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Posts posted by Valcili

  1. So I feel like I should try to help Cho from being hit by this collapsing ceiling, but ThoughtSpeed seems to be in a bit more dangerous situation being staggered and dazed. I am not sure of the distances each are from each other, since Cho just landed on the black salamander but here is a thought I am having that triggered this question.


    Could I use a hero point and perform power stunt performing a move-by-action grabbing Cho and using her as a thrown weapon at BlackSalamander, then move to ThoughtSpeed and guard him?

    Forgive me if this sounds like an impossible WTH action that we all should laugh at, I am still kina new to this whole game and I may not understand how some of the mechanics work correctly or if this is even a possible action.


    Similar to how colossus had thrown wolverine in X3

    Or maybe I would throw her and make a reflex save in her place against the falling ceiling

    I thought it might be possible, as I have increased speed with move-by-action and super strength.


    If this is not possible to do, then I suppose I'll just have to try and beat down Black Salamander a little more as I feel if we can bring down one of them, it might be easier for us to finish off the other three.  

  2. DC22 Reflex saves for Thoughtspeed and BabyBrawler to avoid or halve the damage, which is base DC27.



     I am not sure what this means....but here is my reflex save with the Evasion feat: result 24

    does it mean reflex save DC22 to avoid damage and TOU save DC27 for 1/2 damage effect?



    Also I am not sure if this was factored in from my last attack (as I didn't note it) the roll was a roll of 19 which was a crit.

  3. Here is my save VS Suffocation DC20, result 30

    I believe this is a successful save, does that mean I am not affected or do I still have the hamperd movement?


    If not then I'll be making my leap move-by-action attack.

  4. Satisfied with her quick assessment that all the civilians appear to have successfully retreated, Baby Brawler directs her attention to these four hotties still present. BB quickly prepares her focus, flexing her fists, then her forearms, to her biceps, to rolled shoulders and rolls her neck with an in audible popping. And her focus settles in and the adrenaline surges with the anticipation of battle, the subconscious presence of her father’s appears just at the edge of her peripherals. She has learned to not try and focus on those ghostly visuals as they immediately disappear whenever she tries. She knows they are not real but somehow she feels that they are as they always wisely advise her. Perhaps it is a latent precognitive power that has yet to breakout, who knows. But she listens to it as it always steered her in the right direction. It speaks to her now, “Remember your training Val, to win the fight you must be able to endure the fight, if you can’t breathe you can’t fight.†the ghostly visage of her father smokey and translucent fades, but she is confident it will return again and she looks forward to it as always.


    Now concerned with the billowing of black smoke the most as it can cause problems with sight and breath, with clouds of black soot filling the air BB directs her attention to the salamander who is the source. And the smoke comes rushing towards her she takes a deep breath. The wave of darkness washes over her darkening everything. “Once again, thank you father for all your wisdom and training.†The many times you had forced her to fight blind folded doesn’t seem so ridiculous anymore. She thinks to to herself.  Bringing her hands up and readying her stance, “Knuckle up boys it’s time to dance!†BB rushes forward and prepares for her initial opening attack, She charges forward letting her memory of layout and blind fighting instincts guide her through the terrain moving toward the anticipated destination of the black salamander.  Once she has reached her attacking range BB leaps into the air coming down on from above on the shimmering image of the black Salamander utilizing her surprisingly and deceiving heavy frame to crash down her victim with a knee like a dropped anvil to the center of his chest.  

  5. Looking for something a little taller than the ground to stand on and sturdy enough to support her weight baby mirrors the other man, with a simple, “Agreedâ€. Locating an old decorative metal plat pot she turns it on its head and hops up on it. Turning to face the other two she shifts her eyes form one to the other taking them in, she is still a stranger to the whole team up meet and greet protocols but tries her best to roll with it. "I am Baby Brawler, you can call me BB if you desire. Now let’s kick this off shall we, I am not too familiar with you all here, fill me in on what you know if you would be so kind and any recent discoveries and potential suggestive actions so I may be on level with you. We are dealing with things that are normally out of my element, but I adapt well."  

  6. Seeing her associate activate her holographic toy on her arm immediately grabs BBs attention. Quickly standing she grabs the chair she was sitting in and drags it over to the to the lady with a screech and thud Knowing well enough she could pick it up noiselessly and stands on it so she can get a better look at the hologram.

