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Gekkonidae Sapian & Libra Nematoda


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Sarah sat outside the library, a collection of books sprawled out before her, her eyes scanning the pages, soaking it in. Where as many people would find trying to intake so many different books all at once to be impossible, to her it was no more challenging than reading a single document. Her mind proccessed all the data at once and still had room to spare. She'd been at the school for a week now, and signs had been mixed. On the whole, the students and staff here were no more akin to here than a fruit tree had in common with a fruit fly. She resolved to be patient however, beliving that there was at least some promise of pleasent social behavior.

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Chris came out into the courtyard holding a textbook in one hand and a chocolate bar in the other. "So actual geckos take 3-4 months to regrow a tail? Hmmm... so how come I regrow a hand in an hour..." He then noticed the girl reading, and went to keep walking. Hold on a second...

He back-pedalled a few steps. "Wow," he said, sounding impressed. "Are you reading them all at once?"

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Sarah looked up at the young man addressing her. He appeared to be holding an encyclopedia of reptiles, Sarah recaled having memorized its contents and from that guaged he was currently reading the entry on Gecko's. He also was desplaying basic facial expressions indicating suprise. Sarah nodded in reply to his question "Yes, I am. I find it relaxing to distract myself by rereading texts." She explained. Her gaze returned to the books, all of which turned their pages at the same time, moved by nothing more than the concentrated exertion of her willpower. "I'd recomend a more up to date reading if your intrested in geckos. Several studies into their ability to clind to surface have yeilded intresting results."

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"Oh yeah, with the fine hairs or something and van der Waals forces? Yeah, I remember that. Didn't they make these carbon-tube versions which were pretty good compared to past efforts? He didn't seem too fazed by the telekinesis. It was a superpower school, after all.

"So, I'm guessing that you're here because you've got some sort of super-psychic powers, right?"

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Sarah blinked, scanning over the pages again "Yes, that is correct." She was slightly suprised that he was familiar with the van der Waals force generated by uneven charge distrubituon accrost a solid. But she didnt show it. "My abilities are mental in nature, but pretaine to enhanced nerual efficiency and capacity. Telekinetic manipulation of matter is mearly an offshoot of that."

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So his powers are comparable to those attributed to the natural abilties of the Gekkonidae genus. Sarah thought to herself. She didnt mind him reading over her shoulder. Unless he had an advanced post graduate degree, it wouldnt likely mean much to him. "Yes, I am relitivly new. I arrived here 608647 seconds ago. So your hypothis is accurate, and we have not yet met eachother. My name is Sarah." Though she was trying her best, she still came of sounding very distant and aloof.

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"Superheroics, though a useful part of the leagle process, is not a path I forsee myself following as a carriear" Sarah answered. "I feel my calling to help humanity is in a less obvious feild, applying my abilities to work in the intellectual sectors of development."

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  • 4 weeks later...

"Superheroics, though a useful part of the legal process, is not a path I forsee myself following as a career" Sarah answered. "I feel my calling to help humanity is in a less obvious field, applying my abilities to work in the intellectual sectors of development."

"Can't you do both? I mean, look at the Atom family. Doctor Atom used to do superheroics in between all his scientific research. It'd be a lot more fun too! Get bored of fiddling with test tubes, you go confront a galactic conqueror and kick his ass."

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Sarah seemed, quite honestly, at a loss of how exactly to respond. Or rather, how to entirely grasp the illogical sentiment that Chris seemed to be appealing as his counter argument. But the feeling passed almost as quickly as it came and Sarah returned her attention to her books “Dr. Atom has shown it is indeed possible to divide time between science and, shall we say, more adventurous behavior. And while I see no fault in providing a exceedingly large impulse to the posterior of an extra terrestrial dictator, as you put it, I find there are numerous other individuals capable of doing much the same task. There are no shortage of individuals with the fortitude of will to engage in combat for a greater good. I serve better from the sidelines, so to speak. I will not be missed from the front lines.â€Â

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"Missed? That's a bit harsh. I mean, it's not about how much you can do or how well you can do it," said Chirs earnestly. "You don't need to be Freedom League level to be a superhero. For every Captain Thunder or Raven, there's another minor hero who maybe only operates on their own city block. It doesn't need to be a big investment. Every little helps, it's the thought that counts, et cetera et cetera."

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Sarah sighed. It was regretable, sometimes, being unable to devote her full attention to a task, simply because of the amount of mental energy she possesed, otherwise she might have been able to simply focus in on her books. As it was, she was able to split her attention easily between the two tasks."I cannot punch through walls, nor shoot energy from my limbs or eyes. I am no faster than an person of the street, I have no arsenal of technology to bring to the table. I'd be a liability. Now consider the alternative. By not exchanging blows with mafactorious foes, I might seek to unlock the building blocks of reality, probe answers which might rid human kind of illness, or build a sustainable energy source to last indefinatly. There is no logic in your argument"

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The teen merely grinned and began counting his counterpoints on his fingers. "One, I can only punch through those weird Japanese paper walls, and that one time was an accident. I tried to stick to it and was bemused to find myself on the floor on the other side of it. Two, I can't shoot energy beams. I've got gadgets that do that, which I think you could figure out how to do easily. Three, I'm not faster either, but again, gadgets. I'm guessing you're smart enough to at least have some technical ability? As for the arsenal, revise your point. You don't have one now. you sound really smart, and I mean really smart, and you can flip pages with your mind. You could build stuff really quickly."

"As for a sustainable energy source? Well, my airship has never needed refuelling despite its many, many air miles. Unfortunately, my friend Darian and I haven't managed to isolate the mechanism behind it." Chris frowned momentarily. Off topic? "Anyway, my point is that the only difference in capability between the two of us is I stick to walls and you're a lot smarter than I could hope to ever be in a million years."

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Sarah sighed and was quiet for a time. She considered the coruse this argument would take, and that really, she didnt care enough to continue debating. "To each their own." She said flatly, trying to drop the subject. Finishing up her books, Sarah stacked them up. "Now, tell me, would you care to, I believe the term is 'hang out'? I understand this to be a typical social activity for teeagers, and would greatly enjoy the chance to engage in such behavior."

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