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Everything posted by Ari

  1. With a 'pop!', two other students, apparently a tech-genius and a girl in a containment suit fell out of a the air to crash into the ground heavily, at which point a heated argument started up about who got to make the return portal, and who would get the heat from someone called 'Archer' for trying to sneak off in the middle of gym. Subito stared at them for a while, a baffled look on his face, before turning to the other three and saying "I'm sorry, is this normal?"
  2. Ari

    Four Kings(IC)

    With a quick nod, Marceau helped unload the passengers and their belongings from the wrecked plane. Squinting around the desolation about them, he tried in vain to figure out where they would have to go to get to cvilization. Consoling himself with the thought that least they were expected, and a flare or three would be quite sufficient to get attention from anyone who happened to be nearby, he set about setting up a temporary camp for himself and the other passengers, including a covered space for the injured to be treated as far as the gathered skills could do. After making whatever haphazard things could be done to get ready for the coming night, he sought out Vanessa to see what could be done about their situation in the short term, not to mention he needed to find Fector and see what he knew about the attackers. "Vanessa, Marceau Suvou, before we get down to the serious business of what to do, have you seen a man who" he described Ford in as much detail as his memory permitted "-with an odd way of speaking? I think he might know who attaked us"
  3. Ari

    Four Kings(IC)

    Marceau had held his tongue when the stewardess had asked about his flying experience, seeing no reason to give. Her extra cause to worry. Besides, there was plenty to do, like desperately pressing/pulling/orienting and generally doing whatever seemed to do the best job of keeping them level. He thought he did pretty well, all things considered, and he made the fatal mistake of letting that thought guide his actions. He was a little slower to pull up than he ought, and payed for it with a blow to the sternum from the steering device. It didn't get through his armor, but it still stung. And that wasn't even taking into account the rattles, jolts and crashes as he and the flight attendant madly fought to control the direction of the downed plane, their efforts made futile by the abrupt existence failure on the part of the undercarriage. After staggering out lf the seat, surveying the desert around them, and upbraiding himself mentally for his mistake, he turned to the stewardess and said bluntly: "Ma'am, I apologize for the deception, but I have no idea how to fly a plane. Still, we're alive as far as I can tell, so if you need to take me to court for anything that's still a possibility"
  4. Ari

    Four Kings(IC)

    Marceau felt a sinking feeling in his stomach. She had only a basic knowledge of flying, and he was stepping up even though he knew nothing about it at all. Horrible, I'll doom us all, and she wanted someone who could actually land these things. Great job, Marcy, you've given her alse hope, and now you'll pay the price... So he thought as he punched whatever buttons looked likliest, pulled what seemed the appropriate levers and settled into his seat gripping the steering mechanism like he trusted it with his salvation. Oh well, he thought, I'll do my best...However far that goes...
  5. Ari

    Four Kings(OOC)

    I'll do my best. Pilot check: 19. Shagrats! So close! Toughness check: 22. So Marceau is unharmed.
  6. Ari

    Four Kings(IC)

    Taking off his oxygen mask, Marceau politely excused his way into the ailse, where he waved to the flight attendant to let her know he was willing to try. Led to the cockpit by the stewardess, he sat down before the terifying array of buttons and steering devices. Taking a deep breath, he set out to try and land a damaged plane at lethal altitudes and murderous speeds. It should be repeated that this was his first time in a plane in his entire life. And he had certainly never flown one. No harm in trying though, right?
  7. Ari

    Four Kings(IC)

    Shocked at the sudden explosion that had struck so suddenly, the young adventurer only dimly heard Ford's calm declaration of surprise, and it was only after getting his own mask on that he started to wonder at Ford's calm in the midst of what was likely something that would kill them all. A thousand confused questions raced through his head as he stared at the shabbily-dressed man, a suspicion beginning to grow that maybe Ford was some kind of spy. Turning to other, more important things, he began to pray for forgiveness of his sins, as he was now staring death in the face and thought it best to prepare himself to meet his Maker. After consigning his soul to the hands of a higher power he turned to Ford and jerked his thumb outside with a puzzled look on his face, hoping the odd man would get his meaning: Who's doing that?
  8. Ari

