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Posts posted by Shofet

  1. Starlok


    Countess Ori-Bath simmered in silent anger at the intruders. Not only had they ruined her meal, they threatened her hostess and her fellow guests. However, she was faced with a conundrum. Her gear remained aboard the Pale Rider, leaving her less effective than she would be normally. To make matters worse, the signal jammer ensured that she wouldn't be able to call it back either. Not unless she could find the machine responsible and break it.


    Still... Something had to be done. 


    She looked over at Maybelle, hoping to lock eyes with her. She intended to follow the chef's lead in this matter, given that it was her place of work and these were her guests. Still, should the opportunity to strike arise, Starlok wanted to take it.


    Thankfully, it seemed as though, given she was at the back of the restaurant, she had not yet been noticed. That, or these intruders weren't aware of that grey women weren't very common on Terra. She wasn't yet sure which.

  2. GM

    The man in the reflective mask's face obviously could not be seen, but there was a palpable sense that he was smiling like a jackal when Maybelle made her way into the dining room. He seemed to regard the forcefield for a moment, before briefly tilting his head to one of the other individuals, who proceeded to make a small nod.


    "Excellent, excellent. You saw reason. Hostages can do that, of course," he said, clearly pleased with himself. "Maybelle McQueen, please come with us. We have many questions to ask, and you have many valuable answers I plan to sell to the highest bidder."


    He held out his hand for Maybelle. "Unless the safety of your patrons no longer concerns you. Then we could do things the hard way, instead," he cooed.

  3. GM


    The armed men looked between each other, shrugging, until the man with the reflective mask finally spoke up, chattering to his men in the language of the Lor. Three peeled off from the main group, moving around so that they could secure the back entrance as well, leaving five, including the apparent leader, in the main room. Then, he turned to Rose.


    "I think fetching her would be a very good idea," he said in a low, restrained tone. "You should go do that now. Oh, and if she tries to escape, I would like for her to know that I will feel compelled to take out my frustrations on her staff."


    He gestured to his men again, and then to the patrons. "Do you see what they are carrying? These are guns. You've invented guns, right? That means no heroes today. None. Or we will use our guns."


    He turned back to Rose a final time. "Now go. Before I become impatient."

  4. Soliton


    Despite herself (and the situation), Mia genuinely enjoyed the whole 'mad scientist' thing. It felt like a rare occasion that Mia got to use her powers for what she felt they were meant for - making things that pushed the boundaries of what was possible. After all, she had all the rarest materials in the universe at her fingertips! And yet the idiots in the governments of the world would rather she waste it on blasting petty criminals and dealing with whatever nonsense came up that week. She could change the world! But oh, no. That wasn't allowed! All to maintain a status quo that was doomed to collapse in a few de--


    Mia eventually caught herself in this mental rant, and decided on two things: Maybe she liked mad science a little too much and also she should probably stop drinking caffeine today.


    When the machine worked and brought them to the apartment, Mia had settled herself (switching to tapwater instead of cola) and had thought to conjure up her costume to wear instead of her day-to-day clothes. Didn't need to be giving up her identity to evil Swedes. That was always a recipe for trouble. 


    Before she had time to gather her thoughts, though, Pan raced off, and Mia didn't know exactly what to do about that.


    "Yeah I mean sure Forever Boy, I could have turned the air in his room into laughing gas or strategically blocked all the windows, but bullrush it is, I guess. That's cool. That's fine."

  5. Soliton


    Mia had been sleeping fairly soundly, for the most part. She had considered teleporting home to sleep and returning in the morning like she often did on trips, but it felt like kind of a waste to do it here, in this big house with all these big, extra beds. Besides, it was nice to relax away from home sometimes.


    Of course that was now all up in smoke thanks to screams of despair and the sound of people talking. Resisting the urge to just teleport to the noise, Mia instead went the slow way, tromping over in her t-shirt and black pajama pants, rubbing her forehead and grumbling to herself. If she had to hit someone with a beam of white hot butt-whoopin', she would..


    She wandered into the room, and immediately, she frowned, looking at the photos.


