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The New Man

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She watched his face as he spoke, rather detachedly really. It wasn't very difficult to put this together with his earlier strong feelings about keeping her family in the dark and realize they had moved into sensative subjects. Taylor leaned her hip against one of the low planters that served as occasional decoration, bracing her hands behind her for balance. It certainly didn't seem an avenue of conversation to pursue at the moment.

"Can't remember the last time I went to an Applebees. Or even the college cafeteria for that matter," Taylor mused, moving the subject away from family for the moment. "But it has been a busy month. Imps, mostly, since the last time I saw you. Vile little things. I've almost had my whole 'secret identity' thing blown a couple of times. Fortunately they're not really dangerous. Just irritating."

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"Imps, eh? I've had some experience with infernal magic...I think Scarab may have told you the story about the Knights' first adventure." His mouth quirked again as he contemplated the relative state of his soul. "Are they after anything in particular, or just causing general mayhem?" He started circling Taylor as they talked, an unconscious habit he put a stop to when he caught himself doing it. "I can recommend a few people with experience in dealing with the infernal if you're having a serious problem with the forces of Hell."

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She turned her head to follow his pacing and lifted one shoulder in another of those half-shrugs. Taylor had the bad habit that most mystics seemed to possess of giving half-answers so if she was on her game, Jack probably would have gotten some vague answer about endless possibilites. Tonight, however, she was enjoying a quiet night with a handsome man so she gave an honest response. "No idea, I'm afraid. I doubt its anything big and they don't seem to be causing any problems for anyone but me. I've ticked off my fair share of entities at this point in my career."

Taylor made a face and shifted to free one hand so that she could twist the Eye of Heshem while she spoke. "Honestly, everytime they pop up I just fire off a bolt of power and 'poof'. Imp smoke. I can handle it, I think. I just need to work on my automatic responses to threats just a little bit."

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"There are worse responses to the Devil than blowing him up," said Jack with a little laugh. "Even if it does make investigation a little more difficult in the aftermath. But that's what friends are for, in my experience." It had been hard to appreciate other women for a while after going to bed with Moira, but Taylor was a woman he could appreciate. Maybe because there was a person there he could relate to so much better, even if the more complicated similarities were ones he couldn't delve into just then. "If you do need any help with the demons, let me know. Though I freely admit the best I'll likely be able to do is rip off their heads where you're blowing off their heads." He smiled. "We seem to have a lot in common that way."

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"If I can ever catch one, I'm going to take it to Elena and have her search out what the little beasties are looking for. You'll be my first phone call once I know who's directing the little monsters. I have a feeling that who ever is behind it is probably long overdue for a solid thumping of one kind or another." She tilted her head back to laugh up at him, "I've been told that one needs to find more ways of investigating then the whole threatening people routine but go with your strengths, I always say."

Out of costume, she could laugh at herself, even if it was all too true. She had worked hard to have a look and demeanor that struck fear into the hearts of people but it was so very neccesary when out of costume, she would likely come up to an average size man's chin. If the fear factor saved her even three minutes of fighting it was well worth it.

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Jack gave her a warm look, his eyes frankly appraising. "Don't sell yourself short. I think you have a lot of strengths, Taylor. Even if one of those isn't investigation. The world needs people who can handle action," he said with a smile, "and who know what to do when the chips are down. I know I want to see you again," he offered boldly, jumping on the moment of personal connection. "Some night when I give you more than an hour and a half's warning about what to wear and where to go. Socially."

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She lifted her eyes up to meet his, lips curving in a small smile. Taylor had never thought of herself as the blushing type but her cheeks pinked just a touch as her pulse lept. Inwardly, she was pleased that her hands didn't shake. When she'd agreed to return the favor for Jack tonight, this wasn't exactly what she'd had in mind. She certainly wasn't about to complain.

"It's a date," Taylor agreed, hoping it didn't come out as breathless as she felt. Her smile kicked upwards into a grin, "As long as you promise to understand that if something comes up, it's work and not cold feet. I'll promise you the same in return. I won't go all wierd on you if things come up, we'll just reschedual."

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"Believe me," said Jack honestly, "I know all about that. But I'm sure we'll find the time, between one thing and another. It's a tough business, but we're tough people," he said, meaning most every word even when talking to the tiny Taylor. "I should take you somewhere new, but it's hard to judge that when you've traveled to other dimensions." He thought for a minute, then said, "You're a city girl, right? Ever been to the drive-in?" He grinned. "If you trust me, that is."

