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A pick up truck, bronze in colour, pulled up and a woman leant out. She was robust of frame, which meant strong and fat, although mainly fat. About fourty, one would guess, with a broad grin, baseball cap, and "I ❤️ EMERALD CITIES" t shirt that was slightly sweaty. 


"You all right there, honey? Look like you in bad shape!" she called out to him as she flicked open the passenger seat door. 


"You want me to take you to a hospital or something?" she asked. 

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"Haaa....thank you ms..if you'd be willing to take me into emerald city proper that would be more than i could ask for." He sighed as he relaxed into the passanger seat.


"My asthema is acting up but not so serious at the moment that my inhaler can't fix but i am a silly man who left it at home haha with my phone....I'm vlad by the way."

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"They call me Scooter. Don't know why. Guess I scoot around" laughed Scooter. 


She drove the pick up pretty fast. Perhaps this was why she got her name. 


"Say, whose that? Think they need help too?" she asked, half a mile down the small road. 


On the road in front were two of the eco-warriors, in a beaten up old VW, apparently on the look out....

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"They look like junkies to me my friend..looking for someone, maybe it would be best to call the police?" He asked ernestly, there was no reason to drag scooter in on this he reasoned.


"Ah yes, two trouble makers, i know them well extremists when it comes to enviroment...i fear they will become violent if they see me, i am an employee at panstar."

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"Panstar? Never heard of them" sniffed Scooter. "But if they are golly-gosh-darn-it extremists, I'm going to ram them over!"


For half a second, she revved the engine. Then gave a coarse laugh. 


"Only Jokin' Whaddya take me for, some Redneck?" she guffawed. 


That said, she drove straight past them and shouted an obscenity at them as she did. 


The two men looked at each other, and jumped in the VW. 


"That showed em!" roared Scooter, taking a look in the rear view mirror. 


"Wait! They are following us!"


And following them they were. And gaining speed. 


The chase was on!

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"Hah! You are after my own heart!" He laughed before examining the car in the rear view mirror.


"Hmm so they are! Let me see what i can do about that!"  


He leaned out the window and  focused on the car, this would take some doing but it should be more than possible to vibrate the engine enough to slow the car.

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With the thum of vibrations zooming through the rough road, the rather rusty vehicle of the Eco-terrorists had little or no change. It bumped along for a few seconds, then something fell off the undercarriage. Something that looked pretty important. To drive home the point, one tyre snapped and dropped to full flatness, the pfk pfk pfk pfk of its slaping against the road could be heard quite clearly. 


Scooters own vehicle was hardly a speed machine, but it had no competition now. IN less than a minute, they were out of eyeshot. 


"Well what in God's name was that? I felt like it was an Earthquake! I felt some serious vibrations, their, my friend! And they put a serious smile on my face, if ya know what I mean!" she hooted out laughing. 

Edited by Supercape
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"Ah just a little gizmo i have been working on for work...a device designed to shake the earth and...break down polutants."


He would have to bring the idea up with rudu at some point, it would be a good publicity stunt.


"If their car hadn't been so badly damaged i don't think it'd have worked."

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Well, as scooter pointed out, it has worked plenty well. 


It was an hour to get back to Emerald City safely, and Scooter, being Scooter, got their in fourty eight minutes. It could well be called a hair-raising ride, particularly as Scooter started talking about all the road traffic accidents she had been in, laughing mightily whilst taking her eyes of the road. 


Nevertheless, they got there in one peice and without any traffic cops pulling her over. Scooter was kind enough to drop Vladmir at a destination of his choosing...

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After saying farewell to scooter and making his way up to his appartment he took what little time he had to try and cleanse his pallet of polutants with a healthy swig of chilled tomato juice and got to packing his costume into his satchel.


It would be a brief walk to the warehouse where this whole thing had started and putting his costume on in the privacy of its abandoned halls he would ride his motorbike back to the site of the eco terrorists and round them up.


