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Everything posted by Nerdzul

  1. Luke saluted the newcomers with a bright smile and, when appropriate an enthusiastic handshake. "Yeah... It was f-" Language Luke. "I mean messed up. It's great to see you fine though... I mean..." He continued, joining Murine in her relief about the situation concluding for the best. "Merry Christmas, by the way. To you both... Hey... Nice to meet you..." He smiled softly at the toddler. "Luke here, aka Nightscale, friendly resident dragon" He introduced himself playfully. "First year at Claremont, right? How are things going there now that I have left?" He asked. "I mean, my bet is that it's much safer, but..." He teased, a smirk on his lips.
  2. Luke saluted Bernadette and her band with few powerful "Wohooos...." "Why not both?" The nineteen-years old chuckled turning toward his flat-mate. "I mean... We can grab a drink for the lead singer as well." He added playfully shortly thereafter. "You know what kind of poison she's havin'?" Fetching a drink was perhaps a bit slower than Luke had planned, crowded club after all in-between acts. But then again, once they were done a visit to the backstage was in order...
  3. "Definitely... you just need to ask." Luke smiled at Owain. "Plus I mean... one of us here has actual wings... can't get better..." He chuckled. "Nah you'd be wasted wasted being a copper, you're too good for that." The young man objected, in truth, it was likely more of a prejudice on his part, still, despite being a superhero now, so in theory on the same side of the force, he had enough negative experience in his youth to color his perception. Luke gulped another round of home-made rum, this time without pyrotecnics, when the subject of their conversation shifted to making money. "If you have the chance go for it... I bet you'd do great." He smiled encouragingly at Alice. "Superhero stuff will get to you anyway..." God if he knew... it almost felt like most times he want out to just hang out some supervillain was just behind the corner. "I am just hustlin'" He replied, ruffling the hair on the back of his neck. "I wait tables at Tony's and I found a pretty good gig at the mall for Christmas." He continued, finishing his glass. "I mean it's a bit reavealing, but it pays well." "Plus I still got enough time for ... you know... Be Nightscale and all..." Yep and seeing his girlfriend, his family, his friends, admittedly he had sacrificed plenty of sleep recently, but in truth, he didn't really mind being busy. "Not gonna be forever though..." Yet, it was not like he was swimming in job opportunities at the moment. "I am gonna apply at Claremont too... I mean, Coach definitely need some helps, with you poeple..." He grinned at Owain and Neko playfully.
  4. I think that Luke isn't going to do much else than go and give Muirne an hug, sure it might not be tactically sound, but in his mind, with Cas gone the fight should be over soon. Plus... his girlfriend has been kidnapped\mind controller, that's his priority now. Perhaps he could notice that there is still something odd going on (if needed he has both Notice and Sense-motive at +10 with skill mastery), but I think that he might be acting impulsively and just ignore that. Although... if Cas wasn't imprisoned in the tentacle, he would have used the occasion to throw him at one of the remaining fighters (scorpion maybe?) just for fun... Him being entangled prevents this, though? Right?
  5. Luke grinned when he saw Shift suddenly appear. "F- Yeah." He kept the telepath tight, sure he could not stop him from using his powers, but he could make him an easier target for his robotic friend. "Thanks..." He smiled at Shift. Now he certainly had many question for Shift, given that they had been away for so long, but those could wait, perhaps a bit longer. When it felt like Cas was no longer a threat, the young man very unceremoniously tossed him aside like a sack of potatoes. After all, no matter what, he wasn't there for him. "We don't need to fight... not anymore..." Now, perhaps with the corner of his eyes, he had noticed that whatever dark magic connected Sebastian with Muirne hadn't dissipated, but in truth, the nineteen years old had barely registered that. He closed the distance between himself and Muirne and went to give her one of his trademarked bear-hugs (or dragon hugs perhaps?). "It's ok, you're safe now..." He smiled and his gaze went to met her own. "God if I missed you..." He continued softly.
  6. Luke chugged the rest of his drink in one go and then started following the musical number, offering another "Whohooo..." At the appearance of the clones. He placed one arm on his friends' shoulder and playfully began chanting with the rest of the crowd, letting the vibes of the evening sink in. He could for sure use some distraction and there were definitely worst one than getting lost in the music during an evening spent with friends.
