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Remedy (PL7)

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Victoria Vogel


Power Level: 7 (105/105PP)
Unspent Power Points: 0 
Trade-Offs: None


In Brief: A young mad scientist from Earth Victoriana who is a superhero to experiment and treat without a medical degree. She is at Claremont Academy to learn how to best use her abilities for good without attracting a mob with torches and pitchforks. 

Catchphrase: Mwahaha!


Alternate Identity: Remedy (Secret)
Birthplace: Earth Victoriana, North American Territories

Residence: Claremont Academy
Base of Operations: Claremont Academy
Occupation: Full Time Student
Affiliations: Claremont Academy
Family: Emma Vogel (Mother) and Emil Vogel (Father), Ella Lopez (Sister), Peter Vogel (Brother), Ulrich Vogel (Brother), Mary Vogel (Sister)


Age: 16 (July 29, 2005)
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Height: 5’6
Weight: 225
Eyes: hazel
Hair: shoulder length, dark brown

Victoria usually wears self-tailored pants and button up shirts. She normally has a leather messenger bad with her in which she keeps the necessary supplies for her superhero activities, as well as her school supplies. Her hair is shoulder length, put in a simple braid. When engaging in super-heroics she wears her Remedy costume. When in her Remedy she wears a full face Venetian style mask, white with a red cross across the face. She has a bomber jacket in the style of the Special Zeppelin Service from her home dimension which has a copper colored symbol on the back, the Rod of Asclepius. This jacket was made from the skin of a super powered pig which Victoria had chemically enhanced on her home dimension and has pockets for her chemicals and medical supplies. Underneath the jumpsuit is a jumpsuit, charcoal colored with a red collar and red cuffs. Around her waist Victoria wears a utility belt the same shade of red as her cuffs which contains more medical supplies. It also has her “lightning generator” attached to it which connects to her lighting gun when in use. In the Remedy costume her hair is in a crown braid. 



Victoria Vogel was born to Ella and Emil Vogel on July 29, 2005 in the central portion of the British Empire’s territories in North America. The youngest of five children Victoria was a well-mannered and quiet child, if overly curious and with a somewhat disconcerting tendency to ramble to herself (this never went away). While Victoria was close with all of her family when young, she cleaved most closely to her father, a soft spoken kindly man, and oldest sister Emma, who practically raised her. 

Victoria’s astounding mind first revealed itself shortly after her sister Emma moved away to live with her husband, when Victoria was six. She heard her father lamenting the loss of a pair of hands around the farm, especially since their steam thresher was broken so she went out and fixed it. This was just the start, however. She developed formulas for hormonal supplements to make sure the Vogel pigs were larger than anyone else’s, making fertilizer that made their crops grow faster. Her father was delighted, but her mother was troubled. Ella Vogel loved her daughter but was beginning to worry about her interests not aligning with the life which was planned out for her. 

At the age of ten she began working on veterinary technology, becoming a wiz at curing diseases and healing wounds in livestock. She began selling her services around town, using the money she earned to buy subscriptions to scientific journals. And Ella Vogel became even more troubled. It wasn’t natural for a child to have such an interest in cutting things apart, or such impossible knowledge on how to put them back together again.

By twelve she had reanimated her first animal. An attempt at healing gone wrong, she found that with a certain mixture of chemicals and the application of that most mysterious force, electricity, she could restore vitality if not life to those which had passed. She also began to modify the runts of the litter which her father had begun giving to her. Some became eerily intelligent, unnaturally savage, others extraordinarily strong. Her favorite was one named Hercules, one whose skin was impenetrable even to small arms fire. Ella Vogel watched her daughter twist the fabric of life around at will and saw, in her mind, a growing affront to the will of God. 

By fourteen Victoria had done her first true resurrection, bringing back a cat which had been dead for several hours. Victoria had also begun to notice how the other people in town looked at her. Sure, some of the townsfolk still came to her with an injured animal or ill child if they could afford a real doctor but they were beginning to look at her. They spoke in whispers around her, but Victoria could still hear their accusations: “witch,” “demon,” “mad scientist.” At this, Victoria began constructing an interesting design she had found in the Journal for Metaphysical Engineering, part out of curiosity and partly because of a nagging fear that she might have to leave town quickly. Furthermore, she understood that her experiments, if they were to continue, would need to be done in the dead of night. For this reason, Victoria designed and implanted in her own body a device which completely alleviates the need for sleep. Ella Vogel had had about enough of her daughter’s disturbing habits and sought the advice of the town’s Anglican priest. She feared her daughter had consorted with devils and when she had confided in her husband, Emil he had just quietly dismissed the whole thing. The priest believed her, however, and began to preach about the dangers in flying too high into God’s domain. To Ella’s despair, these fell deaf upon Victoria’s ears though they increased the disquiet of the town regarding Victoria. 

