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Avenger Assembled

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Everything posted by Avenger Assembled

  1. Jack sighed. Geez, Ace. Bride at every wedding, corpse at every funeral. The mental images summoned by that line of thought gave him a perfectly legitimate smile, though, and so he cheerfully clapped Ace on the back and boomed, "Bro! Good to see you!" He threw his arm around Ace's shoulder and lifted him off the floor with the sheer force of his hug. "Man, we've gotta get you doing reps again. I think you know everybody. Hey Derrick, hey Stesha." He turned back to Taylor, still smiling. "See, I knew my brother would come through in the end."
  2. "Yeah, I do," said Mark quickly. "She helped Breakdown and I fight these SHADOW thugs a couple of weeks back. I didn't know she knew James." Mark hmmed. "I didn't catch her contact information, but...WAIT! I know who'll know!" And with that, Mark cracked open his cell phone and dialed the number he'd gotten from ACE DANGER, International Man of Intrigue and Mystery. "Why do we want to know>" he asked, just before hitting the last key.
  3. Though their convention was technically in the Liberty Dome, as Patrick Irons had promised, the signs that pointed the way to the HBC convention led the way not to the massive college dome itself but a smaller, attached auditorium. The crowd was small on a weekend, the walk there didn't take much time at all. They were early yet, a little bit yet before the scheduled opening time of the convention, and a small scattering of college kids and superhero fans were waiting outside. Many of them were obviously cosplayers; there a Captain Thunder, here a Raven, and one Scarab. Everyone was standing around and chatting about the latest superhero gossip.
  4. "Too late for what?" asked Mark, who'd just stuck his head in the door as he walked by. Why does everyone look so serious? "Is everything okay? What's going on?" He looked around and made a lucky guess. "Where's James?"
  5. "That's because you have excellent taste in men," replied Jack, something of a shameless flirt given their usual romantic practices. When they were back in the car together, he leaned close and kissed her warmly, his arm around her shoulder. "I think you'll like the party," he promised her. "Everyone who should be there will be there." Even the ones I want to punch in the face.
  6. "I'll tell you what," said Mr. Archer, looking up from his clipboard when he was finished speaking. "Since the two of you have these concerns, we can work together to address them. Why don't both of you report to me at noon on Saturday to write our own training session together? It shouldn't take more than a few hours. Erin, that can take the place of your usual weekend drill, there's no reason to make you do it twice."
  7. "Arr!" Stunned by the sheer force of Archeville's blast, White Knight hurled backwards, slamming with a crash into the office ceiling. "You sorry excuse for a German! It's no wonder you people sold out the Fuhrer at the moment of his greatest triumph!" He hurled a ball of fire at Archeville, one that struck his forcefield dead on. "Burn!"
  8. "Oh, really?" asked Mr. Archer mildly, all his attention focused on Alex. "In what way?"
  9. Make that two HP, Doc. That does hit, and he is bruised.
  10. As the doors slid open, the two girls were greeted by Mr. Archer, clipboard in hand. "Excellent work, you two," he said with a little half-smile. "Tell me what you think about what you did."
  11. "Daytona Beach? Oh wow!" Mark pulled off his jacket, unabashed wonder on his face as he held it under his arm. "James, that is sooo cool." He grinned at his buddy. "I've never been here, I've just seen it on TV. Lead the way, man!" Exuberantly, he followed James lead as they went, taking pictures with the phone on his camera. "This is awesome."
  12. "Well, Mike, look at it this way," said Mark, his anger softening even further before Mike's unhappiness. "At least you were angry with me, and not with Alex. I was pretty unhappy about that, but things could have been a lot worse. And they didn't turn out so badly in the end, anyway." He smiled a little. "I'll be okay. And so will you, and so will Alex."
  13. "What was it she called them?" asked Mark suddenly. "The sternjuden." He shuddered a little. "Space Jews. I think she was talking about the Grue. That's what the Nazis called them. There was something about stealing technology from the Nazis, which the Nazis themselves had stolen from alien invaders." He rubbed his eyes. "Which makes sense, I guess. The Grue would be just as interested in conquering Erde as they were in our dimension."
