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Falling Down

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"If a superhero kills Melinda, there'll be a vacumn of power in the city. Elders like Lugat will move in, competing for control, wasting the lives of humans and young vampires alike. That happened before after the Terminus Invasion during Melinda's rise to power, though she covered it up beneath the chaos of the invasion itself. If they catch the attention of the city's superheroic population, there'll be another purge as there was in the 1970s during Dracula's visit. I believe you were active back then, Scarab." He looked down at his hands again, as if imagining them covered in blood. "And there will be more death, and more killing. And then the cycle will start again, and nothing will have changed."

He looked up at the others again, down to shorts and a torn T-shirt, oblivious to their internal dialogue. "But if I kill Melinda, right there in front of her court where everyone can see, then there won't be any fighting, because the city will have a king. Daywalking vampires don't generally rule cities, but I have at least one powerful friend I can put up in my place. Grimalkin knows him too, actually." He popped his neck, an odd-looking sight indeed for people who'd just seen it broken. "And things will go on as they were, but with someone else in charge."

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Elena stood up, pacing furiously around the room as she spoke. "And that's all you want to do? Maintain the status quo? Has it occurred to you that while you continue to play your long-term chess game, hoping to slowly but surely convince your fellow vampires to behave, people will still be dying at their hands every night? That innocents will continue to suffer night after night while you take your sweet time?"

"You seem to have resigned yourself to the idea that there will always be a vampire syndicate in Freedom City, so it may as well be an orderly one. But we don't have to settle for that. We can hunt them. We can destroy them. We can make such an example of them that it will be centuries before any vampire dares set foot in this city again."

Elena sighed. "But I can tell you've already made up your mind. And I support you and will bow to your superior knowledge on this subject. For now."

She waved her thumb toward the infirmary exit. "There are some fresh clothes in the living quarters. Go into the Great Hall and take the door on your right."

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"We can destroy them, can we?" Now Jack's eyes were diamond-hard, his newly-healed body tense as a whipcord as he glared at Elena. He was still hurting, and still tired, but he couldn't let this pass. "Because we can't have people clinging to life century after century, can we, Heru-Ra? I'll bet that there's more blood on your hands after four thousand years than there is on the hands of some poor damn fledgling being taught how to live by a monster." He folded his hands into fists, balling them at his sides. "Some vampires are innately evil. I'll give you that. And others are old enough, and bloody enough, that they've forgotten what it's like to be human. But it's not always like that. There is a better way." He stared at both of them. "If you really thought all vampires were evil, Elena, you'd have wiped my mind and put a silver bullet in me the minute you found out what I was."

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Elena stormed up to Jack, putting her face inches from his. "You're determined to take this all as personally as you can, just because your hands aren't as clean as you wish they were. It isn't enough that we agree to disagree? Not enough that I'll support this plan of yours? You won't be satisfied until everyone thinks the same as you do? Then maybe you can finally understand what it takes for me to restrain myself from just floating around the world making sure everyone thinks the same way I do."

"And as for that snide crack about what passes for my immortality...is this really a road you want to go down with me? I'm trapped in a cycle of reincarnation I have no control over. I didn't ask for it. I can't choose to stop coming back to life. And I certainly don't sacrifice innocent lives to keep this wheel spinning."

"To answer your question, during the five-thousand years I've walked the Earth, I've probably killed more people than you'll ever meet. This whole idea that 'killing is wrong' is a very recent development. A development I am very glad for. Because when you kill a person, you don't just kill them. You kill everything and everyone they will ever be. You kill a piece of the future. And with rare exception, it isn't something you can take back if it turns out you were wrong."

"I have killed too many times to count, but I never did it lightly, or without some measure of regret. I may not remember the numbers, but I remember the faces. I see them every time I close my eyes. I am sure you can relate."

"I don't think all vampires are evil, Jack. I don't think they all chose this life for themselves, or knew what they were getting into when they did. I don't think they all enjoy hurting and killing people. I think some are probably more particular about their choice of prey than others. But between me and you, we could figure out which ones are redeemable and which ones should be put down like any other demon. And I highly doubt that the latter population consists entirely of Melinda."

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Dark Star stood quietly while the two of them started talking. And then they seemed to get rather agitated in their discussion. And a good deal more personal.

"My friends, peace. Relax. There is some disagreement in our views and background. Nothing is going to change who we are. For now, let's work on how to keep Jack going. And possibly instill some of his changes on a broader scale? I agree, not all vampires are evil. It is a choice. You are the prime example. So, how do we get the rest to see things as you do? You are the expert here Jack. But we are also here to help. Whatever and however we can. Let's look at both the short and longterm goals. And let us see what we can do to make such plan a reality. "

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"It's not a matter of seeing things my way." Jack paced the floor, his body hard and cold in the artificial light from above. In the uncompromising clarity of the overhead bulb in the infirmary, his resemblance to human faltered a little. "It's a matter of avoiding genocide, and a failed genocide at that. You think you can kill every vampire in Freedom City, Scarab? People have tried. The vampires of Freedom City survive because this isn't Las Vegas, or New York. Even the worst of them can keep their heads down. All you'd do is kill the young ones, the neonates who don't know any better. Meanwhile, the old ones, the ones who've forgotten everything but survival, or have psychic powers of their own, come out of hiding and the same cycle begins again. And again, and again, as it has since the first vampire hunters went into the catacombs underneath Buda."