A brilliant yet wonderfully simple plan he thought proudly to himself.

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And so..


It all went to plan. So far. 


Vlarmir road his motorcycle through the forests and dirt tracks. It was not an easy ride, through such terrain, but with a little care it was uneventful. Vladmir had the distinct impression, as he approached the eco-warriors camp, that things looked just a little more toxic and dying than previously. 


The terrorists had not bothered to camouflage themselves particularly; unless one knew they were there, it was unlikely anyone would find them. He could apprach from a distance - and he noted that whilst the bulk of the group were still loitering around, they were down four or five members...presumably some brave souls had entered the plant. Or were still scouting around trying to find him...

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Perhaps it was confidence but more likely it was arrogance that filled him as he drew up on the camp, hopping off his motorbike still a ways away he began to walk slowly but firmly towards the camp, his steps booming a little bit more with each successive stride across the landscape.


he raised his arm out in front of him, gloved fist clenched tightly and with little more than a twice of his muscles sent a an air rippling vibration streaming towards a line of vehicles, energy equivalent to a Richter 8 earthquake concentrated on a tiny area, he felt it would make short work of their escape vehicles.


it was a nice excuse, really he just wanted to see the look on their faces when they realized they;d been been made.

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Once again, the earth quaked, and quaking was what the earth did - in the style of an earthquake. This time, moss and splintered wood filled the air as the line of virbtaion snaked towards the camp. The vehicles - not in the best of repair (as previous events could testify) did not fare well. Tyres burst, axels broke, and windows shattered. It would be the most gruelling of experiences driving even the most intact of them. 


The warriors looked shocked, and were on the verge of panic. 


"There!" shouted Mossy, whose will was iron and leadership was skilled. She pointed at Tekton. 


They were not well armed. A few pistols, but mainly baseball bats, knives, and improvised weapons. At least, most were not well armed. Dirk, the ex=marine, staggered out of his tent with an AK-47. He looked pale, and sweaty, not well at all. 


He frowned at Tekton. He only half remembered what had happened to him. He was uncertain...who was this superhero? And why did that vibration power feel...familiar?

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And so with that the battle began with earthshaking intensity tekton marched down to the camp, hurling bolts of shimmering air like javalins that blew people down like reeds in a storm.


He took care to remain silent as he walked through the camp, sparing special consideration for dirk, putting him out again, this time with a firm backhand from his gauntlet, unwilling to risk further exposing him to resonations and unable to pass up the payback.

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On another day, Dirk might have put up a fight, but the man could barely stand up. He fell down with the backhand, and proceeded to throw up, crouched in a ball on the dead grass. Vladmir could not help but notice there were flecks of blood in the vomitus. 


"You...got...me..." he coughed, in pain. "Fascist...pig..everything dying here...and you wont let us...stop it!"


As for the rest of the group, they dispersed, running into dead and dying trees. Except Mossy, their leader, who stood defiantly. 


"Whats the plan now...hero?" she said, dripping acidic sarcasm. "Going to stop us doing the right thing?"

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No answer was his stern reply, he simply gave mossy an up close view of his favorite finger and and dialed the police with one hand as he blasted the small heap of discarded weapons to uselessly warped and cracked wrecks with the other.


He had nothing to say in all honesty, he would definately bring this up with Rudu so something could be done but these homicidal loons were beyond reasoning so he was happy to use the violence they so prefered.

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"Who are you calling? The police? Ha!"


Mossy brought out her own phone. 


"DO it. Do it now!" she called down it before Vladmir could react. 


"Two can play at that game. Your police will be too late. Even if they got here in time, nobody can get in that plant without a biohazard suit, unless they are a fool or suicidal. You are too late, too stupid. What are you going to do? Call in the air force to nuke the plant? Frankly, even a nuke would be better than the poison it breathes out...."

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he wasn't suprised all things given "that is for your lackeys mossy." he said, no longer hiding his voice and all too trusting that she now knew who he was.


