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Quantum Mechanics

Dr Archeville

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"Well, yes and no," Darian turns the monitor to show the doctor the screen. Two symbols floating around what appears to be a humanoid made of the same shimmering substance that the passage to get into the lab was made of. They quickly snap to the figure, one at the head, and one at the feet. Darian points to the top one with his pen, "It is a mesh of Devanagari and Proto-Arcanus."

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Turning the computer screen back towards himself, Darian marks it a few more times before it disappears in a purple haze. "Well, I am afraid to say I have never studied the origin of the writing system, just how to do it," he seems slightly frustrated at the lack of knowledge he just admitted. He gets a glimmer in his eye, "However I do know that it is a written language, not a spoken one," he says triumphantly as if trying to save face from his former comment.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ah, so he's just using some script he doesn't know the origin of, effectively using it as a substitution cipher.

It would appear so, yes.

Archeville seems to zone out for a moment, then snaps to, shaking his head of any cobwebs. "Ah, yes, I see. Er, sorry about dat, mein mind vas racing through numerous methods of encryption und cyphers."

"So," he says, clapping his hands together, "I believe you vere sayink somethink about combining two of your existing devices int one compact unit?"

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Darian nods, "Yes sir, but that was the easy part. The transfering of the vibrational frequency program from my watch to my PDA was done while we were talking about it. Though I did not download the files from the wreckage, as you said, they are probably malicious in intent. The computer has deleted everything that was not on the drives before the incident last night and is searching for unwanted strains and strings of code," he smiles. "I am looking forward to your help with the DNA-lock you proposed for the vibrational frequency program."

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Yes, we'll help you... but a back door in so we can access it anytime we want! Muah hah hah hah hah!!!.

No, we're not, we're only going to do what we say, and show this kid some respect.

"Vell, den, let us begin on dat!," the scientist said with a smile. "Now, let's see... first, you vill need to determine if you vant de lock's scanner to require ein blood sample, or if it does a non-damaging pasive scan. Den you will need to decide how you vant the lock to operate: vill it prevent access by blocking certain parts of de mechanism from functioning until un-locked, by having de mechanism exist in an incomplete state mit your access allowing circuit to complete and de portal to operate, or vill an incorrect 'code' send a vould-be intruder to a different dimensional pocket entirely?"

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Darian ponders the possibilities as the doctor gives them to him. When Archeville finishes, Darian nods, "A simple scan will do, as I am quite adverse to giving blood samples everytime I use something. What I am not sure about the second part. They all seem like excellent options. So we shall keep it simple in the fact that it will only work when I use it. Although, I must warn you ahead of time, having never worked with anything like this, I may not have the equipment you need to do the work."

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Averse to giving blood ? Hrrmmm...

What? Oh, just sit in the corner and be quiet, we'll handle this..

Archeville takes his electromagnetic screwdriver (E.S.) from his labcoat pocket and twirls it between his fingers, "I vould expect da you do haff everything ve vould need here, actually. Ve need a scanner that can detect your genetic code mitout requiring a blood sample. I see two options here."

As he talked, he clicked a series of controls on his E.S. and a five-foot-tall holographic image of a generic humanoid figure appeared. "De most sure vay vould be nano-imaging. Ve inject diagnostic nanites into you dat can make a full chemical und structural survey of de body." The image showed a syringe filled with a glowing fluid being injected into the figure, and the fluid traveled all through the figure's bloodstream, then migrated out through the entire body. "They transmit their findings to de locking mechanism, so it knows you are you. De slight drawback: you vould have nanites in you, mit all de drawbacks dat entails, such as ze danger of havink dem be hacked und altered. A possible solution to dis is to have dem be of a limited lifespan, say, a week or month. Dat vay, if de nanites ver compromised, dey could only do so much. Zough it vould mean getting periodic injections to keep de 'key' on you."

"De second option," he clicked the E.S. and the holographic figure reset, "is to use somezhing akin to an MRI scan. Traditional MRIs use powerful electromagnets to stimulate de nuclei of hydrogen atoms into emitting pulses of radio energy, vhich reveals de location of vater molecules in de body, vhich can be mapped to an image. By inhaling a hyperpolarized noble gas, such as xenon or helium, de resolution of de image can be greatly enhanced, especially in de lungs und heart und brain." The hologram showed an oxygn tank-like device placed near the figure's mouth, and the figure inhaling deeply. The contents of the tank could be seen going through the respiratory system, and from there to the circulatory system. "In dis case, though, it is not so much a DNA scan as it is a complete brainscan, as it vould be scanning de physical structure of your brain in such detail dat it can actually read de memories chemically stored therein. Vhich, in a vay, is much more secure: memories are far harder to duplicate dan DNA."

