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Going transdimensional...


Alt Form:Transdimensional (Bypass normal dimensional contraints) (16+8+6 = 30 PP)

Supermovement 8 (Dimensional 2 [Alternate Dimensiona], Space Travel 3 [Fast Interstellar], Permeate 3 [Full speed]) [16 PP]

Supersenses 8 (Visual Penetrates [4], Auditory Penetrates [4]) [8 PP]

Flight 6 (Stacks with normal flight for Flight 11, 25000mph, Flaws: Levitation) "Gravity hitching" [5 PP]


So he can move through the walls and ceiling and also see and hear through them!


However, this state rapidly drains in his mental health so he wont stay long - but still, he may start dipping into paranoia!


In case its needed - notice roll...



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Excellent, 16 it is.


So from what you remember, though you may not be exactly right!


Shadowwalker was a hero who had a bond with a dimension of shadows he used to fight crime. His staff didn't have his travel powers, but it was reinforced with powerful metals and packed a mean Wallop


The Shifting Serpent was a cowl like hero whose costume gave him the ability to phase through matter. His costume actually did supply the power, it was based on a principal of Unknown Molecules


Sightline was a teleporter who could teleport anywhere he could see. His helmet was primarily used to increase his vision, not to help him teleport, so it's equipped with a variety of sense powers.


Happenstance was a Hero who claimed their power was Super Luck; that they always happened to be at the right place at the right time. Not too much is known about their powers or how they got them, or even how they worked, the donation of his cape was made anonymously. 


Dr. Tomorrow was a classic WW2 hero (he's canon from the older Golden Age Freedom City Books and the like), but you know his stuff here is fake; the real stuff was stolen years ago by a fired janitor who is now a supervillain named Scrounge, these are just replicas.


The Spot was a Teleporter like Sightline, but his power worked in reverse; he'd mark an area and could go back to it at any point. What his mask did, if anything, is unknown. 


Colorshift was the alias of a super scientist who claimed to have found the 'hidden powers' of the Color Spectrum. By changing his suit's color he gained a variety of super powers in addition to it's battlesuit capabilities. This suit is definitely real; Dr. Patrick Paints donated the suit in person when he retired to run Parker's Processes, an engineering and technology firm currently headquartered in Rhode Island.

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Switching to Hyperdimensional array, mainly to stop him brain frying (although it is probably a bit singed)


Alt Form Hyper Dimensional (Enhanced normal dimensions) (8+12+10=30)

Immovable 8 (Resist movement +16, Knockback -4, Extras: Unstoppable) [8 PP] 

Impervious Toughness 12 [12 PP]

Super Strength 5 (Additional +25 STR) [10 PP]


So hopefully they wont be able to stab him! (and he can maintain hyperdimensional for several minutes safely)

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One of the thugs has tossed a Visual Dazzle (Fog) down in the area! Then he's starting to flee! The other isn't fleeing but has claerly done something (that you may know what it is!). What will Captain Cosmos do to try and escape this?

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Visual obscure I guess? Lamentably, no super senses for the Captain!


So he is going to try and snare them by RIPPING A HOLE IN THE INFINITE MULTIVERSE!


AP: Snare 12 (Extras: Area [Burst], Transparent, Backlash, Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Dimensional 2, Progression [Area] 3 [x10], Flaws: Range [Touch], Shatters [1 bruise or injury will completely destroy snare]) [43/43 PP PP]) "Dimensional Sunder" (Rips a hole through dimensions, covering everyone in shattered shards of different dimensions)


Which might degrade his sanity even more, but he is feeling fiesty!

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Stealth Results 1d20+5: 12 [1d20=7]


You notice the Power Corps so they don't get a sneak attack


I'm also gonna offer another chance for a HP based on your Possibly Psychotic Complication; while the Power Corps do not by any stretch know Cosmos' identity, they know about his dimensional powers, and it just so happened that Number 2 called him 'Buddy' as in 'Chum'. If you think that using his Hyperdimensional forms has done enough in Buddy's brain to make him overly suspicious, you can figure out an appropriate reaction to what seems like them knowing his identity (though again I stress they do not, is it just a word coincidence), and I will give you an Additional HP.

You are currently at 2HP, one from the thread, and one from talking down Blacklight.


We will Roll Initiative.


Initiative Results 4#1d20+5: 4 # 25 [1d20=20] 11 [1d20=6] 21 [1d20=16] 21 [1d20=16]

They rolled quite well.


Obviously this is just a small piece in a larger story so don't worry too much...as long as you're okay with it anyway.

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I'll give you the HP just for being such a good sport, to be honest!


Number 2 got the highest Initiative, so she's attacking, but the others are holding back and seeing if they can convince Captain Cosmos to just give up.


Attack Roll Results 1d20+9: 28 [1d20=19] that's a hit, so DC 28 Toughness on Captain Cosmos, but then the others are holding action.


25: Number 2

21: Number 6

21: Number 8

21: Captain Cosmos, 3HP

11: Number 4

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