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Erin gagged a little as the thick prehensile tongue wrapped around her, the slippery warmth blinding her for a minute as the demon tried to pull her in. She tucked and rolled instinctively, twisting the tongue around and around until the demon was forced to let her tumble out onto the ground. In a heartbeat, she was up again, wet and sticky, but unharmed. Without moving from her faceoff with James, Erin grabbed hold of the tongue and pulled on it as hard as she could, aiming to jerk it from its moorings if she could. Unfortunately the demon wasn't as strong as she'd hoped, and by grabbing the tongue she yanked the whole demon forward, throwing it to the ground tongue-first.

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"Violence gives demons strength. All negative emotions will feed them so use it sparingly..."

Phantom's voice echoed in breakdown's head above the sound of the lyrics pouring out of his headphones. If negative emotions gave them strength, then maybe positive emotions would have the opposite effect. He thought to himself, not wanting to betray his plan out loud. It had worked on a demon once before, and punching certainly didn't seem to be doing anything...

"My baby, she listens to Coltrane..." The sound of the music calmed him even as he projected the emotion towards the spike-covered demon.

Breakdown continued to hover in the air as he smoothly drifted backwards closer to his teammates.

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Distracted with her other fight, Erin didn't notice James' movement until it was too late. She jerked back and away from the burning blade, but not fast enough to avoid contact with the unearthly fire that blanketed it. She yelped in pain and stumbled backwards as the intense heat melted the fibers of her uniform and raised a line of angry blisters along her chest and stomach. For a moment she seemed stunned by the pain, but she shook it off, raising her head and coming up ready to fight once more.

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Mark fell into a fugue of sex and lust, sinously writhing bodies sucking at his soul as surely as if they'd sunk their talons into his flesh. At the sound of Erin's shout, though, Edge shook himself all over, pulling his mind out of the filthy gutter where it had fallen. This is bad! What would the Centurion do? It took him only a minute to remember. "I wish you'd stop doing that!" he shouted out loud, and suddenly the air around him erupted. A great spontaneous explosion erupted from the still-standing lightpoles overhead, cascades of artificial lightning sheeting down on every demon within two hundred feet of Mark, a great white arc even rising up to kiss James, the eruption of Mark's power far greater than any he'd ever shown before.

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The massive blast of electricity was not nearly as effective as one would hope. Perhaps it was because they 'on their home ground' or something? Regardless, it couldn't be denied that they weathered it rather well. James slid to the side with ease, barely even registering the problem as did the spine covered demon. The tongue demon, already stunned from Erin's yanking, didn't fare so well and took a hit straight on and keeping the dazed creature reeling. The ones with multiple mouths looked like it was unscathed but stumbled at the last minute, being scortched. The acid spitting demon never even saw the lightning strike but then it didn’t even phase it. The two succubi, despite their agility, both were hit but one managed to shrug off the painful strike. And the four armed demon moved surprisingly quick and, while hit and it likely hurt, the burn didn’t seem to bother it too much.

The demons immediately responded by resuming their attack. The acid spitter once again missed by a mile. The 4-armed demon scooped up a large boulder and whipped it at the flying Breakdown, connecting solidly! The spiney demon launched another fullisade of spike at the hero as well, but the shots went wide. The demons with multiple mouths lunged forward and slapped a mouth covered hand into Wander. The two succubi both focused their considerable…assests at Mark once more…

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Psyche's brows drew together, her face chalky white with strain under the bright red leather of her facemask. She bit her lower lip, as she rummaged around in his thoughts, looking for the weakness she knew he had to have. Blasting away at James brain would be infinately easier but she still hoped it wouldn't come to that. It did look more and more like the inevitable conclusion of this altercation. She did have one last trick up her sleeve to try before it came to that. Even as James' blade sliced through Wander's skin, Psyche struck through James mind with her power focused into a searing lance of power. She latched mental claws into any scrap of hidden guilt she could find and raked it up to the forefront of his brain with surprising ruthlessness.

