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"Well the files are sealed but I guess it being known at all mostly invalidates the normal reasons for secret ID's" Mike replied casually. He didn't really get the big deal about their records but both of their parents and Alex seemed to be fairly concerned about them. "But that doesn't mean we'd have to go totally public." he continued after all it wasn't like the government or anyone wasn't going to trust them just because they had powers.

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"Mike," Alex began in an affectionately exasperated tone. She spread her hands out in front of her, palms up. Her fingers were fine boned and long, the slender hands pale with a redhead's blue-white skintone. Fishbelly white as Alex had said laughingly more than once. So white she glowed.

Of course, now she really did glow. Wiggling her fingertips, she set the psionic barrier over her skin sparkling with movement, "I'm still glowy. I may always be glowy. I'm not going to lie about who I am or what I can do. Therapy is all about helping people come to terms with themselves and I can't do that if they don't trust me. Sure, I could hide my abilities but I think it would be wrong and, if it was revealed to my future patients, very damaging. It would undo all that work wondering if I just fixed them."

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"Huh." Mike replied noncommittally as if he hadn't ever really considered those options, "I suppose that's true. and I guess its not much of a leap to go from I'm a psychic to I'm Psyche." He wasn't particularly attached to the idea of keeping it all secret anyway but going fully public just seemed to be glory hounding. "Well Eddie's gonna make his fortune at some point and probably be 'out' as it were so I suppose its hopeless anyway." He resolved with a grin. He wasn't sure how out and out he'd want to be though, he'd rather be judged on his own terms rather than what people saw on TV or read in the papers.

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Alex wrinkled her nose up at that. She liked Eddie quite a lot but talk of 'future Eddie' made her thoughts turn to his current (and in her opinion, unhealthy) relationship with their future off spring.

"I'm sure he'll manage it. He has an awful lot of talent. He'll keep our secrets though if we asked. I don't think a lot of us really have the need to be all secret I'd, though. Maybe Gecks and Mark."

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Mike nodded obliviously. The full repercussions and subtext behind Zoe and Eddies relationship still eluded him, likely willfully. "You're probably right, but willing to keep a secret and able to are definitely not the same thing." He replied with a grin.

"I dunno I don't think Mark has much to worry about in that department his family has been pretty public all along I doubt there's much point in hiding it now." He paused thoughtfully, "Erin might need to though, I mean it would be pretty bad if someone went after the Erin from here thinking it was her." He gestured awkwardly trying ti indicate which 'her' he was speaking of.

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"Well, there's always consequences. Not just for us, but our families. I mean, when we start a family of our own - in the distant future! - I'm sure we'll have all those concerns too. But stastically, a car accident is more likely than a super villan. There's been studies." Alex nodded smartly before she broke off to accept her pizza with a smile of appreciation. "So much better than school cafeteria!"

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Mike nodded at that blushing slightly at the mention of a family, far off as it may be. "Well I imagine those studies didn't account for the attacks being targeted because of your relations but I see your point." He replied after taking his own pizza.

"It is at that." He agreed heartily as he took a bite. He paused to wipe a stray strand of cheese from her chin. "Well I guess in the end though its like anything else you just do what you can to keep people safe."

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Alex leaned into the fingertips that could pulp solid stone, her cheek all the more fragile for the comparison. She chided him gently, "Now, don't go all maudlin and 'great responsibility' on me. There's no cause to fall back into emo mode."

Alex beamed at him to mitigate any of his disgruntlement, "'Sides, we have half of junior year and all of senior still to go."

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He laughed nervously at her joke. He tried not to fall into old habits but they were habits for a reason. Responsibility was one thing it was another entirely to not live your life too.

"Nothing to worry about there, I gave all my emo music to Mark i figure it'll have some ameliorating effect on him right?" He joked back and fired his own salvo back, "Are you the only one allowed to plan out in exacting detail years in advance now?"

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Mike caught the glint in her eyes and knew she had planned this from the beginning, though he had no idea why. He coughed lightly, and stammered, "M-my ten year plan?" then shrugged with a strained laugh, "I dunno, I don't plan out that far ahead." It wasn't entirely a lie but it wasn't really an answer to her question either.

He wasn't good with the verbal sparing and he knew it. He also knew she was fully aware of his general plan so the whole thign was probably designed to push him into saying it out loud. A favorite game of Alex's. it may take him a moment but he generally could decipher her intentions. He smiled and looked at her with a slight blush as he spoke, "Besides don't you want it to be a little bit of a surprise?" he asked honestly.

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Alex paused to take a sip of her soda. It was unlikely she was taking the time to think through her answer as the hazel eyes fixed on Mike's face were bright with an intelligence far older than the surrounding delicate features.

"Sometimes, I'm not really sure I do. I know you so very well, Mike, as well as I know myself. I wonder, I think, sometimes if you had a choice, would you still choose me?" She fluttered her hands to forstall his interruption, "I know that you love me. I do. But I suppose that's why I wanted to not nudge you into anything because it was important to feel like you, you know, wanted me."

