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Character Edits 2022

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When you submit an edit request, please do not just submit a new code-blocked sheet for us to copy & paste. You must tell us specifically what you're adding/editing. For only the odd one or two minor edits a sheet isn't required, otherwise you should include one to make our job easier. So not to clutter things up too much if you do include the sheet please stick it within spoiler tags.


When submitting edits for multiple characters, please make one post per character - it helps with the bookkeeping and make sure that an issue with one character edit doesn't affect anothers, also please try to limit the number of characters you post.


Whilst we endeavor to do these as quickly as possible we're only human, so don't be afraid to contact us if we've not gotten to your edit's in a while.

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Please update Ghost's picture to this:


And the costume description to this:


The friendly neighborhood Ghost wears a light grey and white costume with thick black accents. The costume is mainly light grey, with white boots and gloves, separated from the rest of the costume with thick black lines. The middle of his chest and lower body is white, separated from the light grey with the same thick black lines, which also show the difference between pants and shirt. Thick black lines stretch from just under his chest, under his arms and connecting on his back. He wears a white mask that covers his entire face, leaving just his eyes visible. Casper wears a pair of x-ray goggles with light blue glass that seems to glow over his eyes. While they seem to be built into the costume, each lens can be moved and placed separately. His logo is a stylized light blue ghost that almost seems to be glow, placed directly in the middle of his chest. Offensive use of Ghost's powers tend to create a chaotic light blue energy effect .


Thank you.

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Alrighty, updating Paper to PL11 built PL9. I think I got all the math and ranks right. The I think the only section of crunch unchanged is skills, so here’s what I have for updating.


ABILITIES 2 + 10 + 8 + 6 + 4 + 6 = 36PP
Strength: 12 (+1)
Dexterity: 20 (+5)
Constitution: 18 (+4)
Intelligence: 16 (+3)
Wisdom: 14 (+2)
Charisma: 16 (+3)

COMBAT 12 + 12 = 24PP
Initiative: +9 (+5, +4 Improved Initiative)
Attack: +6, +10 with Paper
Defense: +9 (+6 Base, +3 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-FootedUncanny Dodge

Grapple: +7 (+6 Melee Attack, +1 Strength), +20 Paper Control, +26 vs Paper
Knockback Resistance: 4/2

SAVING THROWS 4 + 4 + 7 = 15PP
Toughness: +9 (+4 Con, +5 Force Field)
Fortitude: +8 (+4 Con, +4PP)
Reflex: +9 (+5 Dex, +4PP)Evasion 2
Will: +9 (+2 Wis, +7PP)


SKILLS 108R = 27PP
Acrobatics 6 (+10)Skill Mastery

Bluff 7 (+10)Taunt

Climb 9 (+10)

Computers 7 (+10)

Concentration 8 (+10)

Disable Device 7 (+10)

Escape Artist 9 (+13)Ultimate Skill

Gather Information 7 (+10)

Knowledge (Pop Culture) 7 (+10)

Knowledge (Streetwise) 7 (+10)

Knowledge (Technology) 7 (+10)

Notice 8 (+10)Skill Mastery

Search 7 (+10)

Sleight of Hand 6 (+10)Skill Mastery

Stealth 6 (+10)Skill Mastery



Dodge Focus 3

Evasion 2

Improved Initiative

Luck 3

Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Notice, Sleight of Hand, Stealth)


Ultimate Skill (Escape Artist)

Uncanny Dodge 2 (Sense Types: Auditory, Visual)



POWERS 57PP (2+2+11+37+5=57)


Comprehend 1 (Languages 1 [Read/Write Any]) [2PP] (Descriptors: Mutation, Paper Control)


Comprehend 2 (Objects 2 [Speak To; Understand]; Flaws: Limited [Books, Paper, Paper-like objects]) [2PP]


Protection 5 (Paper Shield 5; Extras: Impervious 6) [11PP]


Paper Control 15 (32PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 5 [37PP] 

Base: Move Object 14 (Move Paper; Lifting Strength: 65, Heavy Load: 100 tons; Extras: Range [Perception]; Flaws: Limited [Paper]; Feats: Accurate 2 [+4 Attack], Precise, Subtle; Drawback: Medium [Paper]) [32PP]

AE: Damage 9 (Paper Strike; Range: 10 90ft Increments, 900ft Max; Extras: Penetrating [5 ranks, Effective Damage 14], Ranged; Feats: Accurate 2 [+4 Attack], Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Indirect 3, Precise, Subtle, Variable Descriptor [Bludgeoning, Piercing, and/or Slashing Damage]; Drawback: Medium [Paper]) [32PP]