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'Too many damn demons' Phalanx thought as the infernal minions unleashed their attacks upon Young Freedom.

Breakdown seemed to at least be able to keep the demons on his flank busy but with James joining the fray Wander might be in trouble. The mighty teen sprung forward and hands that could bend steel without strain latched onto the acid spitting demon. Shouting "Chew on this!" he hefted his opponant into the air and with a mighty heave hurled it at Wanders mouthy opponant.

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The two demons collided and kept moving, slamming into the raised steps and then bouncing up to slam into the gate itself before landing with a dull thud beside it...Groaning and slowly moving, they were not out of the fight completely. But they would certainly be slow on returning to it...

James had grinned as his sword sliced into Erin, burning her skin and drawing blood. He brought the sword around to continue into another swing when his smooth movements...stuttered, slowed and stopped. The grin on his face faded and changed to uncertainty and confusion as his sword slowed and dipped towards the ground. Inside his head, two different parts warred for control while Psyche provided reinforcements for the battered half... But it wasn't decided yet. Outwardly, James seemed unsure. He was distracted and immobile really, almost certainly an easy target.

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Erin hissed as the mouth-covered demon bit into her shoulder, feeling the burn of its venom even as her super-efficient metabolism worked to clear it from her system. She turned to attack it, just in time for the demon Mike threw at it to knock it clear across the park. "Thanks," she called, rubbing her shoulder as it healed, then turned to other matters.

The tongue demon was still dazed, but looked likely to be bouncing back soon. That was the last thing Erin wanted. Learning from her past mistakes, she gathered up the end of the tongue near her and swung it like a lasso, sending the demon flying up, up and away, over the trees and out of the fight, at least for now.

When it was just the two of them on their side of the fight, Erin stepped up to James. He still had the blade in his hand, but she took a risk and put her hands on his shoulders, looking at him. "I know this isn't what you want, James. This isn't how anything was supposed to happen. You can stop all of it, right now, before anyone else gets hurt."

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Sorry, Frankie, looks like your just not doin' it today... Breakdown thought to himself as he back flipped through the air avoiding another set of spikes that came hailing in his direction. As he came out of the flip, he found himself facing a large boulder, only feet from his face. He only had seconds to react and his only though was, Damnit! Forgot about the other guy!

*Boom!* *Pwissssshhh* The boulder shatter against Breakdown, but luckily the force field generated by his music held. The boulder left a cloud of dust behind, hovering in the air. For a second there was nothing, then Breakdown flew through the cloud of dust as it cleared and lowered himself to the ground to face off against the two demons once more.

"Sorry, buddy. You got the rock, but you ain't got the roll." He taunted the demon as he flicked to yet another setting on his iPod. I need something new. Luckily, I still have a few tricks up my sleeve. The club music began roaring over his speakers. This type of music always made Eddie feel like he wanted to move. And thats just what he did. He began blurring in place as he performed a few more easy dance steps.

Alright, Phantom, let's try this whole 'good emotions' thing one more time! He projected his music towards the two demons in front of him, hoping ONE of them would get the message!

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Wander launched the demon up and over. It came down with a thump, bowling into the two staggered demons. Those two had been trying to get back to their feet, now they tumbled down once more to begin the process anew.

James for his part seemed lost and confused. He couldn't believe that he still cared. He had thought such petty emotions had been beaten out of him. He'd seen his friends tortured and killed many times over. Heck, he'd done some of it! So why was he caring so much about seeing the slowing sealing cut on Erin's side? "Erin? That really you," he said softly, disbelieving...

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Not this time, thought Mark proudly as he averted his gaze. This time is different! This time my willpower is strong enough to resist their charms! Mark came from a long line of superheroes, as well he knew, brave adventurers who'd faced their share of lovely vixens and risen above the temptations they posed. Except for his father and Luna Moth. And...okay, maybe his father had slept with some lady supervillains in his time. Come to think of it, maybe his father had gone a little far in his relationships with women on the other side of the aisle. But he'd never that compromise his virtue, just as Mark Leeds wasn't going to let his virtue be compromised now! He was a man of virtue. He was a man of action! He was...EDGE!

