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Lynn will take the distraction provided by Alden to try to sneak away so she can change before acting. (giving her a +2 on the roll). She gets as 24 on the Stealth check!


Noice checks for the bad guys: Big guy: 15

Top Hat 18

Avant Guard: 14

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, time to start the fight :) 




34 Slipstream 2 HP (unharmed)

23 OD (unharmed)

21 Harlequin 3 HP (unharmed)

17 Avant Guard (10)

8 Arctus 1 HP (unharmed)

4 Renoir (unharmed)


Slipstream will attack an Avant Guard (taking 10), DC 23 toughness save: 17, so that one is out.


Using Takedown Attack, she moves over to the one near that one and again takes 10: 18, also a fail.


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I have a very silly idea, and want to run it past you two first since I also requires willing targets.


I would like to power stunt the Magic Array to the following power:


Teleport 10 (Feats: Change Direction, Change Velocity, Easy, Progression 1 [Mass]; Extras: Castling [+0]) [24PP]


And then double move, swapping places with Lynn, then Jack. This would leave both him and Lynn free and Jack in smacking distance of OD.


Again, if both of you are okay with that. Otherwise, he'll just attack OD with Shadowstuff Blades, which I'll roll now. 1d20+8 = 21 which if it hits is a DC23 Will Save and is concentration duration. He'd be standing back using Extended Reach to stay out of immediate range.

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Okay, will say that the surprise of swap out trick causes OD to release his grapple on his shifting targets, so Jack will be free when it is action.


Two Avant Guard move up to where Lynn is now with their batons: 17 and 20, one hit, for a DC 15 Fort save: Lynn passes with a 20.


Two attack Jack: 23 and 15, again one hit for a DC 15 Fort save, @Jack DC 15 fort save


Finally, another two move to attack Alden: both miss.


@Jack you are up!



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Okay, that certainly hits. However, with only a +4 damage bonus from STR, that does not get past his Impervious.


He gets a 39 on his grapple check, so he breaks free from the attempt.


The man in the top hat moves up to try to shock Harlequin, and misses as well.




34 Slipstream 2 HP (unharmed)

23 OD (unharmed)

21 Harlequin 2 HP (unharmed)

17 Avant Guard (8)

8 Arctus 1 HP (unharmed)

4 Renoir (unharmed)


Slipstream will move in towards OD, changing her array to her Power Thief and try to grab him to drain/mimic: 15 which is a miss, will use a HP: 19 (with the +10), so that hits, DC 18 Will save: 14 so 4 PP drained from all powers. Slipstream Mimics Enhanced Str 20, Impervious 8, Sensory Shield 4.


Will get an IC up in the morning.

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Harlequin's gonna switch the magic Array to 

AP: Deflect 12 (Shield of Silver; All Attacks 3PP/Rank; Extras: Range [Ranged]; Feats: Triggered 2; Drawbacks: Power Loss 2 [When unable to speak and gesture; Frequency: Common]; Flaws: Limited [Only Deflect Attacks Against Others]) {36/36PP} (Light, Silver)


And take a full round action to Deflect Attacks without the stacking penalty. Based on wording I think he should be able to Deflect for both Slipstream and Arctus, but if he can't then he'll only Deflect for Slipstream this turn. 


Also a question to speed things up in the future, how much of the room would his 25ft. Radius illusions cover?

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Okay, the minions will move to attack.


A pair will go after both Slipstream and Arctus:

Slipstream: 18 and 25 so one miss and one hit; @Kaede Kimura go ahead with the deflect check.

Arctus: 19 and 17, which I believe are both hits @Kaede Kimura go ahead with the deflect checks (assuming you don't miss the first above). (@Jack depending on the rolls you might need to make 1 or 2 DC 20 Fort Saves)


Then two will go after Harlequin: 12 and 11 (their aim is not getting any better).


One of the others will then toss a flashbang! @Kaede Kimura @Jack DC 15 Reflex for the area effect (to reduce the Relex check to avoid the Dazzle). The second reflex save is either again DC 15 (if you fail the first save), or DC 12 if you make it.


6 Avant Guard, OD and Renoir are all caught in the dazzle:


Avant Guard: First Reflex save: only 2 make it.

Second Reflex save (they have +4 due to the sensory shield sunglasses) (last 2 have DC 12 on the check): they are all fine

OD: First Reflex save: 16, so reduces second to 12 (he no longer has his sensory shield power as Lynn drained it): 23 so he is fine.

Renoir: First check: 18 so DC 12 on second (again with +4): 24, also fine.


Slipstream: First Save: 16, so she avoids completely with Evasion.

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