AE: Damage 9 (Paper Barrage; Range: 9 10ft Increments, 90ft Max; Extras: Area [General, Cone], Penetrating [5 ranks, Effective Damage 14]; Feats: Accurate 2 [+4 Attack], Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Indirect 3, Selective, Subtle, Variable Descriptor [Bludgeoning, Piercing, and/or Slashing Damage]; Drawback: Medium [Paper]) [32PP]

AE: Damage 9 (Paper Weapons; Extras: Penetrating [5 ranks, Effective Damage 14]; Feats: Accurate 2 [+4 Attack], Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Indirect 3, Precise, Subtle, Variable Descriptor [Bludgeoning, Piercing, and/or Slashing Damage]; Drawback: Medium [Paper]) [24PP]

AE: Create Object 8 (Paper Shape; Range: 800ft; Max Volume: 8 cubes; Toughness: 8; Lifting Strength: 40, Heavy Load: 3 tons; Extras: Duration [Continuous]; Feats: Precise, Progression 2 [25ft cubes], Selective, Stationary, Subtle; Drawback: Medium [Paper]) [29PP]

AE: Snare 9 (Paper Cocoon; Range: 10 90ft Increments, 900ft Max; Feats: Accurate 2 [+4 Attack], Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Indirect 3, Obscures Senses 2 [Sense Types: Auditory, Visual], Reversible, Subtle, Tether; Drawback: Medium [Paper])


Super-Senses 5 (Paper Awareness; Descriptor Frequency: Common; Sense Type: Mental, Default Extras: None; Extras: Acute, Radius, Ranged) [5PP] 



ATTACK                 RANGE       SAVE                     EFFECT

Unarmed                Touch       DC15 Toughness (Staged)  Damage (Physical)

Paper Strike      Ranged      DC25 Toughness (Staged)  Damage (Physical)

Paper Barrage      Area      DC19  Reflex (Staged)  Damage (Physical)
Paper Weapons      Touch      DC25 Toughness (Staged)  Damage (Physical)

Paper Cocoon           Ranged      DC19  Reflex (Staged)     Entangled/Bound




Abilities (36) + Combat (24) + Saving Throws (15) + Skills (27) + Feats (14) + Powers (57) - Drawbacks (0) = 173/180 Power Points

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Going to do a "refreshed" sheet down the road, but wanted to do a quick edit for Thoughtspeed right now. 


Specifically, I want to spend 2 PP to raise his Speed to 14, and another 2 to raise his Quickness to 14 as well. That'll leave 3PP unspent for now. 


So that power block would now be:

Kinetic Speed 6.2 (31PP Container [Passive, Permanent]) [31PP] (Mutant, Kinetic Energy)

  Quickness 14 (x50,000) [14PP]
  Speed 14 (250,000 MPH/2,500,000ft per Move Action) [14PP]
  Super-Movement 3 (Water-Walking, Wall-Crawling 2, Flaw: Only While Moving) [3PP]
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  • 2 weeks later...

Done by Mike


Artificer has 11pp to spend.  Let’s see what I can do to represent Senior year developments.


Trade-Offs: change to “-2 Attack/+2 Effect with Blast, +2 Attack/-2 Effect with Move Object; -1 Defense/+1 Toughness”


11pp to spend




Computers +4r, Disable Device +4r, Knowledge (Arcane Lore) +4r




+4pp to add a new Device

Device 1 (“Winged Sandals,” 5 points; Flaw: Hard to Lose) [4PP]

Movement Array 2 (4 points; PF: 1 Alternate Power)  {5}

BE: Flight 2 (25 mph)  {4/4}

AP: Enhanced Swimming 4 (increases Heroditus’ Swimming to Swimming 6 [100 mph]) {4/4}


+4pp Magic

Magic 13 (26pp)

Damage 9 (“burst of magical power”; Extra: Area [General, Burst, 45-ft. radius]; PFs: Affects Insubstantial 2, Progression [Area] 2 [225-ft. radius], Variable Descriptor 2 [any elemental/magical]) {24/26}


Revamp Device (Mechano-Mystical Components)

Device 1 (“Mechano-Mystical Components,” 5 points; Flaw: Hard to Lose) [4PP]

Enhanced Feats 5 (Alternate Power x5 for Heroditus’ Magic [26 points]) {5}

AP: Blast 11 (“bolt of arcane energy”; PFs: Affects Insubstantial 2, Variable Descriptor 2 [any elemental/magical])  {26/26}