    "Ohhhh, I've heard about this room," Mia said gravely. She looked around, frowning at everyone. She tried to piece together what was going on. She squinted. She looked at the hole in the wall. Squinted some more.



  6. Starlok

    ”Thank you,

    Ori-Bath sipped her sweet tea thoughtfully, taking in the restaurant around her now that she had time to herself. She found herself watching the patrons around her. Despite herself, she found herself comparing the people here to the people of Nokton. She listened to the way they spoke, and while it was more… rudimentary, she could hear flashes of something she might expect to hear in Castle Lugo’s dining halls…


    Ugh, now was not the time to be riddled with nostalgia.


    She produced her data pad so that she might record her thoughts on the food. She had become something of a diarist in recent times, cataloguing her thoughts during her temporary exile from her home. She wrote personal little reviews on the food she tried in more peaceful times, something to remember to bring back with her when she regained her rightful throne.


    Things were going fine until Ori-Bath began to notice that her data pad was suddenly on the fritz. The screen wavered, before dissolving into white noise. The Countess looked up to see other patrons looking quizzically at their own devices, trying to get them to work. They only began to look up from their when a series of armed individuals began to make their way into the building through the front door.


    “Gentle diners and staff!” Said a man in a reflective mask, speaking in a thick Lor accent. “I apologize for the interruption. Please, remain in your seats and no harm to come for you. We are only here for… Maybelle McQueen.”


    Ori-Bath glowered, dragging her nails across the table. What a terrible time to be without her Panoply.

  7. GM


    Not too far in the distance, another spaceship entered into Freedom City and lowered itself invisibly onto a rooftop in the North End. Silently, several men clad in high-tech armour and armed with blasters stepped out, observing the Southern Queen from afar.


    They had come with one purpose: to capture a member of the Praetorians. After considering each member, they had settled upon Maybelle McQueen, reasoning that if they moved swiftly and decisively, they could wrangle her without having to worry about the Terran law enforcement’s woefully underdeveloped weaponry. As long as none of the local heroes showed up, they would have one major asset.


    Watching the windows through a scope, they prepared to spring their assault.

    ”Remember, no casualties. Weapons on stun. We’re here to take her in live so we can press her for info. Any information she has is going to be a gold mine if we can get the Khan’s agents to buy our intel," said one, dressed in all black, a reflective mask covering his whole head and molded over the features of his face to form a sort of mirrored visage. 

    The men nodded, and bided their time for the right moment to move.

  8. Soliton

    Mia looked up at Eira's mother, smiling awkwardly. "Oh, uh, hey Mrs. Natt och Dag. I'm alright, just taking a break from talking to everyone," she said. "Sorta get overwhelmed when there's too many people for too long. Uh..."


    Mia rubbed the back of her neck. She knew that Eira was pretty shaky with her parents, but Mia didn't know that it was her place to really say anything. Her mom definitely would have said something, but her mom was also used to being thrown out of places. Still, she felt like she had to say something. Just not something provocative.  Just... had... to be... careful.


    "I'm... I didn't get along with Eira, at first," Mia says. "But I'm glad she's my friend. You raised a really good person."


    Oh God, was that too much? THAT WAS TOO MUCH! NO! AAAAAAAAA!

  9. Soliton


    Mia had mostly checked out during dinner. Her capacity for drama went way down when she was eating, and so she learned, in her own way, to shut out the students of Claremont to avoid it as best she could. Eating was supposed to be a time of joy and peace, not a time of screaming and fighting.


    But now dinner was done, and people were talking trash about her friend in her own house. She supposed, today, would feed the drama by coming to Eira's defence. Moving over to Pan and Micah, she inhaled sharply as if to give them a moment to flee before she spoke.


    "Eira can be difficult, but it's a little messed up to say she's just doing something to make her parents mad. Especially since she's been into Pan since, like... They met. Also talking about your host behind their back while you're in their house is super bad manners okay bye."


    Not giving Micah the chance to interject, Mia disappeared by teleporting to a random location in the house, thus making her more of an angel of conscience rather than a nagging friend, in her own mind.

  10. Starlok


    The Countess blinked. Oh, of course, it was probably one of those acronyms the Earth sorts seemed to love more than life itself. Well, she would have to deal with that later. Wait, she had been to this planet before. Did they know about that too? Oh, she hoped not. She hated having to scream at bureaucrats.


