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Dark Star hadn't moved an inch since his ferrying activities had started. His targets however were moving along at a rather brisk pace. Taking large numbers of people at a time certainly helped to speed his efforts to depopulate the deck of the ship. Over on the nearby bridge, the rescued passangers milled about. Some watched on with open eyes, some sat with relief and tension releaseing from their shoulders and some simple started looking around for official help.

Hopefully, I'm almost done with most of the people, he thought to himself. Need to make sure I get that guy's dinosaur off the cruise ship though before it sinks and the dinosaur drowns...Huh, that's got to be the first time someone has ever thought or said that one!

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Arrowhawk drew his bow and a small red-tipped arrow from his quiver as the crew stepped back from the inferno. "Get them out of here," Arrowhawk barked at the cowboy, sweat trickling down his brow. It was hot in here. Really hot.

He fired the arrow at the floor in the inferno, the red capsule exploding and sending flame-retardant foam in a rapidly-expanding mass across every surface.

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The Scarab began to shout through the flames, then came to her senses. "JOIN HANDS AND ..." Wait - why am I wasting my voice? Stop and think for a second. I don't have time to think!

She joined minds briefly with each crew member. Gather together and join hands. We'll get you out of here.

When the men gathered together, The Scarab reached out with a set of giant imaginary hands and lifted them up off the ground. She let a soft red glow surround herself and them. Might help to keep them focused if they can see what I'm doing. She pulled them through the air, to the hull breach she entered from in the first place.

I'm not going to risk lifting you through the flames to the upper decks. Hold your breath as best you can. We're going for a short swim.

After giving them a moment to collect themselves, she flew back down through the beach and into the water, mentally pulling the beleagured crewmen behind her.

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Main Deck

The main deck still held a large number of people but with the dinosaur and Dark Star working together, progress was going fairly smoothly. The rescuse work was now being watched by many upon the bridge as the sight of a dinosaur herding people upon a sinking ship was fairly uncommon even within Freedom City.

Dark Star had just dropped off his fifth or sixth (there was just so many it was hard to keep track) group of people when another explosion rocked the ship. Unlike the previous two, this one had the effect of causing people crowded by the railing to fall overboard.


Arrowhawk and Sammy were somewhere mid level of the large cruise ship. The small group of people bravely but ineffectively fighting the flames in the corridor were grateful for the appearance of the two heroes. At Sammy's questioning, one of the men, most likely a passenger himself, nodded tiredly.

"Yes! The nursery is on the other side of this fire! There's a about ten kids there. Can you do anything.."

The man's words were suddenly cut off when a third explosion deep within the bowels of the ship went off, causing the ship to rock dangerously. Two, of the five people helping fight the fire were thrown against the bulkhead and knocked senseless. Their bodies crumpled to the ground.

Engine Room

The crew members were dazed and frighten by the events that had occured. Scarab could easily read their panic in their surface thoughts as she tried to reach them. Slowly, her mental urges were enough to get the men to link hands, though the fear ws still evident in their body language and minds.

With the link completed, Scarab managed to lift the men back the way she came, passing Hellbound as she was returned to her point of entry. Again, her mental warning to have the men hold their breathes seemed to have worked. Satisfied that they were all ready to go under, Scarab prepared herself for the short juant into the water.

That's when the thrid explosion rocked the ship. The force and loudness of the blast caught everyone by surprise, causing the ten men to break their hand hold upon each other.

Lower level

Hellbound watched as Scarab lifted the men and took them back to the engine room. The area for the moment was clear. With the present group gone, Hellbound found himself free to check more of the lower level.

Moving out the door that had protected the ten crew men, Hellbound found himself in a corridor with various doors in both directions. As he pondered what to do, a third explosion rocked the ship. The sudden rocking shook the area throwing the hero into the bulkhead. The loud explosion came from the right, towards the front of the ship.

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The explosion rocked the ship, but Hellbound barely managed to keep both his wits and his footing. Though his ears were ringing he'd been in bars that were louder than this as well as mosh pits that had been rougher. Still, he kept one hand against the corridor wall to help keep his balance in case any other explosions were coming.

"Hey, when in doubt, go blow something up." He muttered a private mantra to himself. "And if it's already being blown up then that means someone's trying to do my job. Can't have that now, can we?"