He looked flatly at Elena. "I'm not asking you to ignore the crimes vampires commit. I'm asking you to remember that being a vampire shouldn't be a crime."

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Elena glared up into Jack's eyes for about half a minute, then nodded and rested her palm on his cheek. "Alright, Jack. We do it your way." She let her hand fall away and turned from him. "But I want a promise from you that things don't just return to the same old status quo. If there's going to be a new sheriff in town, there need to be some changes. I'll even do what I can to divert Rhodes Foundation resources toward supplying you with donated blood, if it will help. But if you want me on board with this, you have to promise me you'll actually do something concrete to reduce the needless, senseless slaughter they perpetrate every night."

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"I'll do everything I can to make sure no one dies on my watch," agreed Jack quietly, his angry mood broken by the conciliations from his friends. He rubbed his eyes, looking profoundly fatigued. "My injuries will have healed completely by tomorrow night. I'll contact what allies I have then...and then fight Melinda." He looked down at himself, a look on his face that was hard to read. "I'll just go put some pants on," he said quietly, excusing himself to walk past Scarab and Dark Star into the living quarters. Feeling an unaccustomed, bone-deep fatigue, he changed into red and gold. What the heck; it was the Scarab's place; might as well wear her colors.

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Dark Star stood there, still mostly silent. It was a shame everyone couldn't just get along. But at least they seemed to come to an agreement on this.

"Very well. We're here for you." He watched the man walk out. Whether he wishes it or not, we'll be there for him.

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Safely in private, Jack punched the tough wall until his knuckles nearly cracked, the blow reverberating through his arm. He'd put on a good front for Scarab and Dark Star, even when pressed by Scarab's apparent opinion of vampires, but alone now in the living quarters the grief came bubbling out. Go back to normal!?! His life, as he'd known it, was over. If he killed Melinda the next night, as he was fully planning on, if he installed Pitt as leader or took the reigns himself, the happy, easy existence with friends of his own kind was dead. He slumped against the wall, the cold stone against his forehead rapidly chilling his body. "Been dead before." he muttered to himself in Avenger's voice. "Survived that too."

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Jack didn't sleep that night, or that coming day. He never did. Instead he rested, letting his undead body recover from the terrible injuries and fantastic efforts of the night before. He wanted to go back to his apartment, wanted to clean out his personal items before Melinda's people could get there, but he couldn't risk being publicly exposed now. Not very communicative, he spent his day in one of the larger rooms of the Pyramid, poring over a hastily-drawn map of the mansion where he was likely to find Melinda that night.

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MUCH earlier that morning (around 3am)...

Dark Star hadn't spent most of the day and night in the Lair, waiting. There was always so much to do. But he did take a little time out to help his companion, even if Avenger didn't know it. A little after 3 am, Dark Star cruised over to Jack's apartment, hovering concealed. He let his sense extended down into the place first. He'd learned over time to not simply swoop in without looking.

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Inside, Dark Star could see several shadowy figures moving through the pitch darkness of Jack's apartment. Peering closely, he could make out what they were doing: they were going through Jack's closets, dressers, and desk, taking everything that wasn't nailed down and carrying it away. They'd already hit the fridge, leaving it open for Dark Star to see a few very old cans that had evidently been cover and several empty medical supply bags which had once held blood.

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Dark Star frowned. Even if this hadn't been a friend's place, he wouldn't stand by while people were stealing. He flew down to hover directly above the pile of belongings they had begun to gather in the center of room. "Excuse me gentlemen. I do not believe these things belong to you. In this fine neighborhood, residents notice a number of people where they shouldn't be. Worrisome citizens can be relied on to report such oddities rather often you know. The police were called, I just happen to be quicker. Would you like to surrender peacefully? I've got a lot to do this morning so would prefer if you simply waited for the police." He wasn't positive they were vampires, but odds were good.

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Elena gave Jack some time before coming up behind him as he studied the map. She rested a hand on his shoulder. "You may not need sleep, but I do. Even though I try to fake it sometimes. I'm going to go lay down for a bit in the rest area. Please promise me you'll come wake me up before you leave. I can respect that this is something you have to do on your own. But you should always have contingencies. The smart money says that Melinda will have an ace in the hole. You should too."

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As Dark Star appeared, the occupants of the room turned to stare at him with eyes glowing with yellow, malignant fury! One of them turned and leaped at the stellar hero, white fangs gleaming in the night...only to go falling right through him and out the other side. With the nature of their antagonist suddenly exposed, the vampires exchanged a look and suddenly erupted into smoke, each one heading in different directions into the darkness.