"I don't know if you noticed but i am wearing an environmental suit....so you're going to have to be the fool on our little trip together to see your sheep at the plant, though don't worry, i believe you have a gasmask spare." he said as he looked over the camp to where dirk had emerged from.


"if you'd be so kind as to come with me." he said voice edged with sarcasm as he grabbed her arm and began to drag her along with him to scoop up the mask and after shoving it into her spare hand making his way back towards the plant.

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Mossy did have the presence of mind to grab a gas mask, and the presence of mind to put it on. Vladmir was a strong man, and had no difficulty dragging her along - but had to use some force. She was determined, defiant, and stronger than she looked. 


"Killer!" she said. "This plant is pure poison! You have no idea how toxic! How dangerous! You will probably kill yourself, and you will certainly kill me! I'm not going in there!" she shouted, nay, screamed. "You saw what happened to Dirk? DO you want to be dying like that?" she asked him, full of challenge. 


Whatever her defiance, Vladmir knew he could drag her kicking and screaming. But it would slow him down. 

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"Reap what you sow mossy." was his only reply as he dragged her along, giving the ocassional jolt of vibratory energy "a slapped wrist is too easy on such serious criminals eh?" he asked vaguely quoting some angry message about the punishments imposed on companies for illegal dumping.


"you needn't get so upset, im only going to take your mask off if they don't surrender." he added on a lighter tone as they went.

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The threat of gas mask removal quelled some of the fire in Mossy, but it was replaced by a silent and malign glint her eyes. Something cunning, dangerous. 


"You do know what they are going to do, right? Blow up the building? Four of us, willing to make the sacrifice if need be. And enough Hi-X to destroy...it" she said, mulling the words. "I can't stop it now. They won't listen to me. This isn't some capitalistic plutocracy. This is a collective of free spirited, good willed people. With minds of their own. This place is going BOOM!" she snarled. 


"I don't want to be around here when it does. And neither do you. We both have our causes to fight, I am sure. What's yours?" she demanded. "Just going where the money is, I guess....whose pockets are you in?"

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"Really now? Cause from where i stand you're squirming with all your might against making that sacrifice...maybe you just want someone to hold your hand." He taunted as he marched ever forward.


"Oh please tell me you're trying to buy me?" He asked with a chuckle "i could do with a laugh! If i cared about money do you think i'd be here doing this with you fools? No! I am here because you are trying to hurt my brother....so i am going to make sure you pay the price."

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At the sound of "brother", Mossy stopped struggling and looked inquisitive. 


"Your brother?" she asked, slowly and carefully. "What exactly has he got to do with this?" she asked, with the insinuation that he had an awful lot, and that hidden wheels were spinning. 


"Things might be more complicated than they seem, my friend. Or they might be more simple. Whom exactly do you work for, and why?"

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"I am Vladmir Richter and you are going to be sorry." he stated cooly "I am done talking with you, dead people tell no tales." he hissed as he continued along not sparing another word of thought to mossy


of course he wasn't really going to kill anyone or do anything that would cause lasting harm at least intentionally, he wanted to see them live long healthy lives in their 5ft cells, totally defeated in every meaning of the word, his plan was already made up in his mind, using his tremor sense he would find the bombs and whilst engaging them in frivolous duologue he would generate a fierce vibration within the locals of the devices, disarming them by removing their connection to the detonators. 


Assuming of course that they were plastic explosives.

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The air became thick, grey, and clearly toxic. The grass was dead, and a few unfortunate animals lay equally so. Mossy complained about her skin itching, and that - at least - might well have been the truth. 


The plant itself looked modern, even through the poisonous air. No power however...at least not that could be seen. It looked like the power plant, an outside building, had been deactivated. Perhaps it could be switched back on. 


The front doors had been bypasses by brute force. Axes and Hammers. Now demolished. 


Inside, just toxic fumes and flashing red emergency lighting. Dim and oppressive...

Edited by Supercape
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