With a new resolve to find out what's going on and figure out a way to help, the fighter made his way towards the front of the ship and the most recent action. He did keep his ears open for cries of help, though. He wasn't so focused on the explosion that he planned on ignoring anyone still trapped.

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As the boat lurched, Arrowhawk almost casually dropped into a crouch and slid along the floor slightly. Standing up uninjured, he was dismayed to see not all had shared his fate. "Dammit! We could have used the extra help with the kids..." Arrowhawk went to drag the injured men back away from the flames. "Do you know how many kids there were?" he barked, firing another extinguishing arrow towards the remnants of the fire.

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Dark Star didn't flinch but he certainly scowled when the newest explosion rocked the ship and sent half a dozen people tumbling over the railing. "Oh shoot...," he muttered. Given that he was currently holding a group, he couldn't try to catch those hitting the water. He quickly deposited the group he was moving on the bridge before turning back to those in the water. He flew downward towards them, extending his hands towards them and sending out a gravity pulse. He targeted the entire area around the fallen and now cold former passengers and radically reversed the gravity but only for the people, causing them to practically shoot out of the water. He moved back and quickly pulled them together with a group on the deck, restarting his evacuation efforts. Once the people were saved, he should really think about saving the T-Rex. There's an odd thought huh?

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  • 2 weeks later...


Moving down the corridor, Hellbound is on shaky feet due to the listing of the ship. That third explosion must have been on the opposite side from the engine room and water had to be coming in from that side speeding up the destruction.

At the end of the corridor, Hellbound noted water coming in from a side room. Looking inside, he notes that it was the Galley. Pots and pans floated in water pouring in from a still smoking hole where the stove used to be. The hole, was open to the bay outside and was obviously the source of the last explosion.

Laying face down in the water was a man.

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The man who was speaking spoke turned to Arrowhawk. "Ten, I think. My little girl, Susie is there. You've got to save save her!"

Sammy turns to Arrowhawk and waves teh hero on. "Go on, get those kids! I'll help this bunch reach the deck." The misplaced hero quickly bent over to help up one of the unconcious members in teh group. "Come on people. Time to saddle up and get off this bucking branco! Arrowhawk will get the kids out safely. He's good like that!"

Arrowhawk watched as the others began the ascent to safety.

The flames were just low enough that Arrowhawk thought he could clear them without too much problem. If the information that father had given was correct, the nursey would be only a few corridors down the way.

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Dark Star

Dark Star deposited the group he was working on before quickly turning his attention to the people who fell overboard. His quick thinking got them back onto the ship before any real damage could be done. With The Dino's help, Dark Star managed to reshuffle the people again to include the six and not strain his own powers.

Only four more groups were left on the deck that needed to be saved, but the ship was sinking a lot faster than earlier. At the rate the ship was going under now, he was sure he could get the people presently on deck off safely, but the heroes that went below was going to be another matter entirely.

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Scarab II

Scarab just catches sight of the men's sudden connection break but manages to keep the group together as one. She dives into the icy water moving quickly in an attmept to get the men to safety quickly.

It isn't long before she breaks the surface of the water and heads for the brindge. Once there, she deposits her load and can see that many people are milling aobut on the bridge. Most are scared surviors from the sinking ship, but a slowly growing number of bystanders are beginning to clog the bridge. Abandoned cars block both ends of the bridge which will cause rescue forces delays in reaching the people that need their help. Even now, the mass of people that refuse to move from the area had caused Scarab to lose precious time in depositing her load.

If the situation isn't rectified soon, precious seconds would be lost which could spell the death of innocents still trapped on the ship.

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The Scarab shook her head at the mass of people clogging up the bridge. This will not do. Damned rubber-neckers...

She raised her fingers to the sides of her head, and concentrated on bending the people to her will. She imagined a trail of red energy pouring out of her forehead, coiling into a giant pool. She pictured that pool coalescing into a massive hand, and that hand reaching down into the crowd, and clenching its fist.


A drop of blood trickled down her nose. She didn't notice.

I wish I could just use telepathy, but I need to focus all my power on the bridge crowd. The Scarab screamed at the top of her lungs. "DARKSTAR! THE SHIP DRIFTED TOO FAR FROM THE BRIDGE! HELP ME PULL IT BACK!"

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"Aw, crap..." Hellbound looked from the water pouring in to the man laying on the floor.

