a visitor and someone Archeville knows, she won't be suspected of stealing anything, and her own powers might scramble some of the security sensors -- and plans to track her down later and get it back.

She finds it on her own after her visit (before the thief comes for her), figures out what it can do, and is to excited with it and its possibilities to ask where it came from. Or she assumes Doc slipped it into her coat to help with her crimefighting. The thief shows up later, having tracked her, and he either tries to grab it and run or fights her for it.

Now, if she tells Doc about it afterwards, he would ask for it back; he doesn't know her nearly well enough to trust her with such technology. So it may work best if she just assumes it's a gift from him, and never says anything about it directly to him.

That work for you?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tentative plans: Sturm und Archeville shifts to a Doc & Displacer thread while Rycon goes off to ArcheTech's personnel office. I start another thread, taking place some time after this (and after Fisticuffs), where Rycon & Kid Cthulhu come by so Doc can check up on her. (The brain surgery takes place 'off-camera'.) During that meeting, Horrible Things happen. Does that work?

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