    Looking at her now at eye level if just a few inches taller with the chairs assistance when she asks about her skill set. “I primarily do my best work with my fists. Don’t get me confused however, I am not a brainless brute so don’t confuse this with blonde.†She grabs a few stands of her ice white hair from the back of her head band as to show it to her. "I may be a front runner but I have valuable input, not just some asset or pawn to be ordered around."

    “Mostly I would be the  one who takes the beating and give it back polished and sharpened, do you understand my meaning?â€

    BB still finds it a bit awkward and difficult to be imposing to someone especially when she  is standing on a chair to look them in the eye but doesn’t let that show as she speaks. "By the way I go by Baby Brawler, as we are now acquaintances that is what you can call me, or BB for short."

  7. wasn't sure of the protocol on posting after inititive is rolled but I posted.


    Move-by-action with an unarmed strike against the black Salamander on my initiative.

  8. Following detective into the living room, Baby Brawler takes a seat easing herself down, in her usual fashion, no need to break another chair as she had on many other occasions. As her body settles the wood creaks a bit from the newly applied weight. Looking over the others who are in the room, she takes in each in turn then directs her focus on what the detective has to say trying to retain a serene appearance under the gaze of these strangers and trying to decide if the detective’s insults were intentional or if he is just oblivious to them. Listening to what the slender girl is saying, an acceptance towards her forms as Baby brawler see that she is a smart one and concurring with her requests and snickering slightly at her last comment.

  9.       Now suited and in route to the scene; a few moments later Baby Brawler arrives on scene weaving her way through the rush of people heading away from the bank she yells to any would listen. “Get as far back as you can from the bank if you know what’s good for you. Trouble is in there and danger is imminent. Get back I say, get back!â€


         Baby blitzes in past the entry way, cutting immediately to her left putting the wall to her back and assesses the room and it’s lay out. Seeing the wreckage and flames Baby looks for the enemies as well as any remaining civilians too scared to run out.   

  10. Putting on a mischievous but friendly smile, Baby Brawler tilts her head back to look at the tall slender figure in front of her. Jesting back to him, “Now if I were a ninja, you really think I would be using the front door?â€

    She Joins in with his chuckle then gestures with her hand with a (lead the way) manner towards the voice from the kitchen.  She rolls her shoulders and neck making muted popping sounds as she loosens up for the conversation to come.

  11. Walking up the driveway Baby Brawler could see the entry just as the man with the large bladed weapon on his back walks in. She quickens up her pace a bit and reaches the door a few steps after it shuts behind the individual. She rushes forward to catch the door before it could be completely closed and latched shut missing by just a step snatching her hand back just in time from them getting smashed. She may be able to take a beating but still feels pain like anyone else even if it is muted.  She breathes a sigh of relief to see it was not latched. She opens the door and invites herself in.

  12. The thud of heavy set boots could be heard to anyone in the room, the sound approaches the door, and the door swings open with a creek but nothing appears through right way.

    Baby Brawler walks up to the door to the dingy hotel listening to her boots echo through the rooms. Stopping at the designated door she reaches out and gives it a slight push to open it up pausing before entering to see if she can hear any sounds coming from within. Not hearing anything she steps through the door and looks about the area.

                    Seeing the individual leaning against the wall, she looks him up and down and finishes looking the place over to see if anyone else is present. Then addresses the stranger, “I am glad to see I am not the last one here.† 

  13. Valentine, had just finished a luncheon with her longtime friend Celeste who was in town visiting for the week wanting to see the new place her bestie was now calling home. The luncheon had just ended, the two were say their goodbyes for the afternoon, as Valentine need to run some appointments and Celeste was off to the waterfront for a little leisurely exploration.


    “I’ll be back at the house in a few hours after I run some errands Celeste, we can get another bite and check out the night scene maybe find you a guy that will make you want to call this place home as well.†With a parting hug Valentine heads off down the road towards her car.


    The flash and explosion from up the hill grabs valentines attention, she looks around and see and out of place mix of reactions. Some people shocked and started, others with a slight shake of their head as the look towards the incident and casually back to their business. As she looks around she see Celeste’s frightful look on her face as she holds herself steady with both hands on the streetlight gaze off towards the commotion. Valentine looks in the same direction and sees that the explosion was not too far from where she is. “This should prove to be interesting.†She thinks to herself. Valentine takes one more look towards Celeste and heads to a dead run towards her car to suit up.

