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Posts posted by Heritage

  1. Grimalkin


    "Well, this is unexpected...but not unwanted."


    Much like Lewis Carroll's Cheshire Cat, you often heard Grim before she chose to reveal herself, and tonight appeared to be no different. But her voice sounded warm and amused, which surely was a good sign. And then she appeared, in her usual black and midnight-blue costume, slowly sauntering towards him.


    "Although it looks I'm overdressed."


    As she got closer, her outfit peeled away into tatters of gray vapor, exposing a dark blue shoulderless cocktail dress below. Clearly cold weather was not a problem for her.


    "There, much better," she sighed as she gave her arms a good stretch. "So, what's the occasion? Not that you need one to wine and dine me."

  2. Shift


    As Charlie made his request, the robot rolled her luminous red eyes and sighed.




    The cheap plastic pistol slid out of her arm and into her hand, and the vest reformed, sensors intact. Of course, now the fit was perfect and much more comfortable; she wasn't sacrificing that.


    "The teams are satisfactory. May the best bipeds win."

  3. Shift


    "This is an interesting concept for training," noted Shift as she took in all elements of the course."Our lack of familiarity with the layout will definitely add to the challenge."


    Based on Charlie's instructions, she appeared to be wearing black gym shoes, black jeans and a charcoal grey turtleneck. She kept fiddling with the straps of her sensor vest in irritation. 


    "This garment is not well-designed. I do not like how it feels on my body."


    Suddenly the fabric of her 'sweater' began to ripple and writhe; it spread over the cheap tactical vest and integrated it into Shift's body, so that the sensors appeared to be part of the material. In addition, her dark cloud of curly hair twisted into a set of tight braids that fell down her neck, shrinking her silhouette considerably. The overall look was sleek and futuristic.


    The robot smiled and nodded at her handiwork.  "That is much better! I also need a weapon."


    Moving next to Bernadette, she reached out and chose a somewhat boxy-looking automatic pistol. As she held it, her fingers stretched out to absorb the laser pistol, integrating it into her arm so that the laser's lens was in the palm of her hand. Extending her palm towards the Irish multiplier, her eyes glowed neon red as her voice became deep and metalic.




    Despite this disturbing transformation, it was obvious she was grinning and struggling not to laugh.

  4. Shift


    No one really questions the presence of a snowman on lawn in winter time, although those more familiar with this house might have wondered who was young enough to make it. He was quite jolly looking, with a red and green scarf and features made of the traditional carrot, twigs and lumps of coal.


    However soon the truth was revealed; the festive figure began to spin around in a spiral, whirling and shifting to form into an attractive young woman with light skin and a big mass of curls, arms spread wide in greeting.


    "Surprise! Welcome, my friends! Come and see what Charlie and I built together!"


    Shift's smile and enthusiasm were fairly infectious.

  5. The Eel


    "Knock three times, then two times, then three again when you come back. Just so I know it's you."


    Once John was gone, Eileen allowed herself a good stretch, which meant sending her arms and legs all about the small room. She also used this opportunity to feel nearly every inch of floor, walls and ceiling as her hands and equally sensitive feet checked for peepholes, hidden cameras or microphones. She opened all the drawers on the dresser, felt around the bathroom mirror, and checked the light fixtures, all without getting out of bed.


    Finally satisfied, her snake-like limbs relaxed and returned to their proper dimensions as she fetched the remote off the top of the TV with her feet, and deftly switched it on, arms folded behind her head.

  6. The Eel


    There was a loud gurgling at the mention of food, and the English amnesiac looked down at her belly for a few seconds. "Um...perhaps a bite to eat wouldn't be a bad idea. Ooh, do you know if there are any Indian places hereabouts? I could absolutely murder a chicken vindaloo!"


    Eileen stepped into the cheap room, doing her best not to touch...well, anything. She pulled off her own raincoat, folded it up a few times, and then placed it on top of the pillow; there was no way she was getting under the covers of this bed. Gingerly climbing across the bedspread, she laid down with her hands behind her head, and her eelskin returned to its original configuration like an oil slick that started at her neck and spread down to her toes.


    "You know, I can honestly say I've never been happier to own this particular garment, although I dare say I'd feel safer in a bloody hazmat suit."

  7. The Eel


    "As long as it's warm," Eileen said in a thick and nasal Queens accent before she trailed off into giggles. She kept whispering and giggling into the side of John's neck to better hide her face.