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"Honestly, you're pretty safe picking most things in Freedom City. Provided, of course, that they're inside the buildings. I'm pretty sure I've been on every rooftop at this point. I can honestly, however, say I've never been to a drive in. Not in this dimension or any other," Taylor said with an easy chuckle. She pushed back the stray bang that had managed to work its way out of the clip again and shook her head, "Of course I trust you, Jack."

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"It used to annoy me when people said that," said Jack with a half-smile. "But you know, after seven months, I think I like the sound of it." He grinned all the way. "But here, I took you out of your nice apartment. Can I at least walk you home? Or would you rather just teleport us to your door? Either way, I think I'm ready to travel along with you." Maybe inhumanity wasn't so incompatible with humanity after all.

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Taylor stood up and brushed her slacks off with a quick movement of her hands, making sure she hadn't accidentally taken any of the greenery with her. Once she was satisfied that everything that belonged with the plant was still with the plant, she smiled up at him, "You know, it's a nice night out. Why don't we take the long way back?"

Not only was it good exercise, Taylor was happy for the excuse to spend a little more time rather than rush home. Besides, a trip through the void sounded like a much less pleasant end to the evening.

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As they walked into the bank of elevators, Jack was profoundly grateful that Alexander Rhodes, the Scarab of the 1960s and 1970s, had opted not to put reflective materials in the elevators. There _had_ been a lot of changes in his life in the last few weeks, some of which were still harder to deal with than others. He turned to look at Taylor, smiled...and his cell phone rang. "Oh, for goodness sake...I thought these things weren't supposed to work in elevators." He forced that smile on his face and looked down at the call. His sigh was as visible as it was audible. "I'll just be a minute. Sorry," he said apologetically.

Jack pressed the phone to his ear, his voice cold and flat as he spoke. "It's me. Yeah, yeah, I'm in the middle of something here. Just get it done, all right? Make them work the day shift if you have to. This is what needs to be done." He drummed his fingers anxiously against the side of the elevator as they talked. "I don't care what they think about it. I want it all out by the end of the week." When he was done, he sighed, putting the phone away, and uttered an almost-playful obscenity. "This is why I didn't use to carry these things. They turn everyone into a heel."

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Taylor slid her eyes away from him, proviing the illusion of privacy as he had the terse conversation on the phone. She wondered briefly what he did for a living that led to quite so many calls day or night it seemed. She dismissed the thought as she'd been used to growing up with her parents getting called at all hours. As curious as she might be about his day-to-day life, it would have been rude to pry further than she was invited.

"I leave mine in the void and just check messages. Jackson knows I have it for emergencies and then the Knights. A few other contacts among the hero communities. I find its only worth the trouble as it gives me the possibility that Elena might call rather than just plugging directly into my brain," Taylor said dryly, turning back towards him as the phone clicked closed. Her gaze was still curious as she looked up at him but she only said, "You sound a little more vital to you work than that, however."

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"We've had some recent departures from the business," said Jack shortly. "It makes life a lot more difficult for those of us who are left. But we're getting by." It wasn't something Jack wanted to get into for a lot of reasons, so instead he just smiled and said, "Stay in academia, Taylor. Better hours, safer jobs, better everything. Believe me, happy as I am with my life right now, some days I seriously wish I'd stayed in school."

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It was Taylor's turn to jerk her chin away to keep from wincing. If Jack was touchy about the whole business thing, her classes weren't a much better subject. Having any sort of relationship was going to prove difficult if all they had to talk about was the super-hero gig. With that in mind, once she was certain her tone wouldn't betray her, Taylor spoke up with a forced lightness to her tone, "That's the plan, unless I get asked to leave sooner."

She shrugged, a small lift of her shoulders that didn't look carefree at all. The bang that kept slipping free from her clip slipped loose once more but this time she didn't bother to push it back. Her tone was very quiet in the elevator, "If I don't pass the summer credits I picked up, I'm looking at academic probation. Too many missed classes with not enough good excuses."

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"Aw, man, that really sucks," said Jack sympathetically. "Is there anyone you can talk to? I'm sure there must be some superheroes who have power at the university or something." His own problems forgotten, he had the natural male response of wanting to offer solutions to problems. "Not that I'd know," he admitted. "I know a couple of people there, but only socially. That really sucks, Taylor."

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Taylor smiled reluctantly, finally looking back up at him, "Probably. It's just... This is going to sound dumb, but I really want to get my degree without having to resort to that. Before all of this, she gestured up at the amulet around her throat, "I was an honor student. Top of the class. I guess it's my line in the sand. I just want this one piece of my life before Phantom."