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Mike was somewhat irked at her basic premise of course and a frown crossed his face as she began to explain but he let her finish. He cocked one eyebrow and sardonically replied, "Well I'm glad you hold my free will in such esteem." But couldn't hold a straight face beyond that and laughed a low quite laugh at his own joke.

He shrugged as he calmed and more seriously answered her unspoken question, "Of course I would." then continued as he enveloped her hands in his own, "And that would be just as true if you meddled or didn't." He explained, "I respect your opinions perhaps more than I even should at times but only because I do trust you absolutely and know you just as well as you know me." there really wasn't any plainer way for him to explain it but in his opinion those traits absolutely explained that her influence was because he felt that way not the other way around.

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Alex's troubled expression gave way to a bright smile that was not unlike the sun coming out from behind the clouds. "I know that. At least, my head does. Even with a direct line to your brain, I still have worries and doubts. I'm still human, after all. Despite vast, cosmic power."

She threaded her fingers through his and glanced down to their linked hands. Her hands looked so fragile when cradled by his big, blunt tipped fingers. She splayed her fingertips out on his palms idly, tracing the faint webbing of the creases that criss-crossed his skin with a whisper light touch that almost tickled. "I can't help but plan and I can't help but fret occasionally when I play out scenarios in my big ol' brain. As unlikely as any of them might be they're still possible. Simply improbable."

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"Yea," Mike responded with a wink, "The rest of us call that over thinking things, and even those of us with normal sized brains do it." Heck he'd spent nearly nine years doing that before he was able to snap out of it.

He smiled down at her as his hand twitched under her light touch, "Alexandra Albright I love you, and that's not changing." He stated somberly. Adding with a grin, "So you best just get used to it."

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"I love you too, Mike," Alex said softly, her hazel eyes warm as they met his accross the table. Her lips curved in a sweet smile and she ran her fingertips over his palms once more in a gentle caress before she pulled away to return to her meal. Alex's eyes twinkled as she pointed out, "Here's where you tell me not to be maudlin. Okay, rather than ten years, how about you tell me about what you wanna do for the end of the year dance?"

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Mike grinned down at his diminutive girlfriend. "Well to be fair you are better at catching yourself on that issue." He said with a wink.

"As for the dance," he replied, "How about we settle for what we want to do before then? Like for instance I would like to learn to dance well enough that I don't embarrass my girlfriend."

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" 's ok," he said with a grin, "I can take it I think."

"We could take classes or something." He suggested, he had originally planned to just get some tips from Eddie but if they were both going to try and learn he might bring Zoe and ... yea definitely a bad idea. Besides a real class might be fun.

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"Ooooh, like ballroom?" Alex lit up at the thought. Of course, the idea of learning anything new usually brightenened her day but there was definately something appealing about the idea of waltzing around in Mike's arms. She blushed a little but grinned at him, "I think that's definately more my speed than trying to keep up with Zoe and Eddie."

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"Yea I'm not thinking I even want to try to keep up with Zoe and Eddie." Mike replied adding to himself 'In any way.'

He shook off the inevitable cascade of thoughts that led to with a quick shake of his head and a small blush, "Yea something like that," He nodded, "That should give us a baseline at least to not embarrass ourselves." He added with a grin as really neither of them generally wer much concerned with others opinions, at least not on that kind of thing.

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"Plus, it'd be fun and something we could do just us. I mean, its awesome having the friends we do and Claremont is a great place but I miss hanging out at home with just the two of us. Especially with the dorm rules about curfew and after hours," Alex complained mildly. She wasn't one to break rules, especially ones she understood but that didn't mean she approved of the separation.

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"It would," Mike agreed, as much as he liked their new friends he was still slightly more uncomfortable with them around then when it was just Alex and himself. "So a basic Ball Room course? Erm for beginners, that are rhythm challenged ... yea." He said as he fully processed the prospect of actually trying to learn to dance.

He smiled wide and joked, "We can get you some steel toed shoes to dance in."

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"I think my glowy aura will keep my toes from being bruised." Alex said with a sigh as she waved her hands to generate the sparkly trail of her always on power. "It'd be nice if it wasn't quite so noticable, I have to say. Oh, well."

She was hardly the most obvious Claremont student but occasionally the curious looks grew draining.

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Mikes smile softened at her commentary. "I'm sure you'll figure it out." He said with quiet confidence. "And even if you don't its not so bad, you don't really want to keep who and what you are a secret after all and I don't mind it."

"You can be like my little night light." He added after a pause then the color drained from his face as he realized what he had said only to be replaced by a furious blush, "I-I-I mean ... Uhm not that I want to ... I mean I do but not like ..." He stammered and let out a sigh wishing he had better control of his mouth sometimes.

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