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Darian perks up at the first offer, but backs down when hearing the side effects. He loves the idea to having tiny machines that he could ultimately control running around inside of him, but then again, he would probably be in grave danger if someone with any knowledge of the sort came against him. He pictures himself walking like a Frankenstein monster as shadowy figures with remote controls press buttons to make him walk to-and-fro. He shakes the thought away. After hearing the second option, he smiles and nods happily, "Yes, I do believe that the latter is the better course of action. I have worked with electroencephalography before. It is the premise of Project 6X2A6L2E0C6I6, a program that lets you talk to and listen to machines. I do believe I explained it to you when we met for the first time. Though a few question arise. Does memory scanning work on the conscious level, where I would have to remember the memory, or the subconcious where it just needs my brain? If the latter, will I need to keep scanning as my brain keeps growing. Finally, when do we start?" He looks curiously at the doctor after the last question.

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He's like a puppy dog, the way he keeps wearing his emotions on his face!

Oh, like we were any more in control of our emotions when we were his age.

Archeville nods as Darian mentions his earlier project, "ja, I remember dat. As for your qvestions: vell, again, vhich vould you prefer? Dere are pros und cons to both."

The hologram zoomed in on the figure's head, and highlighted certain regions of the brain as he spoke. "Ve could set it to a consciously-held memory, in vhich case you vould need to be actively recalling it in order to unlock de mechanism. Upside of dis is dat it can only open if you are thinking of de memory, it vould not open if someone dragged your unconscious body to de door. Downside is dat you vould need to hold a very clear recollection of de memory for de entire time de scan is performed, vhich can be difficult even in de best of circumstances. Though, as another upside, it vould mean you could not access it if under certain forms of mind control."

"If you set it for a 'passive' scan, though," different areas of the holo-brain lit up, "den it vould open as long as your mind is relatively intact, mit no specific conscious thought needed. Downside to dis is dat it vould open even if your unconscious form is brought in."

"As for 'updates', you vould only need to do dat if you set de scanner to be keyed to your entire set of memories. If you just set it to require von specific memory, den de only updating you vould need is if you ever decide to change de specific memory needed to unlock de portal controls. Again, pros und cons to both here: go mit de full memory scan, und it vill require a lengthier scan each time you vish to unlock de portal, und any damage to your brain risks damage to de 'key'. Choose a specific memory, de scan vould require far less time, and you are less likely to lose dat specific memory in case of brain trauma, but if de memory is ever corrupted or lost den you vould be stuck mitout a vay to unlock your portal."

Archeville lcicked his E.S. again, and the hologram disappeared, "as for vhen ve can start: vell, no time like de present!"

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"I will go with the single conscious memory scan, as I am trying to get a more secure lock on the program," Darian nods, "The bit about being knocked unconscious and accessing everything in my brain just to open a door does not sit well with me." He was going to ask a bunch of questions, but he couldn't help but think he was annoying the doctor with a barrage of talking and not doing anything. He is my guest and I have unintentionally put him to work, Darian thinks to himself, He is not supposed to be working now. Hopefully he will be interested enough afterwards to see Project 4X3A3L4E3C7I1. While he is thinking to himself he is looking around the empty space they were in as if he is trying to size up the area, "Is there anything you need for this, doctor?"

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Single Active Memory... good. Easy to make a copy of that engram for a 'passkey' so we can come in later whenever we-

We're not doing that.

Archeville grins, "nutzing more dan for you to tell me in vhat vay you vish me to assist you. Douh I am not adverse to vorking on de veekends, I believe it vould do you better if you vere de von to lead dis projekt, und I take a 'back seat' vhen possible. You already know most of de principles, I can just fill any small gaps."

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Darian recalls his work with the brainwave technology of Project 6X2A6L2E0C6I6. He never thought of working with actual memories. "Computer: MRI machine," he says and a huge machine materializes in the white void of the room. "Doctor, I have to admit I have only worked in one part of electroencephalography: brainwaves. Though I have never delved into memory research," he sits on the on the reciever of the machine, "Working with you shall be a learning experience."

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Yess... for both of us! Muah hah hah hah ha-

Stop that.

Archeville frowns a bit, "do sit up, Herr Cale: dis machine alone is insufficient for our needs. Ve also need a tank of a hyperpolarized noble gas for you to inhale if ve are to get a proper multinuclear image."

[[ assuming he does so ]]

"Alright, Herr Cale, just lie back und relax vile I do a baseline scan of your brain und den ve-... hrrmmm... interessant... Herr Cale, vhere did you say your parents vere again?"

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Darian sits up at the doctor's request. Hearing the request for supplies, he nods, "I am terribly sorry about that, doctor. I thought the MRI unit was reset the last time I used it." He sighs as he looks around at his shoddy work, "Computer: Complete rebuild of the MRI suite." The MRI unit fully services itself to function properly. A room materializes around the unit. To the east wall of the room is a door and viewing window to a control room. Darian hands his PDA and messenger bag to the doctor, "We cannot have metal items in here while the magnet is working." The first test goes quietly with no mishaps. Darian perks up when the doctor expresses interest. "My parents are away for the weekend for a seminar on aether and it's uses in quantum engineering."

