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When the arrow struck Malice's chest the first words that went through his mind were words one could not utter in front of children. But he needn't have worried however as the suit shrugs off the attack, after falling maybe 10 feet. An EMP? On an arrow? That's pretty impressive. Futile and misguided, but impressive. I'll have to snag a few of those arrows for study. Shame he got on my bad side, he could've gone far :twisted:

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OK. Arrowhawk is a crack shot. He can hit me with that stick thrower from a hundred feet out easily, while I'm flying. Judging from the nets on the poles and the EMP arrow he shot at me, he's got a whole slew of special arrows stashed away. I'd better give him a good dose of lead poisoning before I figure the exact extent of his marksmanship and trick arrows."

Malice drops out of the sky, flying lower to the ground and circles around Arrowhawk, maybe 40 feet away and 10ft above the ground. He pops the 2nd Amendment out of his right arm, and bracing it with his left, and opens fire on Arrowhawk as he strafes by, aiming for the center of mass.

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Just as planned! The Captain thought.

Thank god you're here, Malice, I was beginning to worry that you would not find me. The Captain said into the comm link. Now let me finish this.

Even though The Captain ached all over, and his bruises were piling up, he managed to screw up some energy for an attack. The Captain wound up a slugged Arrowhawk in the jaw, delivering a solid hit.

How d'ya like me now, Fletch?! The Captain yelled, panting.

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The hail of bullets hammered into Arrowhawk's chest. Unable to move to evade due to the impact damage from them hitting him bullet-proof vest, he was left reeling and gasping for breath. Can't... go down... Can't let them win.

Then he saw Knieval's first coming round towards his face. "Well, guess you couldn't take me on your own," smirked Arrowhawk, before the blow hit him between the eyes, smashing him unconscious to the ground, bow falling from his limp fingers.

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Ordinarily, Malice would have just have shot Spartan and be done with it, but he couldn't get a clear shot at him. Back to basics then. mused Malice. He rocketed towards where Spartan and Captain Knieval were brawling, flying real close to the ground. When he got right up next to them, he planted his foot, and shifted all his momentum upwards, delivering a solid spiraling uppercut to Spartan, attempting to knock him away from the beleaguered Captain.

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Seeing The Spartan get railed by his partner, and fly headlong into the foundations of a nearby building was a relief for The Captain. He was tired. After more than one concrete wall made a satisfying smashing sound as The Spartan's body made contact with it, a broad smile spread across Captain Knievel's face. That HAD to hurt!

Turning to face his friend, The Captain offered a, Great job, Malice. You came just in time. Don't know what I would have done without you. Turning to the now grounded Je'La, The Captain delivered a simple thumbs up, appropriately lens flared.

Listening to the police sirens approach, The Captain placed his hands on his hips. Time to make good our escape! Then looking down at Arrowhawk, he said, But I am not done with this one yet.

Picking up Arrowhawk's limp body, bow, and arrows, Knievel flung them over his shoulder. He then limped his way over to a nearby alleyway and a fortuitously placed dumpster. Captain Knievel opened the lid of the dumpster, and unceremoniously placed Arrowhawk inside with his legs dangling over the edge. Finding a sharp steel tipped arrow among Arrowhawk's tricky arsenal, Captain Knievel set to work. A few second later, he stood up, bow and arrows in hand. The words, "I stink!" had been scratched into the dumpster below Arrowhawk.

Turning back to Malice, Knievel said, You want these? gesturing to the bow and quiver in his hands. 'Cuz I don't want them.

The sirens were getting louder, and Captain Knievel thought he saw a police car turn onto the street far in the distance.

We should get going, think you can fly me out of here?

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Malice really wasn't paying much attention to the Captains antics. He was more focused on both watching the Spartan's body arc through the air at an impressive speed and listening in on the police radio, trying to figure out exactly where they were. When Captain addressed him finally, Malice distractedly said "umm, yeah. Yeah. Give a few of those arrows, I'd really like to study them. Yeah, I'll fly you out of here in just a sec, but first, what should we do with her?" he said jerking his thumb at Je'La. "Why were you helping her out? She's obviously got powers."