    When the tenders came out, Ori-Bath inclined her head politely, and using a fork and knife, cut off a small portion, and chewed thoughtfully, letting it travel over the different portions of her tongue, before taking a small sip of water and swallowing. She considered the flavours and the textures, before finally saying.


    "They're good. There's a similar dish on my home planet made from fried mycoprotein. The family chef would make it for me when I was going through my picky phase as a little girl. It was all I would eat for a few months. It's... Very nostalgic, thank you." she said with a small smile.


    Her eyes scanned the menu for anything she remotely recognized, her expression becoming more lost with each passing moment. Until her eyes settled on the drink menu.


    "Oh! Sweet tea. I will have some sweet tea, please. As for food... I... Whatever dish you are most proud of here? I don't know any of these but I enjoy trying new things."

  11. Starlok


    Ori-Bath considered for a moment. "Nothing else food related," she said. "At least, nothing that grows on Earth, as far as I am aware. As for Uni-Son, I am certain she and I can come to an arrangement." She did find it interesting that a Terran woman had the same name as her maternal great aunt. Perhaps Noktonians had influenced this planet in the past? 


    She folded her hands in her lap, smiling up at Maybelle. "Food in the County of Lugo is primarily vegetarian, so I am especially curious to try your dishes. I understand Southern food is very meat-heavy from what cursory research I did before I came here."


    There were some other thoughts she had, like the fact that the woman's  name was 'McQueen'. Did that mean she was royalty? Or was the "Mc" an indicator of servitude? There was also a place called 'McDonalds' that served food. Perhaps the position of cook was hereditary here on Earth. Questions for later.

  12. Starlok

    Ori-Bath nodded, retrieving the coins, and smiled at Rory. “Thank you, I am unaware of your customs. I’m sorry if I offended. Have a good night,” she said before she was lead away from him by Maybelle. Ori-Bath smiled today more than she usually did, as she considered herself something of a gourmand and thought nothing better than being able to receive especially good food.


    As she took her seat, she felt the need to apologize once more. “I hope I did not upset your guests. It is incredibly hard to acquire a vehicle on Terra. Er, it’s actually called Earth in your dialect, isn’t it? I do not intend to seem dismissive of your culture,” Ori-Bath.

    Normally, she would not be so cautious, but Noktonian chefs head a very special and important place in their homeworld’s culture. Given that politics were so vicious on the Night Moon, one had to stay forever in the good graces of those who served you food, lest they agree to one’s enemies’ proposition to put silver in their food. As such, chefs, waiters and cupbearers were effectively as sacred and untouchable as priests were in other cultures, and were to be treated as such.


    “I am excited to try your food, as I have heard tell of it even from my distant corner of the galaxy.”She paused, and then felt the need to explain things. “I understand I resemble a creature known on Terra as a ‘vampire’. I would like to clarify that my species’ taste map correlates strongly to Terrans, and as such you need not take any precautions for the purposes of food preparation. Oh. And, while this is embarrassing to admit, I cannot touch silver cutlery for very long or I will begin to develop ulcers on the affected area and may potentially get what you call ‘tetanus’.”


    She frowned. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to sound demanding. I merely wish to list… health concerns.”

  13. The Meta-Naut


    Raya stared at the two of them, her mouth formed into a near-flat line. Somehow, neither of them had answered her question. That was fine. This was fine. She'd just ask it again later, and then if they ignored her then, just keep interrupting them with the question until they answered. For now, though, she'd let it slide. It was fine. This was fine.


    "Yeah I mean, dude, you can think whatever you like but it's not like I can just suddenly switch the resources out of thin air to make a supersuit. My facilities make spaceship parts and satellites. Like, even if I did, the amount of product testing and creation would take actual years before I could bring my own to market, at which point MarsTech would have a commanding share of the market. That's not even to mention the amount of permissions I would need to get from the government to manufacture that stuff," Raya said.


    "But sure, yeah, just because I'm jealous and trying to steal business secrets. For an entirely different industry."

