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Construct disabilities?

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I think UP has some suggestions as to that. Give me a moment to get my copy and look it up.

[Edit] UP (p86) suggests that the lack of olfactory senses is a -3 DB while no tactile senses is a -4 DB. It also notes that, as usual, the final worth depends on possible existence of other senses to compensate and the GM's judgement.

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A more descriptive... well, description of what you're hoping to build/model would be helpful ;)
"Watch is the common sense part of Darian's soul unceramoniously stuffed into an arm bracer gadget."

Watch, Minion 4 (sorta not complete :P)

Str -- (+0)

Dex -- (+0)

Con -- (+0)

Int 10 (+0)

Wis 26 (+8)

Cha 10 (+0)

Attack: +2 (+2 size)

Defense: +2 (+2 size)

Initiative: 0

Grapple: -8 (-8 size)


Toughness: 0

Fortitude: -

Reflex: 0

Will: 8 (+8 Wisdom)

Skills: Intimidation 0 (-4), Stealth 0 (+8)


Powers: Comprehend 2 (speak to machines, understand machines), Immunity 30 (Fortitude effects), Shrinking 8 (Extra: Continuous, Flaw: Permanent, Power Feat: Innate), Super-Senses (Radio, Time Sense, Direction Sense, Extra: Affects Others (only)), Teleport 9 (Extra: Accurate, Flaw: Long-Range, Power Feat: Easy)

Costs: Abilities (-14) + Combat (0) + Saves (0) + Skills (0) + Feats (0) + Powers (65) = Total Cost 51/60

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