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Everything posted by Warmonger

  1. Both powers it is. Now here is another thing that could use voting. How secretive are we being here, witha Gather Info check added. Very Secretive: No one is supposed to know what we do and we, are not allowed to divulge who we work for publically. DC 40 Somewhat Secretive: We are a secret but we can interact, professionally with other heroes and law enforcement agencies. DC 30 Open Secret: We operate fairly openly but we simply appear to be another hero group. No one knows we are funded by Archeville or Darts, No one knows that our Bronwntone is our base. WE can even talk to the press and fill out Police Report. DC 20 Public: "Registered" Hero team. Open we hold press conferences and or rosters are open to the public more or less. Everyone knows whose Brownstone that is and everyone knows the MAVERIC when they see it. DC 10. Feel free to add any category I missed.
  2. Ok lets start with Damage save 1d20+11=16 Alright stunned and bruised. Now Con check to see if he maintains flight. 1d20+1=20 So he maintains flight. Ok Madame Zero's turn She uses her move action to fly up and and drain the toughness of the tracks. Notice Checks everyone
  3. The dark heroling sailed into distracted villain, landing on his back. His armored fist connecting in the weak joint of the body armor. "Gah!" shouted #1. His blasts fired wildly but some how he managed to keep him self airborne. "ENOUGH!" Shouted Madame Zero. "I have wasted enough time with you fools!" She rose form the ground a wave of Ice carrying her and her stolen machine. It swept away, a tide of frost, rising higher. It finally crested, and she stood on top her arms were fully extended, the air crackled with the cold that emanated form the blue energy surrounding her hands. She pointed them at the seemingly into no where. Then the discharged a blue torrent of cold. The beam shot through the sky... and struck the above ground tracks of the nearby monorail. As the heroes watched the dull gray metal turned white, a hoarfrost raced up and down its length. Then the blast stopped. As they watched a small piece of the track broke of, fell to the ground, then shattered like glass. "Now if you'll excuse me," she said. "I'll be taking my leave. I believe you gentlemen have a train to catch".
  4. Wasn't guessing. Just a figure of speech.
  5. Remember when we "upgraded" our characters? That was my upgrade. It is Ronin's ability to spot weakness in any object.
  6. Ok geeze are you up for a massive reflex save? I'm thinking of using my Perception Area Drain Toughness: Alternate Save reflex.
  7. All-Star looked into the glass cases. In one he saw a giant tooth as long as his forearm and twice as thick. A spiderweb crack spiraled out from the tooth's center, as if some small but massively powerful force had nearly broken it. Another held a sleek, futuristic gun, with a power cable coming out from the hilt, that was snapped and frayed at the end. The Freedom League Trophy hall held still more wonders. A large pink crystal whose facets held images of his reflection, but in each facet he was dressed differently, a sickle and hammer, a large gray reptile scale. Finally a simple burnished brass curiass, there was a jagged whole in the center. It was the only display that had a name. "It was really just part of the costume." All-Star turned his head to find Captain Thunder standing next to him. "It wasn't Super armor or anything, but I can't recall any other time I've seen it torn." The older super stood and stared at the armor. "It was the Centurions right," All-Star asked. "Yeah," Thunder said. All-Star glanced down at the Large white Star across his chest. Would his costume hang in someone's display case someday, looked up at by the public? He smiled at the idea, then frowned as the thought of his death crossed his mind. As he though the lone T.V started playing the news. "This is Cheryl Montoya, coming from downtown Freedom, where a young Hero has stopped a rampaging Robot." All-Star's stomach suddenly began to flutter. The camera panned and there he was standing with one foot on the Robot's chest. The reporter stuck her microphone in his face as they began the interview. All-Star was genuine and very proud of himself in the interview. All-Star turned at a slight chuckle from Thunder as they watched the interview. All-Star managed to release his own nervous chuckle. "Yeah I made a great save. We don't need to watch the rest of this." As if on cue a man came charging into the scene, screaming about his ruined store. Then several others joined in. Thunder glanced at Marcus. "Alright, well I tried to destroy the Robot's optical doohickey, with a shock-wave, and maybe I took out the glass in a couple buildings on the block." Thunder's eyebrow climbed. "Come on. Think what the Robot would have done if I wasn't there?" "Marcus your job is to protect the city not level it," Thunder said. "I told you a million times