AP: Create Object 9 (”Transmute Air to [Stuff & Things]”; up to 9 5-ft. cubes, Lifting STR 45, heavy load 102.4 tons; Extra: Duration [Continuous]; Flaw: Range [Touch]; PFs: Innate, Precise, Progression [10-ft. cubes], Subtle, Variable Descriptor 2 [any matter])  {24/26}

AP: Environmental Control 3 (Light 2, 25-ft. Radius) {6} and Illusion 9 (“holograms;” visual; PF: Progression 2 [25-ft. radius]) {20}  {6+20=26/26}

AP: Move Object 7 (“mage hand”; Str 35, heavy load 6.4 tons; Extra: Damaging; PFs: Accurate 2 [+11 Attack], Precise, Variable Descriptor [arcane force or shaped matter])  {25/26}

AP: Transform 4 (“Alchemy/Transmutation,” Any Inanimate Object Into Any Other Inanimate Object; Extras: Duration [Continuous, Lasting]; Flaw: Range [Touch]; PFs: Progression [Mass] 4 [250 lbs.])  {24/26} 


And here's what he'll look like with the edits:




Power Level: 9 (149/151PP)

Unspent Power Points: 2

Trade-Offs: -2 Attack/+2 Effect w/ Blast, +2 Attack/-2 Effect w/ Move Object; -1 Defense/+1 Toughness




ABILITIES: [4 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 6 + 2 = 26PP]

Strength: 14 (+2); effective Lifting STR 24

Dexterity: 12 (+1)

Constitution: 14 (+2)

Intelligence: 18 (+4)

Wisdom: 16 (+3)

Charisma: 12 (+1)


COMBAT: [8 + 8 = 16PP]

Initiative: +1

Attack: +4 Melee, +7 Ranged, +11 w/ Move Object

Grapple: +8, +18 w/ Move Object

Defense: +8 (+4 Base, +4 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed

Knockback: -5, -2 w/out Force Field


DC Block:       







DC 17 Toughness (Staged)

Damage (Physical) 

Bolts of Magic

Ranged (1,100 ft. max)

DC 26 Toughness (Staged) 

Damage (Any Magic)

Burst of Magic

45-225 ft.

DC 19 Reflex

Area (Burst) Effect


DC 24 or 19 Toughness (Staged)

Damage (Any Magic)



DC 19 Will 


Mage Hand

Ranged (700 ft. max) 

Grapple vs. +18 (Staged) 



DC 22 Toughness (Staged) 

Damage (Physical) 

Created Object (Dropped)


DC 19 Reflex 




DC 24 Damage (Staged) 

Damage (Physical)

Created Object (Trap)


DC 19 Reflex 

Trapped inside object


SAVING THROWS: [2 + 2 + 3 = 7PP]

Toughness: +10 (+2 Con, +6 Force Field, +2 Protection), +4 w/out Force Field

Fortitude: +6/+4 (+2 Con, +4/+2)

Reflex: +5/+3 (+1 Dex, +4/+2)

Will: +8/+6 (+3 Wis, +5/+3)


SKILLS: [76R = 19PP]

Computers 4 (+8)

Concentration 5 (+8)

Craft (Artistic) 7 (+11)

Craft (Chemical) 2 (+6)

Craft (Mechanical) 7 (+11)

Craft (Structural) 7 (+11)

Disable Device 11 (+15)

Investigate 2 (+6)

Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 11 (+15)

Knowledge (Technology) 7 (+11)

Language 2 (Atlantean [native], English, Greek)

Medicine 2 (+5)

Notice 2 (+5)

Search 7 (+11)




Attack Focus (Ranged) 3

Dodge Focus 4

Eidetic Memory

Environmental Adaptation (Aquatic)

Luck 1



POWERS: [3 + 8 + 5 + 4 + 4 + 6 + 3 + 26 + 2 + 4 + 4 = 69PP]


Atlantean Legs 1 (2 points; PF: Alternate Power) [3PP]

BE: Swimming 2 (5 MPH)  {2/2}

AP: Leaping 1 (x2 [running long jump 24 ft., standing long jump 12 ft., high/vertical jump 6 ft.]) {1} and Speed 1 (10mph) {1}  {1+1=2/2}


Device 2 (“Warding Bracers,” 10 points; Flaw: Hard to Lose) [8PP]

Enhanced Fortitude Save 2 [2]

Enhanced Reflex Save 2 [2]

Enhanced Will Save 2 [2]

Immunity 2 (environmental heat, environmental radiation) [2]

Protection 2 [2]


Device 1 (“Arcane Goggles”; 5 points; Flaw: Hard to Lose; PF: Restricted [must be able to read & understand Atlantean]) [5PP]