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Jack shot Elena a look, feeling the lingering tension between them fade in this moment of camaraderie. "I'll wake you up," he promised. "Elena," he said a moment later, "there's something I want you to know." He laid his hand on the wall nearby. "When I was alive, I was nothing. I was an addict and a dropout who'd have ODed on Max or zoom if I hadn't picked up fangs, first. This thing here, the mask, the costume, it...this is the finest thing I've ever done. I almost couldn't do it, early on. And I wouldn't have been able to do this without you."

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Elena looked down, closed her eyes, and smiled for a moment. Then she looked back up into Jack's eyes. "Everyone needs to catch a glimpse of the light if they're going to keep climbing up out of the darkness day after day. Try to remember this, if you remember nothing else I've ever said: That feeling you're describing, of being inspired? Inspired to reach further, to be better? That is what you can do for other people. That is how we make the world a better place. Not just by scaring people. But also by giving them someone to look up to, something to strive for. And by showing them that they're not as powerless as they think they are."

Elena hugged Jack, and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Goodnight." With that, she turned and walked away, to bed down in the rest area.

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He frowned, look at the vampire that tried to jump him. "You're kidding, right?" He watched the gaseous forms take off in multiple directions at speeds similar to Avenger's. He didn't move for several minutes, watching and tracking them, making sure they had left. Finally, when he was satisfied they were gone, he turned to survey the apartment. "Hmm...this shouldn't take too long..."

He closed his eyes, and reached out with his powers...

Several hours later, he flew into the impromptu 'War Room' and over towards Avenger. "Hello there. You're looking better," he said. "Could you follow me for a minute?" He turned and slowly headed down the corridor to a storeroom. Inside, everything Jack owned from clothes to furniture to plates was stacked. Dark Star had even checked the walls, floor and ceiling in case the shadowy hero had left something personal hidden.

"I managed to rescue all this. Some...associates of your adversary I believe were attempting to pack it all up. I figured there were things you might want but I had no idea which, so I just moved it all. I was careful about being tracked. A quick stop over at this system I know of with a trinary star, lots of sunlight there, and the I checked for any signals as well." He looked over at Avenger. "I didn't want you to loose anything you treasured, especially because of your decision to be a Hero."

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"Of course. She'd have wanted to remove all evidence of my existence," murmured Jack, wandering into the stacked boxes and piles of stuff that were all that was left of his old life. "She'd have burned the building down if not for my career," he murmured, "But that would have drawn too much attention to what happened to me. Just a disappearance, though, and I fall away like so many have in the past." With a look of sick worry on his face, he dug in one of the nearby boxes, coming up with a small desk-top framed picture. "These are my parents." He showed Dark Star a picture of not very good quality, an old, grainy one of a smiling man, woman, and scowling little boy. "Thank you...Derrick."

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He watched his companion look through the various stacked belongings. "You're not going to fall away my friend. You've made an impact, a difference. We might not do this for any real reward, but that doesn't mean we're not entitled to our comforts." He nodded at the picture and the man holding it. "You're welcome Jack."

He waited a few moments. "Shall I leave you to browse or plan? I'm here to help after all."

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"I'd prefer to be alone for a little while, Derrick. Thank you," said Jack, standing amongst the remains of his life. Looking down at everything for a moment, he looked back up at Dark Star. "You know, I had a lot of time to think while I was falling. About the mistakes I've made, and the regrets I have. But in all that time, I couldn't think of a single regret I have for you. I'm glad to have known you, Dark Star, and I'm glad to have been your friend."

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Dark Star nodded at the other man. "Knowing. Not have known. Am. Not have been," he said firmly but warmly. "These things are not just in the past. They will endure. You are going to come through this. This is not the end Jack. Simply a new beginning. Another step in your journey. You will prevail my friend. You will overcome."

He floated back a step. "It is an honor knowing you as well, my friend. Rest well." He bowed to the man since a hug wasn't really possible. "I shall leave you to your memories. But remember, we are always here for you. You simply need to call." Dark Star turned and flew out, leaving Avenger, leaving Jack to his thoughts.

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Jack was alone for a long time with nothing but his thoughts and memories for company, the knowledge of all he'd lost and the knowledge of all he'd gained coming together to motivate him for what lay ahead. He'd come so far in the space of a few years spent mostly in this one city, and in a few months as a superhero he'd seen things he'd never have dreamed possible. And he'd died, or expected to die, at least once now. Was it such a great thing to take all he'd done and turn it against the culture where he'd been reborn the first time? It was nearly sunset when Jack entered Elena's bedchamber, a familiar place after all the prowling he'd done around the Pyramid. Not wanting to startle a psychic awake, he stood at the foot of her bed to call to her. "Elena! Elena, wake up. I'm leaving."

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"...Hrm? Wha?" Elena groggily sat up and rubbed her eyes. "Is it that time already?" She pulled herself up out of bed, and as she stood, her scarlet tank-top once again expanded and uncoiled into the crimson and gold armor of The Scarab. This time, it stopped just short of her neck, leaving her head bare. "Don't hesitate to call for help if things don't go according to plan. We'll back you up. Right after we've had some coffee..."

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