    Four Kings(IC)

    Marceau himself nearly fell asleep, only the slight worry over what the case was that awaited him(not to mention the chance to see his relatives) kept him awake at all. Of course, the novelty of flight was there, but the meticulously-arranged distractions meant that he gave less time to the wonder of his position than he ought. Ford's odd sleeping methods, such as his lack of evident breathing, didn't exactly trouble him, but he did begin to ponder the idea that Ford might nit be what he seemed..Bah, that's being paranoid, he's just a businessman with a weird way of speaking, nothing really odd about him Getting ready to disembark as he saw the glorious curve of Morocco under the plane, Marceau wondered what he should do to get prepared for the rigors of investigating in the arid city he was approaching. I should get a phrase book, my Arabic is rusty...
  9. Grateful to learn that Morgan's anger cooled as quickly as his relatives', he gladly accepted the offered hand "Subito Sondo, pleased to meet you Morgan Crowe, and thank you for the welcome" relieved to finaly have the sudden spat out of the way, he turned to John, saying "I only need to get my room sorted out and make sure I'm in my classes. According to this-" he drew out a small pad of paper with a massive list of what looked like instructions on it from his pocket "-the place where I need to go is the registry desk in..." he followed a branch of the instructions carefully before saying triumphantly "The administrations building" he looked up at the other three "Could you guide me there?"
  10. Ari

    Four Kings(IC)

    "I quite agree with that sentiment, Mr. Fector. If I may ask, what brings you there? Family there?" he really didn't think that was why Ford was going to Morocco, but hey! You never knew. For his part, he was just glad that there was someone who seemed quiet as his traveling companion. As an afterthought he added "Nice phone". He then spent the next several minutes in a cold sweat. Never having owned a cell phone himself, he had no idea if he had committed a terrible faux pas. He hoped to God he hadn't.
  11. Ari

    Four Kings(IC)

    "No-" Marceau had begun when Ford had simply invited himself into the seat next to him. He didn't think much of it, probably a businessman hurrying off to another detested overseas trip. He moved over slightly and put his arms on his lap to save space. "Marceau An-Sallah" he answered pleasantly when the other man had introduced himself. He saw the unusual phone, and decided that while the other man was odd(Ford Fector? What parent would do such a thing?), it would be terribly rude to just be quiet and make things awkward. "Your first trip to Morocco, Mr. Fector?" he asked cheerfully, "It is for me, I'm off to see some very old friends I haven't seen in a decade or so"
  12. Ari

    Four Kings(OOC)

    Notice: 16. Behavioral Sciences check: 22.
  13. Ari

    Four Kings(OOC)

    Out of Character thread.
  14. Ari

    Four Kings(IC)