Super-Senses 5 (adds Analytical to all Visual senses, Sonar [Ultrasonic Hearing; Default: Acute, Radius, Ranged; Enhancement: Accurate]) {5/5}


Device 1 (“Mechano-Mystical Components,” 5 points; Flaw: Hard to Lose) [4PP]

Enhanced Feats 5 (Alternate Power x5 for Heroditus’ Magic [26 points]) {5}

AP: Blast 11 (“bolt of arcane energy”; PFs: Affects Insubstantial 2, Variable Descriptor 2 [any magical])  {26/26}

AP: Create Object 9 (”Transmute Air to [Stuff & Things]”; up to 9 5-ft. cubes, Lifting STR 45, heavy load 102.4 tons; Extra: Duration [Continuous]; Flaw: Range [Touch]; PFs: Innate, Precise, Progression [10-ft. cubes], Subtle, Variable Descriptor 2 [any matter])  {24/26}

AP: Environmental Control 3 (Light 2, 25-ft. Radius) {6} and Illusion 9 (“holograms;” visual; PF: Progression 2 [25-ft. radius]) {20}  {6+20=26/26}

AP: Move Object 7 (“mage hand”; Str 35, heavy load 6.4 tons; Extra: Damaging; PFs: Accurate 2 [+11 Attack], Precise, Variable Descriptor [arcane force or shaped matter])  {25/26}

AP: Transform 4 (“Alchemy/Transmutation,” Any Inanimate Object Into Any Other Inanimate Object; Extras: Duration [Continuous, Lasting]; Flaw: Range [Touch]; PFs: Progression [Mass] 4 [250 lbs.])  {24/26} 


Device 1 (“Winged Sandals,” 5 points; Flaw: Hard to Lose) [4PP]

Movement Array 2 (4 points; PF: 1 Alternate Power)  {5}

BE: Flight 2 (25 mph)  {4/4}

AP: Enhanced Swimming 4 (increases Heroditus’ Swimming to Swimming 6 [100 mph]) {4/4}


Force Field 6 (“arcane shields”) [6PP]


Immunity 3 (cold, drowning, pressure) [3pp]


Magic 13 (26pp)

Damage 9 (“burst of magical power”; Extra: Area [General, Burst, 45-ft. radius]; PFs: Affects Insubstantial 2, Progression [Area] 2 [225-ft. radius], Variable Descriptor 2 [any elemental]) {24/26}


Quickness 4 (“multitasker,” x25; Flaw: Limited [Mental Tasks Only]) [2PP]


Super Senses 4 (Low-Light Vision, Magic Awareness [Descriptor Frequency: Very Common, Sense Type: Visual {Default: Accurate, Acute, Ranged}]) [4PP] 


Super-Strength 2 (effective STR 24; lt. load 233 lbs., med. load 466 lbs., hvy. load 700 lbs.) [4PP]






Abilities (26) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (7) + Skills (19) + Feats (13) + Powers (69) - Drawbacks (0) = 149/151 Power Points  [2 unspent]






EDITED to include February post awards (+2pp).  Leaving those untouched, though.


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Please update Rocket's appearance description and image to the description below and the two images between the lines:



Jay stands at 5'9'' and weighs 160 lbs, with a slim runner's physique. He has long since given up on trying to tame his blonde hair, which will invariably be a mess after he has moved at super speed, usually appearing slicked back from the wind. Jay prefers shorts and t-shirts, clothes tight enough that they won't restrict him when he's running. He almost always wears running shoes.


At Atom Academy, he wears the stand blue, black and white uniform, with blue pants and white boots and gloves with black trim, a white belt with an Atom logo, and blue shirt with black left arm and side, with the tri-colored Atom logo in a white circle on the left side of his chest, divided equally between the blue and black parts of the uniform. On Jay's uniform, the logo have been altered slightly, adding a black rocket between the red, yellow and blue rings of the Atom logo. He wears a pair of pale blue googles that feed him information and acts as a communicator.


When acting outside of Atom Academy, Jay tends to wear an orange and yellow suit designed by his uncle Johnny. The orange suit leaves his arms, neck and face bare, but covers the rest, with a yellow line running from his shoulders and down his chest and upper body, before connecting at his waist. He sports a yellow rocket logo on his chest, while he wears specially designed orange running boots with yellow soles and details. He still wears the same pale blue googles.





And please add this to his powers, spending 16 PP.