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The three battered and tumbled demons slowly extracted themselves from one another and resumed their feet. Meanwhile the succubi, being the smartest of the demonic lot, quickly noticed how this trend was going. Linking hands, they summoned their power to do...something, as they took flight. The two fighting breakdown paused in their so-far-ineffectual attack on the young hero. They were still quite hostile, but somewhat confused now. Whether his powers were having an effect or they just had no idea why the hero kept dancing around was anyone's guess.

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The lines of strain smoothed out in Psyche's face and she let her hand fall away from Mark's shoulder. It fell limply to her side as she raised a face that was far too serene for the surrounding situation. As she held James weakened and disoriented under her psychic thumb, she paused to cradle his spirt gently in mental hands before returning control of his body to him. It was his choice to make, and in that moment, it was very clear that she could have just as easily ripped his body away from him. In her own way, Alex was just as gentle with her awesome strength as Mike was. Hers was simply a strength of a different kind.

Psyche had been glowing since her powerboost in the graveyard but that glow seeemed to grow ever brighter on that dark and bloody field. What she projected at all of them came from the depths of her own soul, her pure belief in that the world was good, her faith, and her endless, bottomless patience. Beyond all of that, though, it was simply hope. It was a beautiful and pure emotion that rushed through, bolstering her friends before it wrapped around James and encourged that little spark of humanity. That ember that everyone human had that said 'Something better is coming, something brighter is on the horizon'. As it left her, Psyche sank to her knees boneless and vulnerable in the center of the field.

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Erin could hear what was going on around her as her teammates kept up the fight, but she kept her focus centered on James. It suddenly seemed possible that they might make it through this after all, that they'd take the right actions and things would somehow be okay again. Maybe it was irrational, but she held onto the feeling as hard as she could.

She put a hand on James' cheek, nudging his face up so he looked her right in the eyes. "It's really me," she promised him. "It's really all of us, we're all here for you. Anything else they told you was a lie. You said before that you could look into my soul if you wanted to. Go ahead, then you'll know it's real."

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It worked! I think...

Breakdown changed forms once more with another tap of his sleeve. Maybe now I can calm them down so they won't want to fight. He gave Erin and James a sideways glance. Come on, James, snap out of it!

Turning back to the demons Breakdown simply stood his ground and watched them, making sure they wouldn't try to attack the rest of the group. "Can't you see we're just trying to save our friend?" He once again projected a calming feeling towards the demons, this time, he directed it just at the Spined demon, hoping it might cause him to back down.

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The two demons that were 'fighting' continued to gnash their teeth and flex their claws/spines. Their eyes continued to bore into Breakdown, hungry to rip, pound and impale the upstart young hero. Yet they remained where they were unwilling or unable to get closer.

James shook his head slowly. "But I...you and the others...you're all..." But deep inside, he felt that hope, that chance, that belief. That maybe they really were here and he hadn't done those things to them. His eye rose and met Erin's. Despite his slightly altered appearance, the eyes were still James'. They looked at her, focusing as he stared at the core of her being, searching her soul.

The sword vanished from his grip, the flames that didn't burn Erin's hand simply disappeared as well. His shoulders slumped and his eyes squeezed shut as he embraced the truth. He shook his head a little, as he spoke. "I'm so sorry," he said in a quiet voice.

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"You can fix it," Erin told him, her hand tightening on his shoulder. "You're the key, you can close the door again. It isn't too late." Part of her wasn't sure she believed that, but Alex's hope was still there, and there had to be a chance. She couldn't see another world lost.

"This isn't your father's world, James. It's your world. It's our world, and you're more powerful than he is here. You thought you had to fight him alone, and that was stupid, but you were wrong. We're all here for you and we'll help you, whatever it takes," she promised. Erin dug deep, managed a laugh. "I'll even give you back your car when this is all done."