that control is better than power. That is like tackling the quarterback when you only need to knock the ball out of his hand." Marcus sighed. "Yeah," he said. "I know, I just didn't think it would happen like that." "Maybe you should go to Claremont for a week or two, get some training with the other young Supers." Marcus frowned. Go hang out with a bunch of High School kids? Yeah right. "Yeah maybe," Marcus said non-committal. "No I'm serious," Thunder added, worry creeping into his voice. "I know it is easy to forget but you aren't just a regular Joe on the street. How many other heroes do you interact with? It would do you some good." Suddenly there was an electronic chirp. Thunder glanced down at his now blinking wrist communicator. Then quickly raised it to his face. "Thunder," All-Star recognized the voice of Daedalus. "We got a situation in Kenya ASAP." "On my way!" Thunder responded. He looked at All-Star. "Gotta run, but think about what I said." Then like the memory of lighting in the sky, he was gone. All-Star rubbed the back of his head, as he often did when thinking. He had no desire to go to Claremont but Thunder was right. What would Centurion do. He looked back at the display case but instead of the Centurion's armor, he saw something new. It was his own costume. How did that get there? On the glass there was a letter. When had that gotten there. He could hear a man chewing his nails in his car, out on the street, how did anyone sneak up on him? He moved closer and saw that the letter had "All-Star" written on the front. He didn't hesitate to take the letter and begin reading it, then he read it again, then a third time. Someone wanted his services? There would be other supers? Tomorrow? He looked back at the display case, to find the centurions' armor returned to its spot. He stood there pondering, for quite some time. Then he folded the letter up, twin beams of fire shot from his eyes and incinerated it. Thunder didn't have to know about this yet. He would find out when he saw it on the news, good news this time. In a flash he was out of the trophy room, through the lobby, and out the door, and streaking across the sky like a shooting star.
  8. As Breakdown's attack started, Zero quickly shook of his previous attack. She thrust her hands at the ground. Walls of ice shot out of the ground, which Breakdown was able to dodge around, but as he brought his arm around for the attack it smashed into a wall of ice. The Madame gave Breakdown a wicked grin behind the transparent sheet. The #1 and #2 continued to harry the musical hero. "Where do you think you're running to freak!" The unleashed more torrents of energy. A stray blast struck an empty car, lifting it into the street with a large explosion. Breakdown got the impression that they were just firing at random, until a blast struck him. "That was a rookie mistake," #4 said to All-Star. He swung his armored fist into a backhand that smashed into the young hero's jaw. "You ain't no Centurion that's for sure." "Guys!" #3 Shouted as he clutched his chest. "There goes another one." He pointed at the previously unseen Razorwing. His outstretched hand glowed briefly then discharged a volley of energy blasts. All-Star blinked to clear his eyes from #4's fist. He anger rose up in his chest. Rookie! He swung another blow that the armored villain parried. "Told ya that is a roo-" All-Star's fist smashed into his visor, whipping his head back. "I'm a damn All-Star!" Marcus shouted. "I don't warm the bench."
  9. Breakdown Power Corps 1 Power Corps 2 (1b) Power Corps 3 (2b 1Stag) Power Corps (4) (1b) All-Star (Free) Razorwing Madame Zero (1b, Stun) Darkstar (1b, Stun) Warmonger rolls 1d20 and gets 17. Ok so added to her toughness her save is 31. She passes. Also I belive she is no longer stunned. I think you are stunned until right before the person who stunned you goes. "If a Toughness save fails by 5 or more, in addition to the normal effects of the condition, the character is stunned for one round: unable to take actions, losing dodge bonus to Defense, and suffering an additional –2 reduction in Defense. This lasts until just before the attacker’s turn in the initiative order on the following round." (164) Ok Power Corps 1&2 Continue their assault on Breakdown. They Power Attack reducing their ATK. 1d20+6=7, 1d20+6=22 1 DC 29 Save for Breakdown. Since PC #1 rolled a 1. PC #4 Sees how badly All-Star has over extended himself and Power Attacks 1d20+6=22 DC 29 Damage for All Star The severely injured #3 sees Razoring and fires a blast at him. 1d20+11=17 I assume 17 is a miss. If it hits DC 24. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All-Star Damage Save 1d20+12=20 Ugh. Spend Hp to shake off stun. Ok regular attack. 1d20+8=9 Sigh and All-Star continues to roll like crap. Hp for re-roll. 1d20+8=27 ah much better. DC 27 save for PC #4. 1d20+11=24 ok finally 1 bruise on PC #4. IC posts incoming. Alls ex3 I'm gonna need you to post your actions OOC from now on.