At sixteen Victoria finally achieved her most impossible feat, bringing a dead child to life. This finally turned her mother fully against her and brought the mob to her door. To escape with her life, she had to flee through the dimensional portal she had created, destroying it from the side on Earth Prime with only a leather jacket made from the hide of Hercules and her scientific materials. 

Going into hiding she fled underground in the subways of Earth Prime, creating a lab to explore the universe within. Exploring the unique actions and properties of electricity in this universe (primarily its predictability) she created a lightning gun to protect herself in this strange new world. Taking herself to a library, she found that in this universe those with power and ability became super heroes. Inspired, she wanted to become like them. She quickly found that Claremont Academy would be the place to be for to become like them. Somehow, she might find how to do good without attracting the anger of those she had helped.


Personality & Motivation:

Victoria is at heart a mad scientist. Her abilities are extremely useful and positively life-changing but her manor is off putting. She is endlessly inquisitive and can barely contain the urges her curiosity imposes on her. Her eyes have an intensity among them and she mutters under her breath frequently, discussing new ideas with herself.

Victoria Vogel wants to help people. However, she doesn’t really know how to do this in a way which is non-threatening and ethical. She thinks that the best way she can do this is to become a superhero and go to Claremont Academy. After she becomes an adult she thinks she may settle down and become an actual doctor, but it frightens her knowing her identity would be public.



Powers & Tactics:

I approach combat as I approach all things: as a science. That said, I do have a few “methods” which are my preferred modus operandi when I am not testing out new equipment or procedures. When I am called to combat a my primary method of doing so is through my lightning rifle. The way in which those pure streams of power speed toward my foes is beautiful! Of course, my true passion is biochemical engineering and experimental medicine. For that reason my favored contributions to combat are restoring my companions to life and health through some quick use of various beneficial mixtures and first aid (assisted, of course through the use of that majestic force of nature, electricity). Furthermore, I can utilize a mix of enzymes and hormones to enhance the natural abilities of my allies, all through a quick depression of my syringe into their veins. When a suitable corpse is around (which is annoyingly rare) I can return its motive force (through electricity, external devices and chemical mixtures) so that it might rise to my side as a body-in-arms. Finally, I utilize a leather jacket in the style of the special zeppelin service made from the remains of my dear pet Hercules, a pig chemically improved to have enormously tough hide. 


Power Descriptions:

The main offensive weapon Victoria uses is her lightning rifle. This has a wooden stalk like a normal rifle but has a copper sphere on the end from which the electricity comes. The gun is connected via wires to a small generator on her utility belt. To heal, Victoria does rapid first aid, applying odd ointments, injecting strange compounds and suturing wounds closed. To boost her allies or herself she uses a needle to pump a strange clear liquid into their veins. To reanimate a corpse (using animate object) she applies a small copper device to the temple and injects a dark green mixture of chemicals into the body. The protection effect device two uses is the toughness of the leather of the jacket in her costume as Remedy. 




•Curiosity Killed the Cat (and Mad Science Brought It Back): Victoria Vogel has a deep and abiding need to learn more about the universe. Unfortunately, this tends to cause her and those around her to suffer. This might’ve taught her a lesson eventually but one thing prevents it: mad science. It is really very difficult to see the consequences of your actions if you know that you can heal anyone who is hurt, bring back anyone who dies, and believe that you can fix everything else with enough time. 

•Only A Step Ahead of the Mob: Victoria Vogel has had bad experiences with angry mobs and knows, in some deep part of her mind which comes out in nightmares, that they will come for her again. 

•Really! I Run Out Now?: Victoria is able to improvise many of the materials necessary for making inventions but there are certain chemicals necessary for her animate objects, boosting, and healing abilities which can run out. 