    Once they were inside the elevator, its mirrored walls cracked, smudged and marked with graffiti, she dropped the persona and leaned against the wall, sighing deeply.


    "God, I am sick of the ugliness of this town; everything has this disgusting film on it, like a patina of nicotine and sweat." She looked up at John and shook her head in disbelief. "How have you maintained your sanity in all this filth?"

  8. The Eel


    Eileen nodded and smiled as she disentangled herself from John's back, a singular sight to see. Like him, the cold never bothered her anyway.


    "I like it. Takes a bit of the pressure off. On that note-"


    She looked down at her eelskin, and it shifted into something more suitable for a date: a dark brown jumper, pleated wool skirt and knee high boots with a modest heel.


    "There we are, much better!"


    She entwined her arm around his and pulled him closer to 'keep out the chill', their hips now gently touching as they walked, her boots clicking rhythmically on the pavement.


    "So, just how many dates have you brought to this hotel," she teased.

  9. Crystal-Gazer 


    Lulu still had her arms crossed, but her demeanor had softened some; her tone wasn't nearly harsh when she spoke, and there was a hint of smile on her lips.


    "It looks like you're feelin' a bit guilty; good. You should be. But after all is said and done, turns out you're fine and you just have a case of the 'forgotums', coined by Great Aunt Cecilia to describe the forlorn and crestfallen look on a kid's face when he sees how pissed off and worried his folks is."


    She sighed, shook her head and ran her fingers through her red locks before giving Rex a smile and a wink.


    "So, you ever plannin' to introduce us to your new friends?"

  10. The Eel


    With her limbs wrapped firmly around John's torso, Eileen in no way impaired his movement; her weight rode on his hips and shoulders, as snug as the finest harness you could buy. Her head was tucked in between his right shoulder and neck, which muffled her voice somewhat.


    "Perfect. I have enough cash on me to pay for several days, and a few caches hidden in various inaccessible places about town."


    There was a pause.


    "Thank you, John."

  11. Grimalkin


    "I could put you up," offered a suddenly visible Grimalkin, who appeared sitting next to Ghost still holding his hand. "Dok and I had an opportunity to talk a few years ago; I feel comfortable having him at my place. I've got a spare apartment across from mine, partially furnished."


    To be honest, Lynn had surprised herself with the offer, but she didn't regret it. She'd spoken to Viktor about the importance of atonement in her faith, as well as her own journey to right the wrongs of her criminal past. In many ways, she was the perfect person to help him.

  12. Shift


    Even as vile a creature as Sebastian Shields did not deserve to die like this. Chump's entreaties moved Shift, and she finally released her death grip on the massive teen. Then she backed away, keeping all three sets of arms ready to strike.


    "I don't this thing is living. He's not going to be easy to drop."

  13. The Eel


    "I'll make it even easier for you," she whispered back to him. "You'll be able to wear me out like a knapsack; arms and legs around your shoulders."


    Eileen sighed and shook her head, still leaning on John.


    "I've been so careful for years; cash only, burner phones, no photos, no taxes. But all it took was a friend putting a snap of me up on Instagram, and then the bastards find me."

  14. Shift


    It was debatable as to which event hit Pol harder: seeing Shadowborne stab Luke with a spear, or the realization that the pair were obviously in a relationship. She shouldn't be surprised, of course; she'd been out of commission for 2 years, and Luke was a handsome young man attending high school. And it wasn't like she'd ever made it clear that she liked him; after all, she was still trying to sort out human emotions when she was last at Claremont. With an internal sigh, she moved all the letters she'd written to him during her downtime into the 'recycle bin' and deleted them.


    Time for a fresh start.


    Of course, all of this had taken but a few seconds while she simultaneously did a search through her data banks on this creature, but her files were pretty thin. In the meantime, she adjusted her grip on Chump and waited to see what's next.

  15. The Eel


    As soon as John arrived, Eileen turned to him, tears streaming down her face, and pulled him into fierce embrace, which in her case was fairly strong. Once her lips were close to his ear, however, her whispered voice was all business.


    "Sorry about the waterworks, luv; I want them to think they've gotten to me. And I nice cuppa would be brilliant."


    She then allowed herself to be led by him, visibly leaning on him for support.

  16. The Eel


    This was not good; she was normally pretty good at shaking a tail, but these two were on her like white on rice. And if they were this good, someone with very deep coffers must have hired them, which boded very poorly indeed.


    Turning her back to the pair, she slid her cheap burner flip phone out of her zippered belly pouch and texted one of three people saved on it, although none of them were listed by name.