  10. All-Star is also goign to pick up Interpose, to protect the squishier members. And inf terms of raw damage, I imagine Colt pretty much takes the cake here. His damage DC is through the roof if he hits with that Auto-fire 3 attack.
  11. her force-field is not impervious.
  12. Ok here is a differnt image of what I had posted before. http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y49/sp ... essee-.jpg
  13. Marcus frowned. "Yeah," he said in low puzzled voice. "Zombie. Hey I'm not a block head," Marcus answered back. "I'm just not used to all of these fre... weird people. So what? Zombies jumping out of nowhere is supposed to be normal? Besides you are acting like your head was knocked off." He stretched his head around Erik to look at Deadhead. "Look sorry about that. Take some aspirin or whatever." Probably brains. "No hard feelings." With that he stepped through out he fun house exit. What a weird night.
  14. Ok working it out with Ex3 got the damage DC Toughness save DC would be 23 (15 + 2[mighty 3] + Sneak Attack 2) Ok fails CONC check to maintian force-field 1d20+4=12 Toughness save reduced for getting hit and losing forcefeild S she loses force field and is reduced because of the bruise from Breakdown. so her toughness is +9 1d20+9=11 wow ok talk about a crappy roll. Damn she is unconcious oh wait... impervious! :twisted: Almost got her. Ok since Darkstar and Madame Zero are stunned Quote you are next.
  15. In truth, All-Star was panicing at first. He could hear Captain Thunder's words, "Control is more important than power" he had wondered if he killed that thing so it was a tremendous relief when it picked it's head up, which quickly slid into disgust. "What are you?" The question was more for himself than anyone else. He finally looked at Erik. "Who are you?"
  16. Maybe this could be the future house? http://franklin.thefuntimesguide.com/im ... ssee-2.jpg
  17. Marcus already didn't like this guy, he was creeping him all the way out. Then the slime-ball made a comment about Cyndi and actually put his diseased hand on him. "Hey," Marucs said. "Don't touch me!" In revulsion Marcus's right hand shot out pushing the undead Carnie away from him. His hand snapped out too fast and he put more force on it than he meant to...
  18. Yeah I kind of want to stick with the Borwnstone outside base underground type set up. Maybe we can make it a sort of urban mansion even. It is also goign to be by the water so it could look like a house of tommorow. Dont worry Shaen, some of will still "mount up".
  19. "Yeah," Marcus growled. "He is real damn, friendly." Marcus marched after the retreating Dead Head and moved to stand in front of him. I know I'm right. "Hey, hold on there, dead guy. Ok I jumped the gun back there, sorry or whatever." He didn't sound particularly remorseful. He stepped close and raised his index finger. "But don't think your gonna hit on my girl." He jabbed the finger into the Zombie's chest for emphasis and was disgusted when his finger sunk in further than he thought.
  20. I'm Warmonger and I approve this message. How secrete are we going to be here? I'm assuming the same level of secrecy we had in the previous discusison. Where no one knows what we do but not quite top-secret.
  21. All-Star froze as he stared at the scene before him room flickering from his blazing eyes. "Wait, what?" he asked puzzled. He looked between the two. The room returned to darkness as his eyes flickered down. Cyndi gave him a puzzled look. "Marcus, what are you doing? It's just a guy in a suit." She looked towards the two men. "Are you alright Marcus you could have killed him." "What?" Marcus asked. "No. It was... I mean... hes a Zombie." He spread his hands indicating Dead Head. "It is just a Carnival Marcus," Cyndi said shaking her head, she huffed and ran her fingers through her hair.. "I'm gonna get some air. You scared me half to death." As she passed Dead Head she said. "That was a great show thank you, you were really scary." She paused as she smelled something funny, but didn't give it much thought as she walked out. When she left Marcus stood there arms spread incredulously, looking at the two.
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