Abilities: 2 + 2 + 2 + 12 + 6 - 2 = 22 PPs
Strength: 12 (+1)
Dexterity: 12 (+1)
Constitution: 12 (+1)
Intelligence: 22 (+6)
Wisdom: 16 (+0)
Charisma: 8 (-1)

Combat: 1 + 3 = 7 PP
Initiative: +1
Attack: +1 Melee, +2 Ranged, +6 Lightning Rifle 
Defense: +3 (+3 Base, +0 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed

Grapple: +3
Knockback: -6 / -1

Saving Throws: 0 + 0 + 1 = 1PP
Toughness: +6 / +1 (+1 Con, +5 [Protection])
Fortitude: +1 (+1 Con, +0)
Reflex: +1 (+1 Dex, +0)
Will: +4 (+3 Wis, +1)

Skills: 60 R (15 PP)
Crafts [Artistic] 3 (+9)

Craft [Chemical] 7 (+13) Second Chance

Craft [Electronic] 2 (+8)

Craft [Mechanical] 6 (+12)

Disable Device 2 (+8)

Handle Animal 3 (+2)

Knowledge [Life Sciences] 7 (+13) Second Chance

Knowledge [Physical Sciences] 6 (+12)

Knowledge [Technology] 7 (+13) Second Chance

Language 1 (English [native], German)

Medicine 7 (+13) Second Chance

Notice 4 (+7)

Ride 3 (+4)

Search 4 (+10)


Feats: 12 PPs

•Attack Focus [Range] 1

•Attack Specialization [Lightning Gun] 2

•Equipment 2 (10 EP)

•Improvised tools


•Precise shot 1

•Second chance 4 (craft [chemical], knowledge [life sciences], knowledge [technology], medicine)


Equipment: 2PP = 10EP

•Headquarters (Underground Hospital / Lab; Features: concealed 2, infirmary, laboratory, library, workshop) [6EP]

•Masterwork Craft [Chemical] Tools [1EP]

•Masterwork Knowledge [Technology] Tools [1EP]

•Masterwork Medical Tools [1EP]

•Multi-Tool [1 EP]

Powers: 4+4+25+1+6+8= 48
Technological descriptors

•Animate Object 4 (Reanimation; Extras: Increased Duration; Flaws: Action [Full], Limited [corpses], Range [Touch]) {4PP}

•Boost 1 (Pick-Me-Up; Ability Scores; Feats: Slow Fade) {3PP} 

•Healing 6 (Mad medicine; Extras: Resurrection; Feats: Regrowth, Progression 6) {25PP} 

•Immunity 1 (Anti-Sleep Cerebral Implant; Immunity to Need For Sleep) {1PP}


•Device 2 (Lightning Rifle; 10PP container; Flaws: Easy to Lose) {6PP}

     •Blast 5 (Electric shot; Flaws: Easy-To-Lose) {10PP} (Additional descriptor: electrical)

•Device 2 (Super flight jacket; 10PP container; Flaws: Hard-To-Lose) {8PP}

     •Protection 5 (Super tough leather; Extras: Impervious) {10PP}



DC Block

ATTACK              RANGE      

SAVE                                           EFFECT

Unarmed            Touch             DC 11 Toughness Damage

Lightning Rifle     Ranged         DC 16 Toughness Damage


Totals: Abilities (22) + Combat (7) + Saves (1) + Skills (15) + Feats (12) +Powers (48) = 105/105 Power Points

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Alright, as we discussed on discord, you don't have any specific plans for you PL10 slots, so let's use one of them to build you a PL8 character with 150PP to use, since that's what most new Claremonters are doing anyway.

I know that I'm repeating a lot of what we already discussed on discord, but I'll put it in here too, so it's all summarized.


Looking purely at your crunch for now, your main issue is that, even for PL7, you are vastly underpowered compared to your power level, so the main thing to fix will be to bring you up to your Power Level Caps. If you don't reach those caps, you'll more often than not have a really bad time when you get in a fight. I'll also make a few notes based on effectivity, but you got the final say, of course!


On a more minor note: You should get apply the power formatting to Feats (remove the bullet points) and Powers (remove the bullet points, bold power name)


I'll put up a summary of the crunch for the sheet with the changes made at the end.


Defense, Toughness & Exotic Saves

Let's start with your defenses! I will work from the assumption that you won't have any defensive trade-offs, meaning total Defense +8 and Toughness +8.


Toughness: With Constitution 12 for a +1 bonus, we need to get +7 to your Toughness. The easiest way to do that is to increase 
the your Protection power to rank 7 in your Super Flight Jacket device. To do that, I increase the device's rank by 1. to 
Device 3. You can take Impervious Toughness as a power by itself, which means it doesn't have to be an extra for Protection, so I split your Protection power into Impervious Toughness 8 and Protection 7. That gives you a total Toughness +8, with Impervious applied to all those ranks. Note that your cannot have more Impervious ranks than either your Toughness or Power Level, whichever is the lowest.