He wondered what he could do about plugging the leak, but most likely the answer was 'not much'. Gigantic holes and rushing water wasn't something you could stop by punching at it, so that left trying to save the guy laying face down in the water.

Hellbound went to him and carefully picked the man up. Not really knowing anything about C.P.R. or first aid, about all he could do was throw the guy into a fireman's carry and start heading for better areas of the ship. Maybe someone topside would be able to bring him around, or at least figure out if he were still breathing.

"Hey... HEY!" Hellbound shouted to the victim. "You okay? I'm gonna get you out of here, got that?"

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Scarab II

Scarab sends out her mental command gets mixed results. It seemed that most of the survivors and those still stuck in their cars were affected as they began to move in a very orderly way out of the immediate area. The wounded were carefully helped out of the area and the cars began to move in the opposite lanes, clearing up the congestion slightly.

It will take a few moments before enough of a change has occured to make a difference.

Dark Star

Dark Star can see the distance from the ship and bridge has changed drastically since he had begun rescuing the people. The large crowd of onlookers still in the immediate area was also adding to the difficulty of the rescue work.

Suddenly a large number of people began to clear the area and a few cars seemed to be moving again. It wasn'T all clear, but it did lessen the trouble of spacing. Still, the ship was moving away from the bridge was a problem.

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The man was dressed in what looked to be a chef's uniform. He must have been down here when the first few explosions had went off. Turning the man over, Hellbound noted that the front of his clothes were charred. Only the water that was quickening the death of the ship had saved teh man from suffering dangerous burns.

Calling to the man was enough to draw the man to conciousness. His eyes were unfocused, yet his hands still griped Hellbound's strong arms.

"G...gotta....stop him," he croaked. His voice was weak and he coughed.

The cough seemed to have brought him back to his senses as his eyes focused upon Hellbound's face. "H..headed...to cargo hold....Can't let him.....get any...mo--"

The chef's grip slipped as the life left his body.

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"Aw... frag." Hellbound cursed softly as he realized he'd been too late. Maybe if he'd moved faster or was a little smarter he could have saved the guy's life. But, dammit Jim! He was a fighter, not a doctor. Breaking bones was something he was good at, not reviving burn victims.

"You just take it easy, 'kay?" Hellbound said to the lifeless body. "I'll get 'im for you. I'll find the jerk and make sure he don't do this to anyone else."

He had a focused resolve as he stood up from the chef and turned towards the hatchway. So the guy that did this was heading for the cargo hold, huh? Fine. There were directions and maps printed around the walls of the ship, Hellbound should be able to figure out where that was even if the sounds of explosions and torn bulkheads didn't lead the way.

Though he wasn't sure exactly what he wasn't suppposed to let him get any more of, assuming that's what the chef had been trying to say, it didn't really matter. Knocking heads and putting down the bad guys is what Hellbound had been born to do. Just another day on the job, as far as he was concerned. Only this time there was a clock ticking -- nobody else got hurt today because he was moving too slowly.

"I'm comin', you rat bastard!" Hellbound shouted as he dashed off in search of his prey.

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Hellbound moved out of the galley and back into another corridor. Looking down, he could see a trail of holes(?) that moved down the aisle. Occasionally, the holes reached the side of the corridor and there about shoulder height, he could see more strange holes. Most of these holes seemed like burns but it seemed very strange, almost like footsteps.

By the pacing of the marks, Hellbound's sure that he's not too far behind whatever made them.

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Dark Star deposited the next group of rescuees onto the thankfully clearing bridge. But it was taking too long. The ship was sinking...AND moving farther down the river as well. He did a quick calculation in his head given the weight and displacement of the vessel. It didn't look good.

He frown as his fashed back to the boat, coming to rest at it's center. He heard Scarab's yell but shook his head. "THE BOAT'S STILL SINKING! WE NEED TO MOVE IT TO THE EDGE OF THE RIVER! I'M GOING TO NEGATE THE MASS AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE! YOU DO THE PUSHING!"

Dark Star set himself, letting him feel feel the the vessel. He pushed out with his energy, father than he had ever done before. "Just a boat...it doesn't matter...I can do this..." He felt his form waver, weaken as he expended more energy and effort than he'd tried before. He groaned with strain as the boat beneath him became lighter, more moveable. "SCARAB! HURRY! CAN'T HOLD THIS FOR LONG!" Of course, because it became lighter, the current of the river would have an easier time moving it as well...