Gadgets 2 (10PP Variable Power, Any Power, Multiple Powers At Once; Extras: Action [Move] Duration [Continuous]; Flaws: Hard-To-Lose) [16PP] (Descriptors: Instant Gadgets, Technology, No Genetic Mutation descriptor)

Sample Allocations: 


Gas Mask w. Air Supply: Immunity 2 (Gas Descriptor) [2PP] + Immunity 2 (Suffocation Effects; Flaws: Limited [1 hour air supply]) [1PP] {3/10PP}
Full Spectrum Goggles: Super Senses 5 (Infravision, Ultravision, Analytical Full Vision, Microscopic Vision 1 [dust-sized]) {5/10PP}
First Aid Kit: Enhanced Trait 1 (Medicine +4) {1/10PP}
Gadgeteer's Tools: Enhanced Trait 2 (Craft [Electronics] +4, Craft [Mechanical] +4) {2/10PP}

Universal Translator: Comprehend 5 (Codes, Languages 4 [Read/Write/Speak/Understand Any/All Simultaneously]) {10/10PP}

Phase Stabilizators: Adds Enhanced Feat 2 (Affects Insubstantial 2) to Rocket Speed Array {2/10PP}


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  • 1 month later...



The Immutable Betsy Brooks


Quick a dirty edit for just 2PP here, I'd like to add 4SP to her sheet.


Bluff +5, from 5 to 10 and

Languages +3 adding Mandarin, Japanese and Korean


So now her skill should look like


Skills: 112R = 28PP
Bluff 6 (+10)
Diplomacy 1 (+5)
Gather Info 11 (+15)
Intimidate 11 (+15) Skill Mastery
Investigate 9 (+10) Skill Mastery

Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 9 (+10)

Knowledge (Current Events) 9 (+10)

Knowledge (Popular Culture) 9 (+10)

Knowledge (Streetwise) 9 (+10)
Languages 6 (French, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Romanian, Spanish) (Base: English)
Notice 12 (+15) Skill Mastery
Sense Motive 12 (+15) Skill Mastery
Stealth 8 (+10)

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...






Swap in this character pic for the robot one - 


Container 2 (PNG, little robot buddy, PF: Subtle [is very small spider]) [11PP] 

Features 2 (Audio-Visual Recording, Internet Connection) [2PP]

Communication 2 (100 ft, radio, Extra: Two-Way) [4PP] 

ESP 2 (100 ft, visual, Extras: No Conduit, Simultaneous) [4PP] 



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Features 2 (Audiovisual Recording, Internet Connection, cybernetic) [3PP] 

Super-Senses 2 (Infravision, Radio, cybernetic) [2PP]


Eight PP into Yokai Array so it now looks like: 

Yokai Array 16 (32PP, PFs: Alternate Powers 3) [35PP] 

BE: Illusion 8 (all senses) (Flaw: Phantasm, PFs: Progression 8 [1000 ft radius]) {32/32}

AP: ESP 4 (cats; Auditory + Olfactory + Visual Senses, 1 mile, DC 24 Notice; Extras: No Conduit; Simultaneous, Feats: Fast Task 4 [Full Action to search 1-mile-diameter area]) {32/32}

AP: Damage 8 (illusory weapon, Extra: Alternate Save [Will],  Range 2 [Perception]) {32/32} 

AP: Obscure 6 (summoned storm of illusions; all senses; 250 ft, Extras: Duration [Continuous], Selective, Flaw: Phantasm) {32/32}


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  • 2 weeks later...

Outdated; Spacefurry's submitting a new request in the 2023 thread. - Fox


Alright, update for Paper for his senior year.

Some minor changes here and there for grammar.

Added to History section.

Edits to stats and powers to reflect increase to PL12, built 10.

I think I got everything, but please feel free to doublecheck.



Power Level: 12, but built as 10 (184/190PP)

Unspent Power Points: 6PP

Trade-Offs: None



In Brief: Reformed juvenile criminal with the power to control and shape paper, still has a slight authority problem

Catchphrase: None

Theme: ‘The Anthem’ by Good Charlotte 



Alternate Identity: Leon Moore (Secret)

Birthplace: Seattle, WA

Residence: Claremont Academy 

Base of Operations: Claremont Academy 

Occupation: Student

Affiliations: Claremont Academy 

Family: Foster brother and sister




Age: 18 (DoB: March 19, 2004)

Apparent Age: 18

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Height: 5' 11"

Weight: 180 lbs.

Eyes: Gray

Hair: Black




Black hair, cut short and brushed back except for a few bangs that won't cooperate. Leon keeps himself in shape, and trains to keep his agility.


He likes to dress casually in his free time, anime/cartoon themed t-shirts and jeans usually.