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Hmm, correct you are at that. The captain said, pulling a few arrows out of Arrowhawk's quiver and tossing them to Malice. But I was not so much helping her, as interfering in the situation. She was blowing stuff up, so I wanted to get in on the fun. The Captain gave a nonchalant shrug. He made it quite apparent that he did this type of thing every day.

I don't even know who she is. She doesn't even seem to speak our language. I have heard her say a few words in a strange language though. It's one I have never heard before.

The captain looked both ways up and down the street. If we are going to 'do something about her' we should make it quick. You can try talking to her if you want. But be warned, she really seems to respect shows of strength. I should think that she will be impressed with the way you sent the spartan flying. The Captain said, pointing towards the direction in which the Spartan had departed their little soiree.

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Stashing the arrows in a spare compartment, Malice walked slowly over to where Je'La was, keeping a decent distance. He sized her up for a moment before shrugging his shoulders. "Umm, hi. My name is Malice, and that is Captain Knieval. Do you understand?" When she gives to inclination that she understands (I assume), Malice is left standing there, wondering...

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Confidence, man! Captain Knievel called, That's the key!

Captain Knievel knew the type of thing that the warrior would respond to. He remembered how he had jumped off of a building and crashed through a car and seemingly earned her grudging respect for him.

Do something cool, man!

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Je'La looked around. The fight was over for the moment at least, with the two warriors unconcious. But even still, she stayed on guard. The silver covered warrior appeared to have summoned another memeber of his tribe to aid him in battle. The two cetainly seemed to at least be allied. The Ally was speaking....something. Je'la only responded with a blank stare, unable to make heads or tails of his words. There was noise in the air, the high pitched cry of beasts, like the ones of the weak hunters she'd first encountered. She defulted to follow the silver warrior, as he seemed to be the leader.

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OOC Note: This post takes precendence over both my most recent posts, and Quote's last 2 posts (which quote has agreed to). This is done just because going back and editing all of them is a pain, especially because all we want to say is "We GTFO".

Malice listened to the police over his radio. They were getting uncomfortably close. Shouting to Captain Knieval who had gotten Arrowhawk's body about halfway into a dumpster behind Malice's back "Captain! We need to go NOW! Save your fun for later." Malice rockets over to the Captain, and scoops him off the ground. Malice then turns to Je'La and speaks words she can understand perfectly "Come with us if you want to live." before he turns his jet engines to full and screams across the sky, trying to put as much distance between the police and him as possible, as quickly as possible.

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OOC note: I do in fact agree with Malice

The Captain had just barely finished dumping Arrowhawk's body unceremoniously into the dumpster when he was scooped up by Malice. Giving a yelp of pain, because Malice's hands had grabbed him right where one Arrowhawk's arrows had left a mean bruise, The Captain adjusted in Malice's grip.

Thanks again for the save, Malice. But what are we going to do about her? The Captain looked back to see a vaguely confused looking women flying in the air after them...

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Je'la blinked in confusion, hearing words in her own language in such an uneqpected setting. But she got the meaning none the less. There was a time for questions, but it was certainly not now. So when the Silver clad warrior's companion flew of into the sky with a horrible screaming noise like thunder, Je'la did not bother to ask questions, and simpy took to the skies as well, following behind the other two.

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Malice didn't stop before they were several miles away from the scene of the battle, nor did he even look back to see if Je'La was following. When he finally set down ontop of a roof, he was glad to see Je'La right behind them, and not to hear sirens in the distance. Dumping the Captain down on the roof unceremoniously, Malice said to him "That's another one you owe me."

He the walked over to an air conditioning unit and gratefully took a load off. He clasped his hands together, and waited for Je'La to join them and get comfortable. "Well, you're bound to have questions, so feel free to ask. But first, introductions. My name is Malice, and that is Captain Knievel. What is your name?"