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The Scarab nodded, then flew away from the bridge and down to the ship. "TO THE COAST, THEN!"

Dark Star set himself, letting him feel feel the the vessel. He pushed out with his energy, father than he had ever done before. "Just a boat...it doesn't matter...I can do this..." He felt his form waver, weaken as he expended more energy and effort than he'd tried before. He groaned with strain as the boat beneath him became lighter, more moveable. "SCARAB! HURRY! CAN'T HOLD THIS FOR LONG!" Of course, because it became lighter, the current of the river would have an easier time moving it as well...

Hovering in the air, The Scarab reached her hands out toward the ship. A soft crimson glow surrounded the battered hull. A similar aura formed around The Scarab. Floating on DarkStar's cushion of air, the ship began to crawl toward land.


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Hellbound came around the corner only to see a very disturbing sight.

At the end of the corridor was a large form moving further down the corridor. It was human in shape but that was about the only thing that could be said about the creature.

It had two arms but one was much larger than the other. The smaller appendage ended not in a hand, but in a club like mass. One of the creautre's legs seemed to pulse unsteadily as it moved at a sluggish gaint down the corridor. The other leg appeared normal but occasionally seemed to become translucent.

The creature staggered from side to side, unable to adjust quickly to the roiling of the ship. As it's massive shoulders touched the bulkhead, flames ignited melting the area touched. Where it stepped, the same effect occured on the ground.

While examining the creature's progress away from him, Hellbound caught more movement beyond the creature. It was a woman in the crew uniform. She had fallen while trying ot get out of the creature's path and was now trying desperately to crawl to saftey in an open door way a short distance away from her to the right. At her panic rate, Hellbound knew that she would never make before the creature was upon her.

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Dammit... Hellbound mouthed silently. It didn't seem as if the creature had noticed him yet and so there was a chance of taking it by surprise. Unfortunately, saving the life of the woman was far more important than snapping this thing's neck. It'd done a lot of damage in its short rampage today already, there was no way Hellbound would let someone else die just so that he could work out some frustration.

Why were things always getting in the way of him busting heads? Maybe he should have been a villain after all. They never worried about helpless bystanders.

Trying to time the creature's lurching with the motion of the ship, Hellbound started moving forward quickly. That action broke into a true run once in range and then a sliding leap as he dove between the monster and the wall, rolling towards the crew-person.

Scooping the woman as he rolled to her side, Hellbound began moving her to safety.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dark Star was throwing out more gravitic energy than he ever had, lifting this huge thing. Hell, this sucker was bigger than most a lot of spaceships! And a heck of a lot lighter given they were in space! "I'VE GOT IT! JUST HURRY!" His form flickered a little around the edges, weakening slightly at his efforts. But he wasn't stopping. Not until it was down and they were safe.

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Dark Star and Scarab

Slowly, with the two heroes combining their power, the cruise ship began to slowly move over to the shoreline. The effort was tremendous but as long as nothing else major happened, the ship would be in a save location.

The people upon the deck of the ship were bunched up against the rails in an attempt to give Dark Star as much space as he needed to work. The Dinosaur, seeing that the people were no longer running around found itself with no real targets to terrorize into position. It sat on its hunches and watched over the people, hoping that someone would run from the crowd so it could have some fun.

The people unaffected by Scarab's mental control, watched as the hero's attention kept him from moving in the air. A few of the people pointed at the slowly moving ship, amazed that Scarab had such power. Still, they kept their distance fromt he floating hero to ensure she had all the space needed.

A part of Scarab's mind, not focused upon the task at hand heard the sound of ambulances approaching. The authorities had finally arrived to help with the wounded. Out in the water, She could make out a small speed boat heading from the shore heading to the cruise ship.

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Hellbound managed to get passed the strange creature and reach the woman. Unfortunately, there were very few option sto avoid the creature. At the end of the corridor was the entrance to the main cargo hold. There was a side oor on the right just a few steps away from Hellbound's position. He could easily reach it with the woman in hand, but he had no way of knowing where the door led. If it was a normal room and the creature decided to follow them, he would be trapped in a small space with the woman. If he went to the hold, he'll be trapped with the woman in a larger space but there was bound to be obstecales that would hinder his movements. He had to choose quickly before the creature reached.

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