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"You can do it!" called Edge, speaking to Young Freedom in general more than James in particular. It looked like Erin had that situation well-in-hand."With the power of truth and justice on our side, we can save the day! If we work together, there's nothing we can't do!" He jumped up on a nearby car, the better for everyone to see and hear him, the better to get the remaining demons focused on him instead of Erin or anyone else who was busy trying to perform just that day saving.

The car began rolling forward. Mark looked briefly startled, but rolled with it as the car plowed into the demons harassing Breakdown. "C'mon, er...friends to the end!" As Mark started chanting, a billboard suddenly fell off a nearby skyscraper, clobbering the flying succubi like a sight gag from a cartoon. "Friends to the end! Friends to the end!" At his words, the head fell off the fallen statue of the Centurion, landing like Ozymandius smack on the already injured demons near Erin and James. "C'mon everybody, say it with me now! Friends to the end!"

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The car rolls forward and slams into the two demons distracted by Breakdown. The demons were both hit as the car actually rolled right over them… and rolled past with a bump. Then both demons started getting back to their feet, looking more than somewhat annoyed and only a little worse for wear.

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The two succubbi continued to flap away, one a little wobbled as it sustained more punishment from Phalanx attack, but they were heading away as fast as they could go. The two demons just run over by the car, while angry and really interested in ripping about some upstart humans, were still under Breakdown’s influence. Despite their best efforts and much gnashing of teeth, they couldn’t indulge in their desires just yet.

Under Erin’s hand, he could feel James’ body suddenly tense up as a faint reddish-black aura surrounded him. He dropped to the ground, pinned, as if a massive weight was dropped on him. He’s here, he thought painfully. The power pinning him prevented him from doing anything else.

The three demons finally untangled themselves and got to their feet. They were not nearly as battered as they were a moment ago though. They looked positively healthy and infused with demonic power as they stood in front of the gate and ready to throw down once more. Or they did until a twenty foot long red clawed foot stepped through the gate and crushed them.

The titanic demon stepped into and partially through the gate. Towering hundreds of feet up, it easily filled the gate. Red and black skin, horns, far too many bus-sized fangs/teeth and 2 sets of glowing eyes swept over the field and came to rest on the heroes below. Fear exuded from this being like water from the sky. There was no doubt that before them stood a Lord of Hell.

The power aura around James could be faintly traced up to the new gigantic arrival. With a voice that ripped at the soul, it spoke down to the little heroes.

“I have waited and planned for this event for untold eons. I will not be denied now, especially not by puny little mortals like you. As for you my child, you do not get a choice. You are my creature, now and forever. You shall do my bidding. And I say this gate will not close. In fact it is only the beginning!†Behind the huge form, the heroes could see hosts of demons gathering. It seemed that ‘limitless number’ was become a rather old phrase of late…

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"You're a liar," Psyche lifted her head up to look at the demon lord, her voice high and frightened but clear. She didn't try to stand back up.

Reaching up, she peeled the leather mask off her face and dropped it into the mud next to her knees, "Deciet is the only power that you have. That hell has. You're not here because of your power, you're here because of James's power. You can trick him into making choices but he has a choice. You can't take that away, you don't have that much strength."

Alex tucked her hands between her knees and lifted her chin, her expression weary but serene, "You might be able to kill our bodies but you can't claim our souls unless we let you. You can't have mine."

Turning her face away from the demons, she pushed herself up on unsteady legs and slipped her hand into Mike's, threading her fingers through his, "I forgive you, James."

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Phalanx gently and reassuringly squeezed Alexs hand.

"Mortals like us have been thwarting you and your ilk for eons, and we will again today." He said staring unflinchingly at the Demon Lord, "You need James but he still is mortal and can choose to help you or not, and with your petty lies layed bare I know what my friend will do. You lost before you even started." He shifted his attention to James as he spoke giving him a confident smile, Mike had no doubts that with the truth out James would do the right thing. He really had been spending too much time with Mark clearly.

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