Your Jacket device should now look like this:


Device 3 (Super flight jacket; 15PP container; Flaws: Hard-To-Lose) [12PP]

Impervious Toughness 8 (Super tough leather) [8PP]

Protection 7 (Super tough leather) [7PP]


Defense: Next, we should make sure your Defense hits +8 as well. At least 1/3rd (rounded up) of your total Defense should come from your Base Defense, which it already does with a +3 bonus. On your sheet, you have noted that as costing 3PP, but it actually costs 2PP/rank of base defense, so it should be 6PP. The cheapest way to get to +8 is to buy 5 ranks of the Dodge Focus feat, which will make your Defense look like this:


Defense: +8 (+3 Base, +5 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed


Exotic Saves: Finally, we'll get to the your Exotic Saves: Fortitude, Reflex and Will. While there's a lot of different ideas of what exactly you should put these at, I generally go by the rule of thumb that they should at least average your PL-2. Having them all too low will be boring since you'll be too easily affected by any non-damage effect, but too high will be boring for both you and the GM since then you won't be affected by anything but damage effects. As a rule of thumb, high Toughness characters tend to have higher Fortitude and high Defense characters tend to have higher Reflex. It is easy to increase the Exotic saves, we just buy ranks in each to get them to +6 total. Feel free to increase or decrease as you want with any leftover PP. So now, your Saving Throws should look like this:


Saving Throws: 5 + 5 + 3 = 13PP
Toughness: +8 (+1 Con, +7 Protection, Impervious Toughness ?
Fortitude: +6 (+1 Con, +5)
Reflex: +6 (+1 Dex, +5)
Will: +6 (+3 Wis, +3)


Attack Rolls and Offensive Powers

With your Defenses taken care of, let's look at your Powers and Attack Rolls. Like with your Defenses, your Attack Bonus and power rank/DC bonus should average out to your Power Level. We'll look at your individual powers, but since we'll aim for you having no trade-offs, we can start off by setting your Base Attack at +3, which costs a total of 6PP, since at least 1/3rd (rounded up) of your Attack Bonus must come from your Base Attack Bonus. The Attack line under combat should now look like this:


Attack: +3 Base, +3 Melee, +4 Ranged (+3 Base, +1 Attack Focus), +8 Lightning Rifle (+4 Ranged, +4 Accurate)


So, how do we get to +8 Lightning Rifle? We'll remove the Attack Specialization feat for the Lightning Rifle. Instead, we will buy 2 ranks of the power feat Accurate, which has the same effect, but is applied directly to the power. We're doing this because of something called arrays, which is a really important aspect of powers: Arrays. For an array, you basically set a number of powers together and, for a minimal cost of 1PP per extra power in the array, they basically share the same amount of PP.


Right now, you got a lot of individual powers listed that each require that you use either a Standard Action (Blast) or a Full Action (Animate Object, Healing).

So, here's the thing: Unless you take a special action Surge Action that will give you the Fatigue condition on your next turn, you will only be able to take either one Standard Action or one Full Action per turn, so you won't be able to use multiple of these powers in the same turn. So you can just as well array them together!


So, let's rebuild your Lightning Rifle a bit and make it into a Gadgets array instead. I'll put your Healing, Animate Object and Blast power together, saving your a bunch of PP in the long run.

I've let the Progression feat stay for the Healing power, but I'm honestly not really sure what you're applying it to, so it might not even be needed.

I've removed the Action flaw from Animate Object, but otherwise left it as is, but note that the touch range means you have to stay in physical contact with the animated object the entire time to keep it animated, so maybe consider dropping that you do have the PP left for it).

As I mentioned, I add 2 ranks of the Accurate feat to the Blast (renamed as Lightning Rifle). This means a +4 Attack bonus to hit when you use it, on top of your +4 ranged, for a total +8 to hit. WIth it's rank increase to 8, that means you now hit at Power level when using it.

So, your Gadgets Device, replacing your Lightning Rifle device, would look like this:


Device 6 (Gadgets; 30PP container; Flaws: Easy to Lose) [18PP]

Array 12.5 (Gadgets; 25PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 2) [27PP]

BPBlast 8 (Lightning Rifle; Feats: Accurate 2) {16/25} (Additional descriptor: Electric)

APHealing 6 (Mad Medicine; Extras: Resurrection; Feats: Regrowth, Progression 6) {25/25}

APAnimate Object 4 (Reanimation; Extras: Duration [Continuous]; Flaws: Limited [Corpses], Range [Touch]) {8/25}


You have now both saved a bunch of PP and you hit at your power level caps! Win-win!


The Array is listed as being rank 12.5, which we allow for Arrays to get uneven PP numbers in each.


There's a bunch of PP left to spend on the Blast and Animate Objects powers. You should see if you can spend them on something.


Other notes

I'd suggest not taking the Boost power. While I like your idea, the power is severely limited by PL limits, and as such, it will have limited use. I have removed it from the sheet below, but feel free to add it back, maybe as an alternate power in the Gadgets array.