    Marceau sat in the superficially-comfortable chair the airline had grudgingly shelled out for years ago. He was well-used to harsher luxuries, but something about his seat aggravated him somehow. Despite that, the plane was well-made as far as its budget allowed, the engine worked smoothly and the navigators were dedicated to ensuring a harmless journey, so the young Frenchman could think upon his destination without great worry. He was traveling to Morocco to see the Circle of Friends super-team, who almost two decades ago had taught him how to use his once-held powers. They wanted to see him both for old-times' sake and to help them with a case they were having difficulty with. They had said they would tell him the full details of the case upon his arrival. Marceau put his arms behind his head and watched the clouds pass by, wondering what awaited him...
  15. Jarred by the cacophany of noise coming from Brian, Subito fell out of the air on his head, his legs crossing over each other, and in all giving the vague appearance of a well-dressed spider fallen out of its web. Jumping into a standing poaition with his hands in his pockets, he responded simply "I can fly, am very strong and tough, and can hear super-humanly well. I think I have a few others, but that's all I know about so far" Glancing from Brian to Morgan and back he asked "How about you?"
  16. Marceau had stiffened as the massive fist had closed in on his face, but by then it was too late. With a horrible sensation like something was trying to squeeze out his brain, he felt the blow crash into his cheek and lift him up from the ground. He felt the air pass by him, watched between closing eyes the avenue of newly-built houses flicker past. He thought glumly if he should make a helmet or something for future events like this. Flying several hundred feet out to sea, the King of Suits crashed into the waters of the Carribbean with a resounding splash, only frantic movements on the part of his nearly-insensible body kept him afloat on the deep blue sea, his eyes closing as his body struggled to recover from the shock...
  17. Rotating until he was upside down in the air, Subito began testing to see if he could hear the other's heartbeats. Something he still found unnerving to use was his enhanced hearing, which brought to his ears the nearby pattering of ants, the stirring of grubs in the tree, and the scarcely detectable sound of grass growing. The last he found weirdly terrifying. While waiting placidly for the robed teen to recover himself, he passed the next few minutes carefully searching through the various noises he could hear and determining what was making them.
  18. Alright, here goes: Swim check is 11, would you look at that.
  19. TOU save: 13. Darn. Re-rolled, got an 18.
  20. With a shrug, Subito did as he was bid, putting Morgan back on his feet and floating away to what seemed a respectful distance of a yard or so. Sitting down on the air wasn't as comfortable as he would have liked, but it beat standing in the harsh and uncomfortable dress shoes he was wearing. "I doubt I can be of much help in resolving this situation amicably, so I'll just stick around over here then. I'm sorry for overreacting, but I thought you had broken a toe or something, happens all the time" Turning to John he added "Thank you for the directions"
  21. Doktor'd For El Heraldo, two Complications(which I didn't specify for some reason earlier...) Underaged: Subito isn't a legal adult, with all the restrictions that come with that condition. The Who-What Now?: Subito has almost no idea who's who or what's what in the complex world of jet-powered apes and time travel he's gotten himself into. Doktor'd
  22. Subito was hardly expecting that his first day at Claremont would involve a glowing guy who could fly, a guy with seemingly(to him) bottomless insight and the power to form objects out of nothing, and a guy who could appear out of nowhere and summon footballs. On the other hand, he knew the general procedure for what to do if someone hurt themselves at school. Slinging his backpack back on he picked up Morgan neatly and rose a few inches off the ground. Turning to Morgan he said earnestly "Don't worry, I'll get you to the school nurse in no time at all" He turned to the other two students "Could you tell me where the nurse's office is? I'll drop of your friend there as quickly as I can and get back here as soon as possible"
  23. The King of Suits kept his eyes peeled for sights and sounds out of the ordinary coming from the back of the group, and thus missed any sign of Jeena's presence. The seeping sewage flowing past to his left provided plenty of chances for distraction: a drifting carcass of some unguessable creature lond dead, a streak of rainbow-like water that had washed down from some carwash to the north, and the smell was still dire to Marceau's nostrils. Stopping for a brief moment to check if anything was moving along the opposite tunnel, he wondered how anyone could live in the sewers for any amount of time. Nothing to eat except what you took down with you from the surface, same with drink, living under the thumb of a cruel maniac anarchist, it was no wonder that the few he had fought had refused frantically to talk. He resumed his backwards walk, shuddering inwardly.
  24. Subito looked as puzzled as John about the comment about splitting atoms by staring at them, but seemed to at least guess at a metaphprical meaning to those words. My sister would like this guy he thought, glancing at John. Aloud he said "So in short you get what you need here, but it-" the rest was lost in the torrent of footballs, which he jumped awkwardly backwards to avoid, looking in puzzlement at the stranger dangling from the tree. After a moment he said hesitantly "Hello, I'm Subito, do you want to be up there?" he had already begun to slip off his backpack as he spoke.
  25. John's brief declaration of how what the school was depended on what the students made of it was perhaps more affecting to Subito than had been expected. After shaking his hand politely the youth looked at him thoughtfully for several seconds before speaking "Thank you John Smith, that was vey helpful. Is that something often asked by new arrivals? And what do you mean by a 'crucible'? Do some students need more pressure to learn how to use their powers?" Shifting slightly to the left to get a better look at the other boys face, Subito tightened the straps of his backpack, turned to Brian and added "Are there a lot of people like John Smith here?"
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