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"So we either kidnap your mother or talk to her," Salvo said as she faced Xiaolian. "Either one done right can get your mother to stop her obsession."


There was no use beating around the bush. Xiaolian had asked for their help and Salvo gave her the two ways she and her companions could help. Their host was free to choose one or rebuff them both.


Salvo looked around the room, her eyes falling on Eira then Miss Grue who both were talking with Meili and Xiaolian. "But I don't know how we can talk to her right. You've shown this world has the capability of accessing other dimensions and your cockiness when faced against us suggests we aren't the first beings you've faced with powers beyond baseline humans. So the novelty of facing her peers? I'm not going to count on that."


"Besides, none of us are therapists and I don't have the patience to play one in a regular basis with your mother." Salvo shook her head. "You wanted to call the Freedom League and they're fighters. We're not them but we're of the same stock. If you want something done using powers then we can do that."


Miss Grue began the sound off of powers. Miracle Girl then Facsimile each began listing their own abilities.


"I dish out the pain. Hard. And I can take a lot at too."


Her companions already knew what she was capable of. The Freedom League Auxiliary had their training sessions. This was for Xiaolian's benefit and she didn't need to know anymore than that. Meili had kidnapped them, inadvertently or not, and could easily take them hostage inside her network. Her sister believed herself capable of taking them all down simultaneously. All this and the mother, who may as well be more of a threat than her daughters and may be watching them even now.


Alarm bells had been set off since she had gained consciousness and they had not fully abated.


"So," Salvo continued. "You can help us kidnap your mother. We can bring her to our world and hold her there until she finds a way to leave herself. It's a world in the middle of the extradimensional crossroads. We're used to extradimensional refugees and can accomodate her. We've got many super-geniuses in our world, including Teriffica here, and they aren't deified as your world does your mother. Maybe a change of scenery or speaking with her intellectual equals will help."


"We can take her with us using force." Salvo shrugs. "Or we can talk her into coming with us but, again, not why we're called superheroes. Your mother, your choice. But whatever you choose we need to do it fast before she can react to us being here."

Edited by Zeitgeist Blue
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Terrifica held up a finger out of everyone’s view to keep Xiaolian silent a few moments longer. The android girl had calmed down. “Well, as for me I imagine our young friend has always figured out what I bring to the table. With that said I won’t presume to speak for Miss Song here.” With a gentle hand, she disentangled herself from the clinging Xiaolian. The telepathic connection had reached her, but she disliked telepaths in general. One day soon, she’d integrate the tech into her suit to kept hem out of her head. “One thing I can do is open any voiceprint locks. I suspect they’ll open for me without any need for tools.” She did not think Salvo’s ideas would necessarily be all that effective. She herself would not take kindly to being kidnapped, and two of her on one planet sounded like a recipe for…well, times that were not especially fun. But saying so would only make Salvo double down due to the personal animosity between them. So she instead said nothing further. Who said she couldn’t be diplomatic? Said the woman was fighting to keep how very rattled she was at the moment. Well, one couldn’t have everything.

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Xiaolian had calmed down quite a bit. Having an alternate version of her own mother there to soothe here helped things considerably. But she wasn’t an idiot. Terrifica was wearing a mask, and thus her compatriots didn’t know who she was underneath it. This could get very awkward. But first, it was…the android girl? Who asked something first. “Well, we’re in the dimensional science lab. So she knows parallel worlds exist. I think she’d be thrilled to meet people from another world, but…she’d also take precautions in case you turned out to be hostile. So you wouldn’t meet her directly without me to open the way.” Her eyes were staring at nothing, as code flew between her and her “sister”. “Okay, and…you’re authorized to use the network for the next 24 hours. At least, those of you with wireless connections anyway. You may have them locked down, but I can see they exist. Or the network can, anyway. There aren’t any direct connections in the entire building and…oh. I did not know you could do that. Okay, uh…go ahead, I guess?” A port to directly plug into the internal network just kind of appeared in the wall nearby. At the perfect height for Angelic to plug in if she wanted to and everything. “Sis, that’s creepy. Yes, it is. Tch, whatever.” Her eyes resumed seeing.


“I don’t know what I want you to do.” The question had come from Facsimile, but the answer applied to Salvo’s words as well. “I said I was made in part from a copy of my mom’s neural patterns. That means I think like her in many ways. Not all, but a lot. So I don’t know how to fix the problem anymore than she does. Believe me, if I could have thought of a solution myself you wouldn’t be here right now.” She frowned, thinking. Then stopped, a decision made. “I can get you to the door of her lab, but it doesn’t open for me. Heck, I’m not sure it opens at all anymore. If you can get it open and I’m the first one through there shouldn’t be any violence.”

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"Right, that sounds good to me." facs said as he rose from his seat and with a roll of his neck "lets avoid being heavy handed if we can yeah?" he adressed the group aloud "Im sure we've got enough talents between us to get through that door one way or another."


there really wasn't much else to say all things considered, or so he thought anyway, there was some unspoken animosity between certain members of the group, he'd felt it since the completion of their impromptu audition but such things tended to explode or snap back when pressed.


Perhaps it was best he simply trusted their abilities to remain impartial and not let it cloud their minds and dictate their actions.


"More to being a hero than just beating up badguys, or so i've been told; Nows a good time for us to get a handle on the other stuff."

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"Very well," Salvo said, conceding to Alex. If even one of them was against taking decisive action then that would hamper the team. If they wanted to go in slow and peacefully then it was what they were going to do, though Salvo doubted that a would-be world dictator would take anything they, complete strangers, had to say to heart.  "We'll try talking but we should stay on our guard. Her mother will be taking precautions and so should we."


 When Xiaolian offered access to the network, Salvo took it and began to carefully read what useful information she could find.


Meanwhile, Salvo nodded at Eira and Alex's words. "Alright. We're ready to talk to your mother, nothing more. Let's see if she'll listen to us heroes."

Edited by Zeitgeist Blue
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