  14. Soliton


    "Eira said I wasn't into science?" Mia asked, confused. "I've wanted to get into chemistry for a long time now. It's like... Super important for half of my powers." She paused. "In addition to bending space time I can rearrange things at like, the atomic level to turn them into other stuff."


    She demonstrated by creating a block of metal the size of her palm. "This is Iridium-191. It's a stable isotope of Iridium so it's entirely safe. It's also one of the rarest naturally occuring elements on Earth. At least of the ones that won't kill you if you get too close to it."


    "I actually volunteered at a science camp thing for superkids to do demonstrations like that," Mia said. "It's happening like right after this trip." She closed her hand around the Iridium, and it dissipated into nothingness.


    "Oh! And fun fact, Iridium's super hard to corrode normally so you basically need superpowers to destroy it if you're not looking to spend a lot of money."


    "But yeah, I am planning on getting my major or doctorate in chemical engineering."

  15. Starlok

    Ori-Bath, for a rare occasion, actually felt bashful. She really hadn’t intended to draw as much attention to herself on this planet, but it seemed even when she wasn’t trying, she would make a memorable entrance. She managed to keep her head high regardless, maintaining a sympathetic but ultimately detached air about her as she made her way inside the Southern Queen.


    “I apologize for my entrance,” she said as the Pale Rider soared off into the sky. “But rest assured, things shall go smoothly from here. For I am Ori-Bath, Countess of Nos, alias STARLOK! And I know courtesy.”


    She marched forward towards the maitre d’s desk. “I would like to procure a table for one,” she said. She then slapped down two solid gold coins the size of her palm. “I think this should be enough to buy a seat, yes?” she asked. She knew that Terrans liked ever so much to commodify everything. They even sold seats to their arts!


    She smiled, revealing her fangs.

  16. The Southern Queen, North End, Freedom City

    June 27, 2020
    9:00 PM




    Ever since Ori-Bath had met the Praetorians, two things had been on her mind. The first was that all Lor bureaucracy was trash and the Praetorians should be able to help her overthrow her brother if she wanted them to. The second was more relevant to now: She had to meet the one known as ‘Maybelle McQueen’, alias ‘Queenie.’ Partially to recruit her to her cause, but also to eat some of the delicious Terran food she was apparently quite deft at making.


    It had taken some time to track down the place - it turned out that humans were very uncreative and called many locations ‘the North End’, but she finally tracked it down with the help of the Terran mass-information network.


    Unfortunately, getting there posed even more problems. She had attempted to ‘rent a car’, but apparently that required vast amounts of documentation from the American Empire she simply did not have. And apparently government workers did not know who she was nor did they care. They kept calling her British, too, which was just patently incorrect. So instead, she had to have her servants pilot the Pale Rider to hover over the Southern Queen’s parking lot, causing an awful din.


    As papers and plastic bags were thrown about by a ship the size of a jumbo jet hovering over the restaurant, a lift descended down from the ship’s base, carrying on it Ori-Bath, Countess of Nos. She had decided to go formal for this, forgoing her normal wargear and instead wearing a fancy, frilled royal blue evening gown and makeup that had the strange feature of using blue wherever a human would use red, namely lipstick and blush. Her long, dark hair was done up in an updo. She felt she conveyed the very image of grace.


    Sending her ship off, Ori-Bath simply waved off the crowd of people who had gathered to see what exactly was happening. “Do not be alarmed,” she cried in perfect English, speaking with a flawless recreation of a High Received Pronunciation accent. “I am merely here to sample the food. Return to your business!”

  17. Soliton


    Mia was, for lack of a better term, stunned. For someone who had spent the entirety of her life living in tiny apartments in the Fens, the idea that a small family could live in a house like this was astounding to her. And maybe just a liiiiittle infuriating. Just a little bit though. Thankfully Eira’s family was super nice so there wasn’t too much time to focus on that.

    “It’s good to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Natt och Dag…” Mia said, way later then everyone else, her jaw finally done hanging open. Then Eira said something about Napoleon. Mia squinted. Did she have any important family? Babo sometimes mentioned something about being related to some Ottoman governor of Bosnia but she wasn’t sure if that was actually true. Her dad’s side simply came from shtetls in the Black Sea region of Russia.