    Bad news. Being tailed by two pros, very good. Near bus station downtown. You free? V. worried.


  17. Crystal-Gazer 


    Lulu crossed her arms, shook her head and clicked her tongue, unconsciously channeling her bio mom with her obvious disappointment. The more she spoke, the more animated she became, with much waving and pointing. 


    "Boy, you had your sister an' me worried sick!  You can't just run off willy-nilly through portals like 'at! Ah know you think you're all skilled and what-not, but you're still a kid, an' your people worry 'bout you when you go off an' do somethin' so foolish. Ah swear, you'll be the death of me!"


    Her accent had gotten super thick.





    The Eel

    Power Level: 7 (116/116PP)
    Tradeoffs: -3 Toughness/+3 Defense 
    Unspent PP: 0
    In Brief: Amnesiac former Labyrinth agent with induced mutations
    Identity: Unknown
    Birthplace: UK?
    Occupation: Bartender/detective
    Affiliations: The Labyrinth (former), The Tattered Man (associate)
    Family: Unknown


    Age: Mid-twenties?
    Gender: Female
    Height: 5’6”
    Weight: 125 lbs.
    Eyes: Brown
    Hair: Brown with blonde highlights


    The young woman known only as 'the Eel' is a slender, athletic woman of medium height. Her hair is cut short in a practical pixie bob, and she wears no jewelry. Her movements are graceful and confident, and she speaks in a rather posh, Received Pronunciation accent. The Eel wears a slick, full body suit, which she calls her 'Eelskin'; it not only provides her an element of protection, but also responds to her chameleonic coloration and can even replicate other clothing. It also has a built-in zipable pouch that holds small items. It is currently the only garment she owns, though sometimes she'll wear a thrift store trenchcoat over it in the field.



    A young woman with no memory of her past beyond her strange moniker, 'the Eel' is trying to write a new life on her blank state. She is haunted by the feeling that she's done something very bad, and must atone for it; to this end, she will help those she encounters in any way she can. She currently works as a bartender (one of the few 'normal' skills she recalls) at Club Maxx as 'Eileen Lake', a false identity she's assembled over time. However she's been known to do a little detective work on the side, on occasion helping the Tattered Man with some of his cases.



    Though she doesn't remember it, the Eel was created by the Labyrinth, who very much want to reacquire their property, as she is one of their most valuable assassins,  representing a considerable investment.


    Personality & Motivation:

    Like many Brits, the Eel has a rather dry sense of humor, frequently dipping into gallows humor. Most of the skills she can recall are rather sinister, and she's struggling to find better uses of them. She's willing to steal to live, though she's not particularly proud of it, and feels a strange affinity for the struggling lower classes.


    Powers & Tactics:

    There are very few places the Eel can't get into if she's really determined, as she's extremely sneaky and hard to pin down. Unfortunately she is now much more sensitive to heat, and has to take care to avoid fire-based attacks. The Eel is built for infiltration and information gathering, and while she can handle herself in a fight, she's far from a heavy hitter. However her toxin is very effective at making people more pliable if not outright unconscious, ideal for incapacitating security guards and the like.



    I Don't Remember, I Don't Recall.: The Eel is currently suffering from retrograde amnesia, with no memory of events prior to washing up in Bedlam. This leaves her very vulnerable in a very dangerous place.


    I Think I Used To Be Awful.: Sometimes Eel will catch a glimpse of her previous life,  or have an instinctive, hostile reaction to stimuli, and she doesn't like what she sees.


    Sounds A Bit Posh, Don't She?: The Eel apparently comes from an upper class English family, and therefore speaks in a rather RP accent; this doesn't always go over so well with the 'hoi polloi', especially if they're from the UK.


    No Pictures, Please: Both the Eel and 'Eileen' hate to be photographed, and will get very upset if it's done without consent. Photos can end up on the web, which could lead to her past catching up with her.



    Find Her, Now!: If the Labyrinth ever finds her location, they will be very motivated to catch their little lost fish.