His ‘costume’ used to typically consist of a black short sleeved shirt with red trim, blue jeans and sneakers. He has though agreed to a change of colors to reflect the school’s colors. This is easy for him since his ‘costume’ is usually made of paper made to look and act like regular clothing. This is accompanied by a slim, black backpack with a few various books in it at any time, along with some personal items. Several small black pockets on straps around arms (1 on each), thighs (2 on each) and 2 each hip of his belt. Each pocket is large enough to hold a deck of index card sized paper. Hanging on the back of the belt is a case that holds 2 large rolls of paper about the width of receipt tape and hundreds of yards long.




Born in Seattle to a teen mother, she moved to Freedom City when he was still young with her then boyfriend. When Leon began to show signs of not being ‘normal’ the man abandoned them. His mother felt she could not take care of a ‘special’ child and surrendered him to the foster system without telling them of his ‘nature’. Shortly thereafter she returned to her family in Seattle. Leon has not had any contact with her since.


In the system since age 8, Leon was moved from home to home several times, unable to settle, acting up, and trying to run away. At first, he blamed his powers for his mother abandoning him. When he was 11 he landed in the same foster house as two other children hiding their powers. With their help he accepted his powers and embraced them. The three agreed that they could only rely on each other and swore to always be there for each other.


Believing the system was a failure and that no one else could or would see them as more than either a burden or a paycheck, the three ran away together and turned to small crimes to do what they thought they needed to survive.


At the age of 16, Leon wanted to prove to his brother and sister that he could work solo; he broke into the Freedom City Museum to attempt to steal something. Before he could secure his prize an explosion rocked the building. In the resulting confusion a FCPD detective that was in the building entered the showroom Leon was in. A second, smaller explosion struck and part of the building collapsed inward. Without thinking, he moved to protect the detective with a shield of paper over them both, but he wasn’t fast enough and Leon was knocked out.


After the events at the museum Leon was hospitalized. He woke days later to find he had lost his left arm mid-bicep, but thanks to his quick reaction the detective had escaped with only minor injuries.


During the hearing that followed, the court gave special considerations for his selfless actions and young age, while he would not turn evidence against his siblings, a deal was reached. A representative from Claremont Academy had petitioned on his behalf and Leon agreed to attend the private school under probation. If, and when, Leon successfully graduates from Claremont he would be given a clean slate with the courts and his juvenile records will be sealed.


At first he was rebellious and troublesome, but teachers quickly saw the seeds for a good kid buried under the anger of a rough life. In the two years he has attended Claremont Leon has grown in both power and responsibility, although he would never admit to the latter himself.


Personality & Motivation:

Leon has always been a bit of a show off. He was also the most ‘energetic’ of his trio of foster siblings. Not bad kids by nature, they simply felt let down and abandoned by an overtaxed system. Although feeling they had to do what they had to, to survive, none of them ever wanted to hurt anyone. 

Leon would never give up his siblings, and would never turn his back on them. He isn’t likely to trust anyone quickly, and even if he does, he would just be waiting for the other shoe to drop.

If asked why he saved the officer he just shrugs and dismisses it as an act of stupidity on his part, not willing to admit he couldn’t stand to see someone get hurt.


Power Descriptions:

Leon can control and manipulate paper, altering its shape and strength at his will. He can make paper stronger than metal and sharper than any normal blade. He can make it solid enough to resist liquids and gas. He can even have it resist heat and fire to a point. It can easily protect from an explosion with little harm to the paper, but repeated or continued exposure could eat away at the paper eventually.


Shaping it, he can create nearly anything from simple weapons and gear to clothing and simple golems. Many pieces of smaller papers can be melded into a single, seamless construction and when done with them the constructs fall apart into their original pieces, or what’s left of them.


Aside from his power over paper, or perhaps more because of it, Leon has taught himself how to use simple weapons. These would cover most blades, clubs/maces, spears/staves, bows and arrows, and throwing objects. All things he can easily create with paper. Skill wise, Leon is quick and agile from practicing often. He is not overly strong, equal to anyone his size that works out every so often. He has also developed a firm sense of balance. 




And I don’t give a damn about my bad reputation: Reputation: Leon and his foster siblings have records with the juvenile courts, and he doesn’t care if others know. Being predisposed to thinking that, in the end, everyone is looking out for themselves.


It’s just a flesh wound: Disability: Leon lost his left arm not long ago during a robbery attempt. During the robbery Leon and a police detective were caught in a building collapse, he protected the officer, but his arm was crushed mid bicep. Leon uses his powers to create and maintain a paper arm that looks real enough.