Generally speaking, Second Chance for Craft and Knowledge Skills won't matter a lot. I've left them in on the feats, but something you could consider removing.


I've added the Eidetic Memory feat. With Intelligence bonus at +6, it means you can use any Knowledge skills, even the ones you don't have.


Your Headquarters might be off, since it doesn't have size listed, but I don't have time to check that atm.


Consider adding some more Alternate Powers for your Array (you got 3PP left on the Gadgets device, so you got enough for 3 more powers!), perhaps a Stun effect (with the Ranged Extra to make it Ranged) as another setting on the Lightning Rifle?


You got 62 ranks of skills atm, not 60. You should either get rid of 2 skill ranks or buy some more.


As Thevshi suggested on discord, you could add the Multiple Weapons feat to the Gadgets device to represent having multiple devices:

Multiple Weapons [Ranked]: The character has two or more hand-held weapons or pieces of equipment represented by an Easy-to-Lose Device. Being disarmed while holding one of these weapons does not prevent the character from using the other weapons unless they are also removed from their possession. Each rank of Multiple Weapons adds another weapon beyond the first. These can be identical copies or unique items represented by an Array.


All in all, with this build, you've spent 109.5 out of 150 PP (the .5 being from the 62 skill ranks), which means you got a lot of PP left over to spend on more powers, skills, feats or what you want! 


Abilities: 2 + 2 + 2 + 12 + 6 - 2 = 22 PP
Strength: 12 (+1)
Dexterity: 12 (+1)
Constitution: 12 (+1)
Intelligence: 22 (+6)
Wisdom: 16 (+3)
Charisma: 8 (-1)

Combat: 6 + 6 = 12PP
Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex)
Attack: +3 Base, +3 Melee, +4 Ranged (+3 Base, +1 Attack Focus), +8 Lightning Rifle 

Defense: +8 (+3 Base, +5 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed

Grapple: +4 (+3 Base Attack, +1 Strength)
Knockback: -8 (Impervious Toughness 8 ) / -1

Saving Throws: 5 + 5 + 3 = 13PP
Toughness: +8 (+1 Con, +7 Protection, Impervious Toughness 8 )
Fortitude: +6 (+1 Con, +5)
Reflex: +6 (+1 Dex, +5)
Will: +6 (+3 Wis, +3)

Skills: 62 R = 15.5 PP
Crafts [Artistic] 3 (+9)

Craft [Chemical] 7 (+13) Second Chance

Craft [Electronic] 2 (+8)

Craft [Mechanical] 6 (+12)

Disable Device 2 (+8)

Handle Animal 3 (+2)

Knowledge [Life Sciences] 7 (+13) Second Chance

Knowledge [Physical Sciences] 6 (+12)

Knowledge [Technology] 7 (+13) Second Chance

Language 1 (English [native], German)

Medicine 7 (+13) Second Chance

Notice 4 (+7)

Ride 3 (+4)

Search 4 (+10)


Feats: 16 PPs

Attack Focus [Ranged] 1

Dodge Focus 5

Eidetic Memory

Equipment 2 (10 EP)

Improvised tools


Precise shot 1

Second chance 4 (craft [chemical], knowledge [life sciences], knowledge [technology], medicine)


Equipment: 2PP = 10EP

Headquarters (Underground Hospital / Lab; Features: concealed 2, infirmary, laboratory, library, workshop) [6EP]

Masterwork Craft [Chemical] Tools [1EP]

Masterwork Knowledge [Technology] Tools [1EP]

Masterwork Medical Tools [1EP]

Multi-Tool [1 EP]

Powers: 18 + 12 + 1 = 31
All with Technological descriptor, unless otherwise noted


Device 6 (Gadgets; 30PP container; Flaws: Easy to Lose) [18PP]




Array 12.5 (Gadgets; 25PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 2) [27PP]

BPBlast 8 (Lightning Rifle; Feats: Accurate 2) {16/25} (Additional descriptor: Electric)

APHealing 6 (Mad Medicine; Extras: Resurrection; Feats: Regrowth, Progression 6) {25/25}

APAnimate Object 4 (Reanimation; Extras: Duration [Continuous]; Flaws: Limited [Corpses], Range [Touch]) {8/25}


Device 3 (Super flight jacket; 15PP container; Flaws: Hard-To-Lose) [12PP]

Impervious Toughness 8 (Super tough leather) [8PP]

Protection 7 (Super tough leather) [7PP]


Immunity 1 (Anti-Sleep Cerebral Implant; Immunity to Need For Sleep) [1PP]


DC Block

ATTACK              RANGE      

SAVE                                           EFFECT

Unarmed            Touch             DC 16 Toughness Damage

Lightning Rifle     Ranged         DC 23 Toughness Damage


Totals: Abilities (22) + Combat (12) + Saves (13) + Skills (15.5) + Feats (16) +Powers (31) = 109.5/150 Power Points

Edited by RocketLord
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  • 3 weeks later...