  7. "Yeah absolutely nothing of note happened there..." Luke smirked. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas after all. "Don't worry man, I am sure you will find someone..." It was Owen to receive a playful nudge from the young man this time. "Let's start with your Uncle's poison... Wanna see if it's really that strong." Luke took a very generous sip, seemed unfazed for a moment, but then exhaled a small puff of flames. "Woah..." He grinned. "Not bad... not at all..."
  8. Cool And no problem... I mean... I am not exactly a fast poster (understatement of the century) Does Luke get anything useful from the knowledge check?
  9. Well at least it did somethin' Was it good though? The young man wasn't sure. "Well..." He ruffled the hair on the back of his neck. "This got us some time..." He winced turning to face Chimera. Admittedly he kinda expected for the mummies to like became giant after absorbing all the gold or something. Maybe he could try to bring those things to his lair... then again... the place had literal mountains of coins (plus it was kinda in his head, so having freakin' living dead roam around there wasn't perhaps the smartest plan). "This is freakin' odd..." He continued. "Does... I mean... your 'friend' Blowfish, did he say something about what was gonna be on this damn ship?" He asked, perhaps there was like a magic gizmo that animated those creatures or something. As he spoke, he studied the mummies, trying his best to figure out if there was something he might have picked up in class that could help dealing with these things, that wasn't just trying to melt them with dragonfire, not exactly practical in an enclosed space. "Hey guys?" He addressed the zombies. "Stop..."
  10. "Oh I am I aware..." Luke teased playfully. "...but that's just cause I feel great havin' you back." He grinned. "It's a superheroes party... So no way it's gonna be all smooth." He chuckled. "... still... yeah... a scrap with an eldritch abominations is definitely not what I have in mind for tonight." He smiled. Luke nodded and gave Velocity a bright smile and a confident handshake. "And It's a pleasure to be here. This is freakin' amazing, you know?" Of course she knew... but whatever. "Nice to meet you Mistress of Mistery..." He replied warmly and offered to shake hands as well. "Well I have mostly been sticking with my neighborhood, you know, Soutshide Dragon and all." He smiled. "Haven't yet got the chance to make the big news... Yet..." He added confidently. Not that he minded too much, although attention was not something he shunned, not being an household name yet afforded him some degree of freedom. "You were in the Interceptors right? Yeah when I was a kid... That's fu- I mean cool." "Well, we did manage to scare that thing off though, I'd say we didn't do that bad." He teased Muirne when she mentioned the little 'accident' while on patrol. It was definitely a day he would not forget, besides, he also got the chance to hang out with the only other dragon he knew... Speaking of which... He could swear that he had seen Tiamat somewhere around there.. His expression turned more serious when Shadorwborne began asking what happened to Fleur after that night.
  11. Luke warmly saluted the three newcomers as well, all hugs, smiles and high-fives. "Same old, same old... I mean... graduated, got my own place with Leon here..." He gave his flatmate a playful nudge. "Still doing dragon stuff of course." Well whatever that was, in truth he wasn't exactly sure. The young man smiled enthusiastically at the offer of booze. "Always..." He smirked. Although, after he gained his powers, the young man had started to require an ungodly amount of alcohol just to get high, 'strong enough to put Omega on his ass' sounded about right. "Love the challenge..." "Sure thing man." He nodded when Owain invited them. "How is school going since we left, you two?" He asked casually.
  12. It has been a busy day for Luke, the morning has began early, he dashed out of the apartment that he shared with Leon to go waiting tables and serving coffees at a bar. Lunchtime with his family at the trailer park, helping dad with some repairs trailer with his super strength (when Gabriel, his little brother not yet in the known, wasn't looking). Most of the afternoon came and went with a second Christmas' hustle, this time being as a greeter at a local shop, a pretty successful one at that, perhaps due to the fact that his uniform there consisted of just festive red board-shorts and a Santa's hat. Now though, well, the time for working was over and the much awaited Christmas party was about to begin. Sure, the fact that it was his first year participating after he graduated from Claremont was somewhat exciting, but in truth, this was not what had sent his heart pounding. It had been a while in fact, since he has been able to spend some proper time with Muirne after all the shenanigans of the past year, and Luke was definitely looking forward to the occasion. Of course he had volunteered go give her a ride for the evening, sure he had no car, but well, his wings could definitely carry them both. In fact, he had flown far above in the sky, with Muirne on his back, playing tricks and fooling around a bit among the clouds, his dragon head adorned with an oversize Santa's hat. When it was finally time to land in front of the party venue, the young dragon lowered his neck to allow his girlfriend to easily descend and than shifted back to his human form, now himself, thanks to being a shapeshifter, he rarely used a proper-superhero costume and so he had picked up a suit jacket, his best shirt and jeans, rather than his more informal usual attires. Once he was adjusted to his human form, the young man turned toward his girl, smiling fondly and seeking to meet her gaze. "God, you if you are gorgeous..." He offer her a playful kiss on the lips and then his right arm so that the two could walk in together.