ABILITIES 2 + 10 + 8 + 6 + 4 + 6 = 36PP

Strength: 12 (+1)

Dexterity: 20 (+5)

Constitution: 18 (+4)

Intelligence: 16 (+3)

Wisdom: 14 (+2)

Charisma: 16 (+3)


COMBAT 14 + 14 = 28PP

Initiative: +9 (+5 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)

Attack: +7, +11 w/ Paper Control

Defense: +10 (+7 Base, +3 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Uncanny Dodge

Grapple: +8 (+7 Melee Attack, +1 Strength), +21 w/ Paper Control, +27 vs Paper

Knockback Resistance: -7, -2 without "Paper Shield"


SAVING THROWS 4 + 5 + 8 = 17PP

Toughness: +10 (+4 Con, +6 Protection; Impervious 6)

Fortitude: +8 (+4 Con, +4PP)

Reflex: +10 (+5 Dex, +5PP) Evasion 2

Will: +10 (+2 Wis, +8PP)



SKILLS 108R = 27PP

Acrobatics 6 (+10) Skill Mastery

Bluff 7 (+10) Taunt

Climb 9 (+10)

Computers 7 (+10)

Concentration 8 (+10)

Disable Device 7 (+10)

Escape Artist 9 (+13) Ultimate Skill

Gather Information 7 (+10)

Knowledge (Pop Culture) 7 (+10)

Knowledge (Streetwise) 7 (+10)

Knowledge (Technology) 7 (+10)

Notice 8 (+10) Skill Mastery

Search 7 (+10)

Sleight of Hand 6 (+10) Skill Mastery

Stealth 6 (+10) Skill Mastery




Dodge Focus 3

Evasion 2

Improved Initiative

Luck 3

Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Notice, Sleight of Hand, Stealth)


Ultimate Skill (Escape Artist)

Uncanny Dodge 2 (Sense Types: Auditory, Visual)



POWERS  57PP (2+2+41+12+5=62)


Comprehend 1 (Languages 1 [Read/Write Any]) [2PP]  (Descriptors: Mutation, Paper Control)


Comprehend 2 (Objects 2 [Speak To; Understand]; Flaws: Limited [Books, Paper, Paper-like objects]) [2PP]  (Descriptors: Mutation, Paper Control)


Paper Control 18 (36PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 5) [41PP]  (Descriptors: Mutation, Paper Control)

Base Power: [36PP] (Additional Descriptors: Lift Paper)

Move Object 16 (Lifting Strength: 70, Heavy Load: 100 tons; Extras: Range [Perception]; Flaws: Limited [Paper]; Feats: Accurate 2 [+4 Attack], Precise, Subtle) [36PP]


Alternate Power: [35PP] (Additional Descriptors: Paper Projectiles)

Blast 10 (Range: 10 100-ft Increments, 1000ft Max; Extras: Penetrating [6 ranks, Effective Damage 16]; Feats: Accurate 2 [+4 Attack], Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Indirect 3, Precise, Subtle, Variable Descriptor [Bludgeoning, Piercing, and/or Slashing Damage]; Drawback: Medium [paper]) [35/36]


Alternate Power: [36PP] (Additional Descriptors: Shape Paper)

Create Object 10 (Range: 1000ft; Max Volume: 10 5-ft. cubes; Toughness:10; Lifting Strength: 50, Heavy Load: 13 tons; Extras: Duration [Continuous]; Feats: Precise, Progression 2 [25-ft cubes], Selective, Stationary, Subtle) [36/36]


Alternate Power: [36PP] (Additional Descriptors: Paper Barrage)

Damage 10 (Range: 10 10-ft Increments, 100 ft Max; Extras: Area [General, Cone], Penetrating [6 ranks, Effective Damage 16]; Feats: Accurate 2 [+4 Attack], Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Indirect 3, Selective, Subtle, Variable Descriptor [Bludgeoning, Piercing, and/or Slashing Damage]; Drawback: Medium [Paper]) [36/36]


Alternate Power: [25PP] (Additional Descriptors: Paper Weapons)

Damage 10 (Extras: Penetrating [6 ranks, Effective Damage 16]; Feats: Accurate 2 [+4 Attack], Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Indirect 3, Precise, Variable Descriptor [Bludgeoning, Piercing, and/or Slashing Damage]) [25/36]


Alternate Power: [32PP] (Additional Descriptors: Paper Cocoon)

Snare 10 (Range: 10 100-ft Increments, 1000ft Max; Feats: Accurate 2 [+4 Attack], Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Indirect 3, Obscures Senses 2 [Sense Types: Auditory, Visual], Reversible, Subtle, Tether) [32/36]