This is my revision. 


Abilities: 3 + 5 + 3 + 14 + 8 - 2 = 31PP

Strength: 13 (+1)

Dexterity: 15 (+2)

Constitution: 13 (+1)

Intelligence: 24 (+7)

Wisdom: 18 (+4)

Charisma: 8 (-1)


Combat: 6 + 6 = 12PP

Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex)

Attack: +3 Base, +3 Melee, +4 Ranged (+3 Base, +1 Attack Focus), +8 Lightning Rifle 

Defense: +8 (+3 Base, +5 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed

Grapple: +4 (+3 Base Attack, +1 Strength)

Knockback: -8 (Impervious Toughness 8 ) / -1


Saving Throws: 5 + 5 + 3 = 13PP

Toughness: +8 (+1 Con, +7 Protection, Impervious Toughness 8 )

Fortitude: +6 (+1 Con, +5)

Reflex: +7 (+2 Dex, +5)

Will: +7 (+4 Wis, +3)


Skills: 96R = 24PP

Concentration 8 (+12)

Crafts [Artistic] 2 (+9)

Craft [Chemical] 8 (+15) Second Chance

Craft [Electronic] 2 (+9)

Craft [Mechanical] 7 (+14)

Craft [Structural] 2 (+9)

Disable Device 6 (+13) Second Chance

Drive 2 (+3)

Handle Animal 4 (+3)

Investigate 4 (+11)

Knowledge [Life Sciences] 8 (+15) 

Knowledge [Physical Sciences] 7 (+14)

Knowledge [Technology] 8 (+15) Second Chance

Language 1 (English [native], German)

Medicine 8 (+15) Second Chance

Notice 6 (+10)

Perform [Oration] 2 (+1)

Perform [Singing] 2 (+1)

Ride 3 (+4)

Search 6 (+13)


Feats: 25PP


Animal Empathy

Attack Focus [Ranged] 1

Benefit (Native) [Earth Victoriana]

Dodge Focus 5

Eidetic Memory

Equipment 2 (10 EP)

Improved Initiative

Improvised tools


Luck 3

Precise shot 1

Second chance 4 (craft [chemical], disable device, knowledge [technology], medicine)

Speed of Thought

Ultimate Effort (Technology)


Equipment: 2PP = 10EP

Headquarters: (Literally) Underground Hospital / Lab  (Toughness: 10 [1 EP], Size: Small [0 EP], Features: Concealed, Infirmary, Laboratory, Workshop) [5 total EP]

Cell Phone [1EP]

Masterwork Craft [Chemical] Tools [1EP]

Masterwork Knowledge [Technology] Tools [1EP]

Masterwork Medical Tools [1EP]

Multi-Tool [1 EP]


Powers: 24 + 12 + 3 + 1 + 5 = 45

All with Technological descriptor, unless otherwise noted


Device 6 (Gadgets; 30PP container; Flaws: Hard to Lose) [24PP]

Array 12.5 (Gadgets; 30PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 3, Multiple Weapons 2) [30PP]

BPBlast 8 (Lightning Rifle; Feats: Accurate 2, Split Attack 3) {23/25PP} (Additional descriptor: Electric)

APHealing 6 (Mad Medicine; Extras: Resurrection; Feats: Regrowth, Progression 6) {25/25PP}

APAnimate Object 7 (Reanimation; Extras: Duration [Continuous]; Flaws: Limited [Corpses]) {21/25PP}

AP: Stun 8 (Extra: Range) {24/25PP}


Device 3 (Super flight jacket; 15PP container; Flaws: Hard-To-Lose) [12PP]

Impervious Toughness 8 (Super tough leather) [8PP]

Protection 7 (Super tough leather) [7PP]


Device 1 (Many-Lensed Googles; 5PP container; Flaws: Easy-to-Lose) [3 PP]

BP: Super Senses: Extended Vision 3 (Extras: Alternate Power 2)

AP: Darkvision 2

AP: Microscopic Vision 3


Immunity 1 (Anti-Sleep Cerebral Implant; Immunity to Need For Sleep) [1PP] 


Quickness 5 (Fevered Mind) [5PP] (Preternatural descriptor)



DC Block

ATTACK              RANGE      

SAVE                                           EFFECT

Unarmed            Touch             DC 16 Toughness Damage

Lightning Rifle     Ranged         DC 23 Toughness Damage


Totals: Abilities (31) + Combat (12) + Saves (13) + Skills (24) + Feats (25) + Powers (45) = 150/150 Power Points

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Hey Mr. Stewart, much better looking character (with PL caps!)