  14.           Jessica was driving down the road as she usually does every evening after work, this time she has finally decided to follow through with her new year’s resolution to lose those  extra couple inches in her waste. She is stopped at the light noticing there is only a couple more blocks to her destination. Her windows are up to help drown out the noise of the outside traffic. “I really need to get my radio fixed†she thinks to herself. Jessica grabs her phone while she is waiting for the light to change so she can go and puts in her ear buds to make a call. Looking down she begins to dial the number, Startled from the honking car from behind she immediately looks in her rear view to see who the “angry at life†individual was who is so impatient to go. “Keep your pants on man, the light hasn’t even been green for a whole second†. She notices him looking at her as he impatiently waves his hands forward urging her to get moving.


                Jessica begins to accelerate forward and says to herself in a low voice, “Whatever dude, I’m going. Learn some patien……†before the sentence could even be completed,  the squeal of tires erupts just to her right. Every muscle in her body clenches her heart rate elevates dramatically pumping her blood ever faster. Everything slows down; instinctively Jessica slams on the breaks turning her wheel she swerves to towards the sidewalk stopping inches from hitting the streetlight. She closes her eyes tightly hyperventilating trying with all her will to calm her breathing and not breakdown in tears. After a few moments she has calmed enough to loosen her grip on the steering wheel and open her eyes. She hears the un-ending wail of a horn from another car and turns her gaze in that direction realizing she was not the one hit but the guy behind her had been hit almost head on. Another car who had tried to run their light turned to miss her only to hit the other guy. The fear for herself utterly fades away only to be replaced with anxious anticipation and fear for the others who may now be injured. The bustle of chaos all around the smell of burnt rubber and gasoline, moving around her car she looks towards the accident to better assess the situation.  She notices the man who was hit was alone, but the other vehicle had a driver and a passenger, the man driving and a woman. The accident looks bad, shattered window, bent metal, pouring liquid, and smoke. The horn is ear piercing now as her head is finally clear from her fears. She reaches to her pocket to get her phone, she can’t find it, “I must have left it in my car.â€, and her gaze passes to her car which is a few paces away now. “Someone call an ambulance.†She says in a low distant voice, looking around she says with more confidence, “Someone call an ambulance, now!†looking around again she see several people on their phones, “I hope they are calling for helpâ€.


             Jessica looks over at the cars again as she is walking closer to see if anyone is injured and see the female passenger and her driver are unconscious, she runs over to the smoking car and on closer inspection sees she is pregnant. Again fear swells up in her, not for herself but for this lady and her baby. Grabbing the door handle she tries to open the door but it won’t budge, she quickly examines it and sees it is crumples and she knows she’ll not be able to open it.  Jessica grabs the handle again and roughly yanks on it repeatedly in a desperate attempt to get it open. She yells, “Help! Somebody help me get this open, there is a pregnant lady in here!â€


             She looks around again with a pleading look of increasing desperation hoping anyone might be coming to help. She see a short figure not too far away getting out of a car and heading towards her at a dead run, she is there in an instant she hears her in a rough tone telling her to move. She does so jumping to the side to get out of her way just in time. Seeing this short little thing she laughs “What is this little girl going to do we need the jaws of life to get this door openâ€. With look of astonishment Jessica’s jaw grows slack as this stranger reaches over and digs her fingers into the seam of the door, braces her foot on the car and give a few swift yank. The door pops, bends and is quickly broken free from its hinges. The stranger reaches into the car grabs the seat belt above the shoulder, with a quick twist it snaps free of the frame. She grabs the pregnant lady with amazing ease and lifts her free from the car.


                “Hey, over here, bring her over here!†Jessica waves her arms bouncing up and down next to the curb trying to get the strangers attention for a place to put the lady down at. “Hurry lady, the car is smoking, it might explode hurry!†The Stranger delivers the lady to her side and gently begins setting her down. “I’ll look after her you get the others.†The stranger looks at her and smiles and says “Good job.†Then she turns and runs off to get the other man in the car. Jessica is strtled as he warm, welcoming, and woman like her voice was.  