She laughed a little self conciously, "It probably sounds totally rediculous. I'd rather flunk out of college then bend the rules."

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"Well...don't flunk out." He gave her a half-smile, sensing this was a sensitive subject. "I'm sure you'll get around it, Taylor. You're certainly a lot smarter than I am, so I'm sure you'll do great at college. Once you figure out what you're telling them, anyway." It was a relief, all things considered, when they got out of the elevator and had time to stretch in the lobby before reaching the pokier elevator heading downstairs the slow way. "The last time I dated someone," he said unexpectedly, "it didn't go very well. She had to show up at my place at 3 AM to tell me I was an SOB." He grinned. "She was right, too. But I think I've outgrown that now."

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Relieved to move off the subject of school, Taylor's mood restored itself quickly enough. While she was good with confined spaces (unless of course, those confined spaces happened to be on fire), it was nice to get out into the lobby, if quiet. At his statement, she quirked an eyebrow and gave him a mock-serious look, "Jack, if you're trying to raise my confidence level in all of this, bringing up an ex's low opinion of you is not how I would go about doing it. Even if you've improved since then, its still not the most reassuring tactic to take."

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"I think as a teammate and friend, you deserve to hear almost the worst about me," said Jack with a grin even as he felt an odd twist in his chest. "Well, almost the worst. I won't even mention the relationship before that last one." He snickered, then added more seriously, "Hey, you already know what kind of guy I am, personality-wise. It's only fair you get to hear the gritty stories of my gritty personal life." He smiled. "I promise, you and I will have a much better time. A much more interesting one, anyway. I'm not That Guy anymore."

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"It's an interesting tactic to take," Taylor flashed a teasing smile up at him, "Start with the worst stories, then everything from there should be smooth sailing. Or at least only improve your image."

Taylor stepped out of the slower elevator first and into the night air of Freedom City. One thing her extra-curricular activities had certainly given her was an appreciation of this town after dark. As summer nights went, it was certainly a beautiful one. She turned back to glance over her shoulder at Jack, with a smile that dimpled both of her cheeks, "I believe you, Jack. Besides, if you're wrong, I won't be showing up just to tell you I think you're a jerk."

No, chances were pretty good that if Taylor was that ticked off, there would probably be reprecussions. Not likely verbal ones but reprecussions none the less.

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That's not the worst story, Jack wanted to say, but good sense prevailed on him to keep his mouth shut. "That's good to hear. And I promise that I won't show up in Dimension X to demand my CD collection back after you kick me out." He looked down at her. "And what am I doing, telling you what I'll do when we break up? Taylor, I really like you," he told her warmly. "You've brave and clever, and damn good at what you do." He grinned. "And you're cute when you smile. I hope I can make you do it more." The Plaza was brightly lit at this hour for security, and for once Jack didn't pull away into the darkness in Taylor's company.

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She couldn't help but smile even as she ducked her head at the compliment. Witty banter she could handle. Dealing with compliments, however, was newer territory. It wasn't that she was a complete novice when it came to the dating scene but she'd never gone out with anyone close to Jack's league socially. It was hard to equate this congenial man with the raspy, growling Avenger.

"It isn't so very hard to make me smile," Taylor protested laughingly. Her cheeks were still a charming pink from the compliment.

"In fact, you've had me smiling all evening. I fully intend to allow you as much opportunity as you'd like to stagger me with scintillating wit," Enjoying the warmth of the moment, Taylor rested one hand on his arm as she dodged a fellow pedestrian. She was careful not to bump into any strangers, or objects for that matter. Spend enough time insubstantial and one was bound to pick up some bad habits. She really had no desire to end the evening with careening into a lampost.

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He put his hand on hers as they went, enjoying the moment of warm contact. "I could just tell of your eyes, radiant as the moon overhead, or of the way your smile speaks of so many unfettered joys." He grinned. "I consider myself exceedingly flexible, either way." The moment was an unusual one for Jack, especially in the wake of recent events, and so he decided to simply enjoy Taylor's smile and warm company for a little while.

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In verbal play, Taylor was relatively certain that he'd come out the far and away victor of any playful sparring contests. She shook her head at him bemusedly. "Thank you, but I'd end up all awkward and stammering and I'm currently doing so well! Instead, why don't you tell me about your early exploits behind the mask... Nothing overly serious! Just, tell me what the learning curve was like for you?"

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