There are a couple of comments though, many are just suggestions, but a few are things that need to be changed.


Attributes: Generally looks good, though I would suggest shaving STR and CON down to 12, the extra point in each is not doing anything for you and might be better used elsewhere. (While there is a slight extra carrying capacity for STR 13, it is probably not going to matter much).

Combat: You forgot to change your Initiative to your INT bonus and to apply your Improved Initiative feat.



Not sure you will get much from Ambidexterity, not really something that comes up much in a superhero game.

Your Benefit, what benefit do you see being a native or Earth Victoriana providing? Does not really seem like it applies.



Normally we do not require people to spend EP on a cellphone, though, since she is originally from Earth Victoriana that might make sense.  

I do not believe the Masterwork tool for knowledge checks is appropriate, so that needs to be dropped.



Over all these all look fine. One small thing, for the Gadgets device array, the Multi-Weapon feat is only for devices that are easy to loose, so cannot be added to this array. It is designed so that a single successful Disarm maneuver does not take away multiple easy to loose devices that are being carried in an array. Hard to loose devices cannot be disarmed, so the feat is not needed.


Also, the Gadgets Array is a 25 PP array, not a 30 PP one (this is referring to the active points in the array, not the total cost, which are two different things.


One last issue, for the Healing, what is the progression for? You need to indicate what it is for, and I am not sure what you might be progressing with this power.

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Thank you very much Thevshi! 

I will adjust the Attributes as you suggest.

I will increase my initiative from my feats. 

I will get rid of the ambidexterity. The Benefit about being from Earth Victoriana is detailed in the House Rules: Feat section.

I will get rid of the Technology master tools from my Equipment.

For my gadgets I got the idea for the didn’t realize the multiple weapon feat didn’t apply for hard to lose devices, thank you! I will change the formatting of the gun to get rid of the 30PP part. The progression on my healing increases the amount of time after death I can resurrect someone. 

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You could use an effect with an Area extra?


Also, I'd suggest taking one or two ranks of the Improved Critical feat for the powers that have leftover PP, like the Blast power, so it would look like this:


Device 6 (Gadgets; 30PP container; Flaws: Hard to Lose) [24PP]

Array 12.5 (Gadgets; 25PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 5) [30PP]

BPBlast 8 (Lightning Rifle; Feats: Accurate 2, Improved Critical 2, Split Attack 3) {25/25PP} (Additional descriptor: Electric)

APHealing 6 (Mad Medicine; Extras: Resurrection; Feats: Regrowth, Progression 6) {25/25PP}

APAnimate Object 7 (Reanimation; Extras: Duration [Continuous]; Flaws: Limited [Corpses]) {21/25PP}

AP: Stun 8 (Extra: Range; Feats: Improved Critical 1) {25/25PP}


It's a small thing, but can just as well put it in if you got leftover PP in an AP.

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Abilities: 2 + 6 + 2 + 14 + 8 - 2 = 30PP

Strength: 12 (+1)

Dexterity: 16 (+3)

Constitution: 12 (+1)

Intelligence: 24 (+7)

Wisdom: 18 (+4)

Charisma: 8 (-1)


Combat: 6 + 6 = 12PP

Initiative: +11 (Improved Initiative, Speed of Thought)

Attack: +3 Base, +3 Melee, +4 Ranged (+3 Base, +1 Attack Focus), +8 Lightning Rifle 

Defense: +8 (+3 Base, +5 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed

Grapple: +4 (+3 Base Attack, +1 Strength)

Knockback: -8 (Impervious Toughness 8 ) / -1


Saving Throws: 5 + 5 + 3 = 13PP

Toughness: +8 (+1 Con, +7 Protection, Impervious Toughness 8 )

Fortitude: +6 (+1 Con, +5)

Reflex: +8 (+3 Dex, +5)

Will: +7 (+4 Wis, +3)


Skills: 96R = 24PP

Concentration 8 (+12)

Crafts [Artistic] 2 (+9)

Craft [Chemical] 8 (+15) Second Chance

Craft [Electronic] 2 (+9)

Craft [Mechanical] 7 (+14)

Craft [Structural] 2 (+9)

Disable Device 6 (+13) Second Chance

Drive 2 (+5)