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Hey man...That thing in the arena was totally mutual and you know it. The Captain said, hurt. But all the same. Thanks for getting me out of there.

When the stranger landed and Malice introduced him, The Captain gave a respectful nod towards the newcomer. She had seen what he could do, there was no reason for him to prostrate himself for her. He would however have to wait for Malice to do that talking. Huh, guess that is something else I owe him. I am really going to have to get my hands on some of that technology of his...

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Je'la followed the two above the alien forest of mirror and metal, silently observing the world she was in. She followed the hunter and his companion, wondering why such a powerful hunter as the silver clad warrior was incapable of slipping the bonds of the planet and taking flight. Perhaps, she thought, he was injured. Or worse, did not possess the ability.

As they landed on one of the plateu like structures, the companion addressed Je'La again, once more speaking in her toung. He gave his name as Malice, and the silver hunter as Captain knievel. Malice offered to answer Je'la's questions, after she introduced herself. Je'la Pounded her fists together in greeting "I Am Je'la, hunter of the Clan of the Western Slopes, Daughter of Ysel, Daughter of Me'jor, Daughter of Kiale in the liniage of Ha'ra since the time of the Fall." She spoke calmly, as was befiting a warrior. Proper respect was called for when warriors of different clans met for the first time "I come to your world as a prisoner, but have escaped and do not seek to make war with your tribe, only to return to my own."

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Malice relates what Je'La tells him to Captain Knievel, mostly as an excuse for him to mull things over for a few more minutes. It is worth noting that both Je'La and the Captain can both simultaneously understand Malice. Something wasn't adding up. She's got odd speech patterns, an odder language, odd taste in clothing (not that I can really judge), minimal understanding of our culture, and even less of an understanding of our society. Then you factor in her super human abilities. Either she took a solid shot to her head, and now has amnesia, or she's not exactly from this neighborhood.

"It is a pleasure to make your acquantance Je'La, but I unfortunately have to be the bearer of bad news. I have no idea where your home is. But I can tell you two things. I will help you find it, and I can tell you where you are now. You are in Freedom City, which is located on the Eastern Seaboard of the United States of America. If my suspicions are correct, you don't know any of those names."

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When Malice translated for the Captain, he gave another respectful nod. After Malice had made his response, The Captain approached him.

"Do we really want to do that, Malice?" The Captain said in hushed tones, "We don't know her. She could be one of THEM" The Captain forced himself to keep from looking at this new comer Je'La. He knew she could not understand his words, but he was not sure how well she could understand his tone of voice and body language. If he had given her the look that he had wanted to, it might have given him away. And that was the last thing he wanted right now. With him hurt they might be in a bad position. Even if Malice could take Je'La on one-on-one, The Captain's injuries might hamper that opportunity.

"What if she is one of those freaks? She might be a spy. What do we do then?"

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Malice just looked at the Captain for a moment. The Captain was good in a fight, he had charisma, and he even had a decent heart. Not a good heart and definately not a great heart. But he was passable. But his mental faculties were less than stellar. "You really are an idiot. I know what I'm doing. We help her."

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"Alright, fine, man. Whatever you say." The Captain still felt uncomfortable. "I'm just saying I don't trust her yet. That's all." The Captain turned around and began to limp away. He leaned up against the roof access door and said, "I just hope I don't have to say I told you so." The Captain crossed his arms.

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Je'La listened to the explination. So these men were hunters from the clan of Freedom City, who's lands extended along the ocean of the 'United states'. She smiled a little, seeing she had mor ein common with these people than she first thought. THe silver warrior, Kin'evil, was eyeing her with suspicion, like she was a theif or worse. He argued in his native toung with Malice, who seemed to win the discussion. Je'la had her own way of settling things "You, Kin'evil, If you wish to fight me than say so, else do not speak words behind my back, for there is no better way to spark bad blood between our clans."

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