                Leaning down Jessica looks over the pregnant lady and checks for any injuries, nothing more than a bruise and a bloody nose. Jessica looks up as the stranger comes over again with the male that was in the car with the lady. “Set him down here.†Jessica points next to the pregnant lady, “I’ll look after them until the EMTs arrive.†“I saw the guy in the other car get out, he looks well enough if he can walk away from his car.†“Just makes sure everyone is clear of the cars in case it explodes.†  The stranger who is uniquely short, strong and strangely beautiful looks at her with an amusing smirk on her face and says “Yes ma’am.† Then turns and heads back over towards the accident. In a surprisingly rough and loud commanding voice she tells everyone to stand clear of the cars as they are in danger of catching fire and exploding.  Jessica continues to overlook the injured but realizes there is not much else she can do, she is just glad they are both still breathing. She finds her gaze continuing to fall back onto the stranger in wonder as to how she had done what she had done with that car. She can now hear the sirens quickly getting closer.  Within a couple more minutes the first of the police arrive followed shortly behind by the fire trucks.


                Her rush has completely faded, no one died, no one is in life threatening danger, no cars are going to explode. All the spectators are starting to fade away heading back to the more important things in their life. Jessica too wants to move on but she also wants to get a better look at this stranger so she sticks around knowing she will need to first make a statement to the police detailing what she had seen. The urgent demand on her time by the police and EMTs will be starting soon; Jessica sits down next to the injured and waits, mentally preparing herself for what’s to come when the short strange female approaches her.


             “Hey there, way to keep your cool out there under the pressure, many others would have cracked with fear staying away in case of an explosion seeing the smoke. I’m  impressed, what’s your name?†the strange lady asked. “Jessica.†Jessica responds a bit intimidated of this woman after seeing what she had done earlier. With closer inspection Jessica can see the lady is quite the unique individual; White hair, childishly short, but 100% adult and extremely beautiful, very fit. Jessica feels a slight urge of envy when she notices how fit and defined her muscle tone is but she quickly pushes it down into submission. “It’s nice to meet you Jessica, you can call me Baby Brawler. Don’t be too shocked, this kind of thing is common place for me. I just happen to be at the right place at the right time.â€


             Trying not to look awed Jessica says, “You’re hero? Man that was awesome the way your tore that door off, I mean wow†Baby looks at Jessica with  that smile again “Hey don’t sell yourself short, had I not been her to overshadow your heroics you would be in the spot lite.†“In fact I have somewhere I need to be so I’m going to ask you to help me out.  Tell the authorities what happened here and try to not make me the only hero here if you catch my drift.†She puts a hand on her should it was strong confident and solid. Producing a genuine smile says “You have the makings of a real hero in you Jessica, work hard keep the dream vivid in your heart and you can make it come true. You’re already a hero in my book. I’ll keep my out for you in the future.†BB begins to walk away, Jessica just stares at her back as she watches her walk away. Suddenly without thought she spurts out “I’ll be at the gym down the street if you need me!†Baby Pauses for a second turning just her head she looks at Jessica and says, "I'll stop by and see you some day." she smiles and gives her a wink then continues on.  


             “Guess I am committed to working out here and fulfilling my resolution after all.†Jessica thinks to herself. Just then the first police office approaches her, “Good evening ma’am I am officer August, are you a witness to the accident, I would like to ask you’re a few questions.†Jessica lets her gaze linger in the directs Baby Brawler had left for a moment longer before turning her attention to the officer in front of her.

  15. Well at this point I am not really interested in attaining as many points as I can in a months time. As I am still new to this PbP thing I think just having the opportunity to post and gain anything for doing so is good enough for me. I just hope I don't need to have a canon appearance before doing a non-canon.

  16. Yes AA, she is just a short girl thus the name Baby and she like to brawl, the named seemed appropriate. The original concept was designed by me for my wife she had asked me to make a female PC in City of Heroes. We liked it a lot and so I adopted it for this game.

    Per your request, I have fixed the formatting in the “Skills†section, I have added the distances to the leaping for reference, and fixed the issue with the swapped bonuses in the “Saves†section as well.

    I think that was all that was needed, please give it a once more over and let me know if it is good to go or if I need to make another alteration….


    Thanks for your time.

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