    ABILITIES2 + 6 + 12 + 2 + 4 + 8 = 34PP
    Strength: 12 (+1)
    Constitution: 16 (+3)
    Dexterity: 22 (+6)
    Intelligence: 12 (+1)
    Wisdom: 14 (+2)
    Charisma: 18 (+4)


    COMBAT: 6 + 8 = 14PP
    Initiative: +6 (+6 Dex)
    Attack: +3 Ranged, +7 Melee (+3 Base, +4 Attack Focus)
    Grapple: +19/+21 (+7 Melee, +6 Grappling Finesse, +6 Elongation [+2 if using Addl. Limbs])
    Defense: +10 (+4 Base, +6 Dodge Focus)
    Knockback: -1/-2


    SAVES0 + 4 + 1 + 4 = 9PP
    Toughness +4 (+3 Con, +1 'Eelskin' suit)
    Fortitude +7 (+3 Con, +4)
    Reflex +7 (+6 Dex, +1)
    Will +6 (+2 Wis, +4)


    SKILLS: 64R = 16PP

    Acrobatics 4 (+10)

    Bluff 6 (+10)

    Diplomacy 1 (+5)

    Disable Device 4 (+5)

    Disguise 0 (+4, +24 from Morph)

    Escape Artist 0 (+6, +12 w/ Elongation)

    Gather Information 1 (+5)

    Investigate 5 (+5)

    Knowledge (Streetwise) 4 (+5)

    Notice 6 (+8)

    Profession: Bartender 3 (+5)

    Search 4 (+5)

    Sense Motive 8 (+10)

    Sleight of Hand 4 (+10)

    Stealth 4 (+10)

    Swim 11 (+12)


    FEATS4 + 1 + 1 + 6 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 15PP

    Attack Focus (Melee) 4

    Benefit: Alternate Identity ('Eileen Lake')

    Benefit: Ambidexterity

    Dodge Focus 6

    Equipment 1

    Grappling Finesse

    Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)


    Equipment1PP = 5EP

    Binoculars 1EP

    Handcuffs 1EP
    Lockpicks 1EP

    Laptop 1EP
    Multi-tool 1EP


    POWERS: 2 + 4 + 4 + 7 + 6 + 3 + 3 + 5 = 34PP

    (All powers have the Mutant descriptor)


    Additional Limbs 2 (Legs/Feet usable as Arms/Hands) [2PP]


    Concealment 4 (All Visual Senses, Flaws: Blending) [4PP]


    Device 4 (Eelskin, Flaws: Hard to Lose) [4PP]

    Morph 4 (+20 Disguise, Flaws: Limited [Clothing Only])[4DP]

    Protection 1 [1DP]


    Drain Wisdom 7 [7PP]


    Elongation 6 (250 feet) [6PP]


    Immunity 3 (Environmental Condition: Cold, Environmental Condition: Pressure, Suffocation: Drowning) [3PP]


    Super-Senses 3 (Accurate Ultrasonic Hearing/Sonar)[3PP]


    Swimming 5 (Speed: 50 mph) [5PP]



    DRAWBACKS(-6) = -6PP


    Vulnerability (Heat Attacks, Frequency: Common, Intensity: Moderate [+50% DC]) [-3PP]


    Weakness (Hot environments, Frequency: Common, Intensity: Moderate, cumulative -1 penalty on all checks, attack rolls and Defense per 20 minutes) [-3PP]



    DC Block

    ATTACK        RANGE       SAVE                  EFFECT

    Unarmed       Touch         DC 16 Tough    Damage

    Drain              Touch         DC 17 Fort        Drain




    Abilities 34 + Combat 14 + Saves 9 + Skills 16 (64 ranks) + Feats 15 + Powers 34 - Drawbacks 6 = 116/116 points

  19. Grimalkin 


    Grim's natural scent of pine and flowers grew stronger, and then Ghost felt her breath on the back of his neck as she whispered back.


    "He's always been fairly whimsical, all cuckoo clocks and bratwurst. People think of Germans as joyless Nazis, but they actually know how to party."


    There was a weary sigh that tickled the crimefighter's ear.


    "This is exactly the sort of ridiculous bs Dok would get into. So yeah, I believe him."

  20. 20 hours ago, RocketLord said:



    He pulls away and pulls up his x-ray goggles. "Sounds like you know the guy. Wanna tag along?" he holds out a hand and, as soon as Grim accepts it, they disappear.




    "Very much so," she said with a firm nod. Once they were inside and took a seat, Grim faded into the background...literally, as she used her glamour to become transparent. She didn't want Dok to feel too boxed in or crowded, though she wanted to be present to step in and come to his defense if need be. She and her former employer had some reconciliation several years ago; one could hardly call them friends, but they were certainly civil.


    The one part of Grim that was incongruously still visible was her hand holding Ghost's, which gave it a reassuring if disembodied squeeze.

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