Handle Animal 4 (+3)

Investigate 4 (+11)

Knowledge [Life Sciences] 8 (+15) 

Knowledge [Physical Sciences] 7 (+14)

Knowledge [Technology] 8 (+15) Second Chance

Language 1 (English [native], German)

Medicine 8 (+15) Second Chance

Notice 6 (+10)

Perform [Oration] 2 (+1)

Perform [Singing] 2 (+1)

Ride 3 (+6)

Search 6 (+13)


Feats: 24PP

Animal Empathy

Attack Focus [Ranged] 1

Benefit (Native) [Earth Victoriana]

Dodge Focus 5

Eidetic Memory

Equipment 2 (10 EP)

Improved Initiative

Improvised tools


Luck 3

Precise shot 1

Second chance 4 (craft [chemical], disable device, knowledge [technology], medicine)

Speed of Thought

Ultimate Effort (Technology)


Equipment: 2PP = 10EP

Headquarters: (Literally) Underground Hospital / Lab  (Toughness: 10 [1 EP], Size: Small [0 EP], Features: Concealed 2, Infirmary, Laboratory, Power System, Workshop) [7 total EP]

Masterwork Craft [Chemical] Tools [1EP]

Masterwork Medical Tools [1EP]

Multi-Tool [1 EP]


Powers: 24 + 12 + 3 + 1 + 5 + 2 = 47

All with Technological descriptor, unless otherwise noted



Device 6 (Gadgets; 30PP container; Flaws: Hard to Lose) [24PP]

Array 12.5 (Gadgets; 25PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 5) [30PP]

BPBlast 8 (Lightning Rifle; Feats: Accurate 2, Improved Critical 4, Split Attack 1) {25/25PP} (Additional descriptor: Electric)

APAnimate Object 7 (Reanimation; Extras: Duration [Continuous]; Flaws: Limited [Corpses]) {21/25PP}

AP: Blast 8 (Ball Lightning Explosion; Extra: Area [Explosion]; Feat: Improved Critical 1) {25/25 PPs}

AP: Dazzle 6 [Visual and Auditory] (Thunder and Lightning; Extras: Area [Explosion]; Feat: Progression 1 [allows for the effect rank to decrease every 25 instead of 10 feet] {25/25 PPs}

APHealing 6 (Mad Medicine; Extras: Resurrection; Feats: Regrowth, Progression 6) {25/25PP}

APStun 8 (Extra: Range; Feats: Improved Critical 1) {25/25PP}



Device 3 (Super flight jacket; 15PP container; Flaws: Hard-To-Lose) [12PP]

Impervious Toughness 8 (Super tough leather) [8PP]

Protection 7 (Super tough leather) [7PP]


Device 1 (Many-Lensed Googles; 5PP container; Flaws: Easy-to-Lose) [3 PP]

BP: Super Senses: Extended Vision 3 (Extras: Alternate Power 2)

AP: Super Senses: Darkvision 2

AP: Super Senses: Microscopic Vision 3


Immunity 1 (Anti-Sleep Cerebral Implant; Immunity to Need For Sleep) [1PP] 


Quickness 5 [50x faster] (Fevered Mind) [5PP] (Preternatural descriptor)


Senses 2 (Ultimate Estimates; Distance and Time Sense) [2 PPs]



DC Block

ATTACK              RANGE      

SAVE                                           EFFECT

Unarmed            Touch             DC 16 Toughness Damage

Lightning Rifle     Ranged         DC 23 Toughness Damage


Totals: Abilities (30) + Combat (12) + Saves (13) + Skills (24) + Feats (24) + Powers (47) = 150/150 Power Points

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Final math checks out, but there's a few issues with the powers


For the Area Effects, I'd suggest picking the Burst Area effect instead of Explosion. It's just better in general and we won't have to worry about decreasing effects. There's no point in choosing Improved Critical to an area effect either, since it only takes effect when you roll dice to attack.


You can, at most, take 2 ranks of Improved Critical. 


You should add that there's an array inside the goggles device, like for the others, so it looks like this. I fixed the formatting a bit, too.


Device 1 (Many-Lensed Googles; 5PP container; Flaws: Easy-to-Lose) [3 PP]

Array 1.5 (Gadgets; 3PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 2) [5PP]

BP: Super Senses 3 (Extended Vision 3) {3/3}

AP: Super Senses 2 (Darkvision) {2/3}

AP: Super Senses 3 (Microscopic Vision 3) {3/3}


Rest looks good, though I'd suggest making picking up some Skill Mastery skills instead of all those second chances. It'll be rare for you to need it for Craft and Knowledge, for instance.

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