    “Uh…” Mia said, trying to find words. “This place is pretty cool.” There was another pause from her. “I didn’t bring a trunk but I have like… a thing so it’s fine.”Come on, brain, work! “Another dimension sort of thing.”


    She had a sudden look of dopey realization and then looked at Eira. “Wait I’m allowed to tell them that right?”


  18. The Meta-Naut


    "Yeah, I've got a nose for bad dudes and Mars stinks to space of baditude," Raya said. "I also have a lot of experience with tech, given I do run an aerospace company, so I thought I might be able to lend my skills - and dollars - to this little quest."


    Raya produced her vape pen again, and blew out another cloud. The great thing about vaping was that it kind of added to her general 'self-absorbed tech-broette' angle she shot for. That and where else could you get cherry flavoured fog?


    "Oh by the way, where am I taking people?"

  19. Soliton


    Mia looked up at the manor, her eyebrows raised. She whistled. Aside from that mansion, this had to be the nicest house she had ever seen in person. She followed along after Eira, hands in her pockets. She did squint a little at the Cyberswede's vindictiveness at her parents, but she also understood. That worrying Eira had shown Mia was a little messed up.


    Then another thought occurred to her. She and Eira had gotten off to a rocky start, and...


    "Hey, Eira," Mia said. "Do your parents know anything about us?" 


    There was an implied "anything bad" but Mia wasn't uncouth enough to say it out loud. Eira could be a little bit spiteful and Mia wouldn't be surprised if there had been some negativity spread about her. And god, was there negativity to spread. Oh, are you the shoplifting daughter of the former supervillain? Haha, going to have to watch the silverware around you, peasant!


    Mia squinted harder.

  20. The Meta-Naut


    "I really am Raya Wells," Raya said. She reached inside her jacket pocket and produced a little wallet and with it, her driver's license which proclaimed her to be, in fact, Raya Wells. It also said she was born in the late 90s which technically wasn't true but her real birthdate would require a lot of explaining and the US government decided to spare her that, thank God.


    "Gimme a second, though," Raya said. She slid back her sleeve and fiddled with her smart watch as they spoke. Thankfully she still had SOME technology. She spoke into it. "Call Lewis." For a few moments, she chattered into her watch about being at the Riverfront and needing a pickup. Then, quickly as the call started, she ended it.


    "Sorry about that. He should be here in like... Ten minutes," Raya said with a smile. "Anyway, yeah, I really am Raya Wells."


  21. The Meta-Naut


    Raya stayed at the kids. So they were racist and had weird social darwinist classification systems too. Something was deeply wrong with the youth of America. She gave them a disgusted look that was simultaneously dismissive, and turned, ushering her little duckies away from these rejects from the Third Wave.


    "God, I'm sorry you have to deal with that," Raya whispered in Elliott's ear. "I didn't really do the highschool thing but if that's what it's like, kinda glad I missed it. Sorry for earlier, too. You clearly got enough on your plate."

  22. Soliton


    Mia stared at Pan's question. "I dunno what you want me to say, dude," was the only answer he got out of her.


    When Quickstep arrived, Mia quirked her mouth slightly. Felt a little rude to bring another teleporter when you had a perfectly good one available at most times, but she wasn't going to say that out loud.  She was just going to be polite about it for now.


    "Hey," Mia said from her lounging position. "I'm Soliton. Also do the teleporting thing, but, uh, not with portals. I sorta do a... Super... Quantum... I fold spacetime."


    She leaned up and got to her feet, extending her hand then.


    "Oh, and Eira. Like the look."

  23. The Meta-Naut


    "I am not handing you my phone, d--Ahhh, okay, I see," Raya said, looking at her phone drained of charge. "That's assault. And god, dude, are my lawyers so much better than your family's," she trailed off into muttering. 


    She looked at the kid's uniform, nodded at it, and then looked over at Elliot and Naomi. "You know what," she said. "How about we ditch the baby brownshirts here and I bring you guys where you need to go. In my limo."


    She really didn't want to deal with these kids anymore, and there was no force in the entire multiverse that could make her give them the fight they wanted.

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