Protection 6 (Paper Shield 6; Extras: Impervious 6) [12PP]  (Descriptors: Mutation, Paper Control, Paper Shields)


Super-Senses 5 (Paper Awareness; Descriptor Frequency: Common; Sense Type: Mental, Default Extras: None; Extras: Acute, Radius, Ranged) [5PP] (Descriptors: Mutation, Paper Control)



ATTACK                 RANGE       SAVE                     EFFECT

Unarmed                Touch       DC16 Toughness (Staged)  Damage (Physical)

Lift Paper*            Perception  Grapple vs +27           Pinned/Bound

  Thrown Paper         Throwing    DC25 Toughness (Staged)  Damage (Physical)

Lift Stuff With Paper  Ranged      Grapple vs +20           Pinned/Bound

  Thrown Object        Throwing    DC25 Toughness (Staged)  Damage (Physical)

Paper Cocoon           Ranged      DC20 Reflex (Staged)     Entangled/Bound

Paper Projectiles      Ranged      DC25 Toughness (Staged)  Damage (Physical)**

Paper Weapons          Touch       DC25 Toughness (Staged)  Damage (Physical)**

Shape Paper

  Dropped Paper        Ranged      DC20 Reflex              Avoided

                                   DC25 Toughness (Staged)  Damage (Physical)

  Paper Trap           Ranged      DC20 Reflex              Trapped


* Limited to Paper.

** Variable Descriptor: Bludgeoning, Piercing, and/or Slashing Damage.




Abilities (36) + Combat (28) + Saving Throws (17) + Skills (27) + Feats (14) + Powers (62) - Drawbacks (0) = 184/190 Power Points

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Edit for Neko: 


spend 1 PP on Quick Change: 


Add this to her Physical Description

Neko has lived in the present long enough to adopt a superhero costume - finally.


What she wears is a sleek, form-fitting bodysuit made of stretchy, breathable fabric in a dark navy blue color. The suit has long sleeves and pants, with a high collar and a full-zip front that can be easily opened and closed. Over the bodysuit, Neko wears a bright red and gold kimono-style robe with flowing sleeves and a wide obi sash tied around her waist. The robe is adorned with intricate gold and silver embroidery and bold, stylized Japanese characters that spell out "CAT" and "MAGIC" and "IYA VALLEY". The kimono and suit are both cut to give her tail freedom. To complete the costume, Neko wears a pair of tall, laced-up boots in a matching navy blue color, with thick soles to provide stability and support for her acrobatic movements. The boots have a slight heel, and are made of a durable, lightweight material that allows Neko to move quickly and easily.

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  • 2 weeks later...


(also updated: grapple check, age, PL notation; added flat-footed defense)


Multi-Girl has 14 unspent PP and now that she is a Junior going to bump her up to PL 9.


2 PP for +1 BAB (up to +5)

1 PP for +1 Dodge Focus

4 PP to her Container, 2 going to Enhanced Str, the other 2 to Enhanced Con


All of that puts her at PL 9 combat caps. So that her duplicate matches, adding 3 PP to Duplication to raise it on rank.


This will leave her with 4 unspent PP.

All of these changes result in the following:


Abilities 2 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 6 = 24

Strength: 12/28 (+1/+9)

Dexterity: 14/22 (+2/+6)

Constitution: 14/28 (+2/+9)

Intelligence: 14 (+2)

Wisdom: 14 (+2)

Charisma: 16 (+3)


Combat: 10 + 8 = 18 PP

Initiative: +3/+6

Attack: +5 BAB, +7 Ranged

Defense: +4 BDB, +5 Def (with +1 Dodge Bonus)

Grapple: +12

Knockback: -6


Saving Throws: 2 + 2 + 3 = 7 PP

Toughness: +2/+13

Fortitude: +2 (+2/+9 Con, +4/+11)

Reflex: +2 (+2/+6 Dex, +4/+8)

Will: +3 (+2 Wis, +5)


Feats: 5

Attack Focus: Ranges 2


Dodge Focus

Skill Master (Acrobatics, Climb, Notice, Perform [Singing])


Container 9.1 (T-Baby physiology) [46 PP]

            Enhanced Str + 16 (feat: subtle) {17 PP}

            Enhanced Dex +8 {8 PP}

            Enhanced Con +14 {14 PP}

            Speed 2 (1 alt power) {3 PP}

            Alt: Leaping 2

            Protection 4 {4 PP}


Duplication 8 (PL 9 duplicate with 109PP/120PP; Extras: Heroic; Power Feats: Mental Link, Sacrifice) [26 PP]

Edited by Fox
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