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Surely you Jest (OOC)


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  • 40 - Dash
    20 - Breakdown
    17 - Strong Man
    16 - Mongrel Angel
    15 - Jack of all Blades
    12 - Burn
    6 - Thad Minker
    2 - Force


(Yes, I realize that all of that is listed above, but you just know sooner or later you're going to have to check and it'll be nice to have it in one place.)

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40 - Dash

20 - Breakdown

17 - Strong Man

16 - Mongrel Angel

15 - Jack of all Blades

12 - Burn

6 - Thad Minker

2 - Force

Dash took his turn already, he's just running around inside the warehouse... as far as you know :twisted:

Breakdown's up. Burn and Force are flying about 50 ft up, 30ft apart from one another, with Strong Man being at the center point, albiet 50ft down. If we were using a square grid, Strong Man would be in the square directly in front of the opening in the wall. There's no way through without going through him, other than walking through wall or making your own hole.

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Strong Man Toughness save vs BD Soundwaves DC 27 (1d20+15=27) yeah he's fine.

He'll pick up an I-beam as a move action and chuck it as a Standard action at Breakdown.

Strong Man Ranged Attack roll vs BD, AoA 5, DC 30 (1d20+10=25) That's 1000ft of knockback there sir if that stuns you. If that does knock you back, you'll go flying into the wall where you face a DC 25 toughness save. It's not enough to put you through the wall, but it'll add a nice dent to one of the warehouses.

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Strong Man Will Save DC 29 (1d20+9=18) fail by 11. A little too early in the fight to be staggered, so take a HP as I Fiat for the guy.

Strong Man Will Save DC 29, GM Fiat reroll (1d20+9=29) Huh... and here I was expecting you to stun the guy even with the Fiat.

40 - Dash - Unharmed

20 - Breakdown - Bruise x1, HP x4

17 - Strong Man - Unharmed

16 - Mongrel Angel - Unharmed, HP x4

15 - Jack of all Blades - Unharmed, HP x1

12 - Burn - Unharmed

6 - Thad Minker - Unharmed, HP x3

2 - Force - Unharmed

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40 - Dash - Unharmed

20 - Breakdown - Bruise x1, HP x4

17 - Strong Man - Unharmed

16 - Mongrel Angel - Unharmed, HP x4

15 - Jack of all Blades - Unharmed, HP x1

12 - Burn - Unharmed

6 - Thad Minker - Unharmed, HP x3

2 - Force - Unharmed

Burn is going to toss a Fireball your way Nyrath. DC 25 Tougness, DC 20 Reflex for half damage.

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