  14. Scarab is up. Should finish it up this round. Maybe. :D
  15. "Fools!" Arachnos boomed imperiously, Archeville's powerful blast shattering into a thousand fragments against his armored chest. "YOU MIGHT HAVE STOOD AT MY HAND AS I UNIFIED YOUR WORLD! INSTEAD YOU WILL TASTE THE AWESOME FURY OF...ARACHNOS!" He rose to his feet as his armor began to whine, two glowing balls of power shaping inside his open armored hands.
  16. The leaves overhead were many beautiful colors when Stesha stepped out of an oak tree on a quiet corner of Freedom College's campus, her position sheltered from view thanks to the bulk of the nearby utility building. The buildings at Freedom College were mostly brick and ivy, a deliberate attempt at recapturing a collegiate past that the party school had drifted away from in recent decades. She had a little while yet before she was due to show up at the convention, plenty of time to meet up with her friends and walk around the campus as necessary.
  17. Jack told Phantom his plans for the evening. Though some of them involved travel, none of them required leaving the beach, assuming they were careful about the soft sand that squished between their toes in the water. They were also the sort of plans best-carried out in the dead of night, by two people skilled at keeping themselves from being seen or heard.
  18. "I suppose we should, at that," agreed Jack, rising to his feet. He wound up getting a lot of hugs and handshakes as he went, the genuine emotion in the room sharp enough that for a moment or two he almost didn't want to leave. "Nice seeing everyone again!" he called as they left. "I'll visit again sometime!" When they were outside, he murmured to Taylor, "Thanks for inviting me to that."
  19. Jack presented his own present last, a carefully-wrapped big box. "My big present to you comes later," he said, relaxed enough that he left himself open for the chuckles that remark earned from Jackson and some of Taylor's more playful relatives. The new DVD player inside was a prosaic enough present, but obviously top of the line; Jack had evidently done some shopping. "For all our late night movie pleasure," he said with a grin.
  20. Jack winced, almost imperceptibly. "It would be better if I skipped it," he admitted, not wanting to get into the fine details of his condition with his lover. "But I could make the reception, depending." He slipped an arm around her, too, the comfortable warmth of her body enough to get him to relax again. "So how far extended? Am I finally going to meet your famous uncle?"
  21. "Try it with accountants for parents," murmured Jack with a small smile even as he felt that usual inner twist. "Of course, then it was not being able to get out of math homework..." He laughed a little bit, circulating through the family before coming back to Taylor. "Everybody looks really happy for you," he murmured to her, happiness and awe in his quiet voice. "Are all your family events like this?"
  22. Not for the first time when dealing with Taylor's mother, the face of Jack's own long-dead mother flashed before his eyes. "I've been a little under the weather lately," he 'admitted', "but I'm doing much better today." He grinned. "Saving space for the feast I've been promised later." For all that he could have been an awkward giant among these people, Jack blended in with the perfect smoothness Taylor had seen from him almost everywhere. With the easy way he shook hands and exchanged greetings, he might almost have been part of the family.
  23. "I'm doing just fine," said Jack with a big grin, shaking Jackson's hand firmly. "How's every little thing, man?" He clapped Taylor's brother on the arm, carefully stepping inside the house where he felt oddly like a giant amidst all these short people. Despite everything, he was really very happy among this bustling family. He gave a cheerful wave to Taylor's family as he stepped inside. "Hey folks!"
  24. A black Lexus finally pulled up in the parking lot near the ladies, and Jack stepped out. The tall, elegantly-dressed men in the perfect black suit was a sharp contrast to the grim, crouching Avenger, but he walked right up to the two women with a confident look on his face. "Lynn. Taylor. Nice to see you." His arm went around Taylor's waist automatically, and he planted a kiss on her cheek. "Thanks for waiting for me." He shot a wary look at Lynn. No crosses. Good. "So, I understand you have some concerns."
  25. Mark relaxed as he ate his odd meal, making a strange appearance in his jeans there at the fanciest restaurant in town. But James was used to that sort of thing from Mark, who generally seemed nearly immune to the reactions of the people around him. When they were done, he left a tip while James paid, and got up to join him for the trip out. "I've only been teleported a couple of times," he said as they went out of the restaurant, "so this should be pretty cool. What's it like on the inside?" he asked. "Is it like that one French hero, where if you open your eyes you go crazy inside?"
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