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"Pure matter Aether," Darian states matter-of-factly, "as in the 'building blocks' of the universe. As opposed to Void, the non-existance of matter. It is a bit esoteric, mind you. Still, the world was flat once and the sun revolved around it," he chuckles at the thought. "As for if I am adopted: No, sir. Why do you ask?"

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Right, let me handle this...

No, wait, don'-

Archeville's brow furrowed a bit more, and his voice took on a decidedly condescending tone, "vhat are you going on about, boy? De vorld vas never flat, de Sun never revolved around it, und aether vas disproved two centuries ago. Vhat sort of backwards pseduo-science are your parents involved in?"

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Darian winces slightly in a scared manner a couple of times when the doctor comes down on the hard consonants with a harsh voice. After an ackward silence, he responds with a bit of a tremble in his voice, "I do believe you have missunderstood my making light of past theories of the flat earth and sun's rotation, sir. I did not mean to insinuate such are valid anymore." Taking a deep breath, he swallows it, as he almost dreads what he is about to say, "But Pure Matter and Pure Energy have not been discredited, doctor. They are theories, yes, but they are still working on their proof."

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  • 3 weeks later...

See? Told you it was nothing to get worked up over!


"Ah, yes, vell," he said after a moment of glancing about the room nervously, "I apologize for de misunderstanding. Anyvay, de point I vas getting at is dis: your brainwave's are somevhat... irregular. Even taking into account dat you are clearly quite mentally active, some of dese readings are just... anomalous."

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Darian smiles as he looks at the readings like some parents look at baby pictures. Looking to the doctor, his voice wavers in it's happiness, "Sir, there is something I need to tell you. I am," Darian catches himself. This is now or never, he thinks to himself, Telling the truth could make me look crazy as he has already shown that he is intolerant to anything but what has been scientifically proven. Then again I could tell him and he would understand where I am coming from when I talk. He would think I am a crackpot. Then again, he needs to know the truth. Here it goes. "My kind is not like humanity. Yes, we evolved along side it, but we adapted to mental pursuits instead of the physical. We are the inventors and scientists, helping when we can."

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Ah, that explains things: the kid's crazy.


Okay, maybe not crazy, maybe he's just being a regular teenager, with typical feelings of Adolescent Alienation, coupled with Munchausen Syndrome.

Munchausen Syndrome?

Well, maybe not exactly, but something like it. Kid realizes he's phenomenally intelligent, assumes he's different, non-human. He latched on to being more different than usual, i.e., an offshoot human sub-species.

And why, pray tell, that particular diagnosis?

Simple: the kid idolizes me.

Un hunh....

And so he still wants to be human, so he doesn't go with "I'm really an extraterrestrial." But clearly he's not a baseline human, so he comes up with this. And as a member of an offshoot race, it comes with its own community, its own traditions and ethics, so is less "freakish" and more "authentic" than being a simple roll-of-the-genetic-die Mutant.

Riiight.. and the fact that these scanners are showing bona fide anatomical and neurological differences between the structure of his brain and that of a baseline human brain?

Duh, it's his equipment, he's probably got it rigged to show him as something different.

Right, well, I guess there's one way to prove your hypothesis wrong.

"Intriguing," he said, with an expression on his face that Darian would best guess as signifying "curious bewilderment". "Vould you mind telling me more? Vould your parents be open to talking about zhis?" As he spoke, he brought back out his Electromagnetic Screwdriver and fiddled with its controls a bit, then waved one end over Darian's head.

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Darian triesto look up and the screwdriver without moving his head, he gives up after half a second. He shrugs, "I can tell you what I have learned, but history and life sciences are not my forte. I mean I have studied them, but not to the point of expertise," He opens a doorway with his PDA, it leads to a library area. Walking into the area, he ushers in the doctor, "As for my parents. They are gone until Monday morning, but, yes, I am sure they would be overjoyed to talk with you."

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Ah ha! See, when we press him, he clams up on it!

Quiet, we're trying to scan his brain.

"I vould like dat very much, Herr Cale," he responded, his tone shifting to the clinical tone of a doctor performing a routine examination as he continued scanning, now shining a beam into one of his eyes. "But for now, why don't you tell me vhat you can, hrm? Are all of... your kind as mega-intelligent as you? All as skilled mit technology? Vhen did dey split from humanity? Vhere haff sey been hiding? India?"

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"They are even more so than me," Darian trying not to squint at the light in his eye. He tries to answer all the questions as they come at him "My brain activity is not at full capacity. By the time I am your age, it will have doubled. We are all skilled in some field of science, either esoteric or mundane. Most of us are technologically inclined to put our knowledge of science to work, netting us the unofficial name of 'techmagus'. We have tried to do a census of our kind, but we're too far spread out in the world and different dimensions. As of now, we only know of about one or two thousand of us. As for when the species broke off, I cannot tell you, as I do not know."

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