  13. "Questionable legality... You say..." Luke grinned, stretching his arms as he kept basking in the sun, eyes closed and just vibing with the underlying music. "Wh-" In fact, the young man wasn't paying enough attention to the street to notice that there was someone waiting there and he quickly found himself having to brace tightly not to get catapulted out of the car when his friend hit the brakes. He gave Leon a puzzled look, but a glance at who sat at the side of the road quickly dispelled his questions. "Hello boys..." The young woman smiled mischiviously. "Somehwere in between." She nodded. "You two are life savers..." She leaned closer to gently pat Leon on his shoulder, seemingly caring little about the paper texture of his arm. Luke pretty much jumped down from the car with a fluid movement to help load the massive lugage in the Impala (and to show-off of course). She gently lead his hands to the handle, ostensibly to guide him due to its fragility, but at the same time giving him a gentle caress and a soft "Thank you...". "Ivy..." She introduced herself to Leon, lifting her sunglasses to let her bright green eyes meet with the ones of the young rogue. OOC - Feel free to write Ivy as well, do you think she should be an honey trap and maybe rob them or something, or perhaps there is some kind of trouble following her on the road that the boys finds themselves having to deal with?
  14. Still slightly winded Luke had landed in a nearby alley, hopefully out of sight of the crowd. He was a bit late, honestly speaking, but he had managed to find a somewhat decent gig serving tables at a local bar for the Christmas' season, it wasn't bad, well-off, but not too rich, neighbourhood with pretty decent tipsters who were definitely a blessing for his chronic lack of dollars (despite having millions in gold bars still slowly being distributed to the neighbourhood in his hoard). The shift, however, had extended well past what was originally planned, forcing him to try and catch up by navigating the city rooftops. His principles after all di prevent him from making money out of his powers, but at the same time they said nothing about using them not to be (too) late... A light hoodie and, a rarity for him, one with sleeves, was his own concession to the cold weather, with his enseble being compleated by an old Poets of the Falls T-shirt, jeans and his well worn, but trusty sneakers. He had scanned the area from above not long before, to locate his friend among the festive market allowing him to reach Shooting Star with ease. He saluted the fellow teenage hero with a wide grin, a big "Hey..." and one of his trademarked bear (dragon?) hugs. "It has been a while... how is it hangin'..." The nineteen years old joined the small crowd clapping at Owain display. "Bravo." He grinned and waved at the small group.
  15. Luke chuckled and shook his head. "Thanks man..." He offered Bernadette a nod and a smile when her attention turned to them. "Well... she did try to electrocute me, though..." He added with a playful grin, although to be honest that had been just a misunderstanding. "Admittedly I was playing the 'big angry lizard' card with some mobsters at the time..." The young man saluted Bernadette apperance with a powerful "Wohoooo" And then joined his friend with a forceful whistle.
  16. Well Luke will go back to tracking the scent, he will skill mastery it at 20 as usual if he can\needs to roll
  17. "On it sir." Luke bowed his head lightly and smirked produly. In truth he hoped that he could still find the scent as whatever that thing was it certainly had some advantage on them by now. Still it was no reason not to try. "Yeah... besides, one escaped Bio-weapons is already strange, but two working together... it feels like somethin' in missing right?" He mused, perhaps the person behind their creation was the real mastermind or something. "Maybe..." Luke grinned. "But seriously though, it's much safer for you, we can tank and hit from those things and still get up after that..." Hopefully at least. Now he didn't have a particular liking for cops, but certainly he didn't want any to get in harm way if he could avoid that. "You did?" Luke raised an eyebrow. "Woah sorry... must have sucked... I..." Well hismself he had experienced his own stint in juvie so yeah, not exactly the same though as he imagined that a prison that could contain a super-hero would be even nastier. "Anyway... Let's get her to a safe place yeah..." He nodded. The young man shook his head at Aquaria's challenging the killer, that said, who knew right? After all the monster craved for flesh, so perhaps it would not shy away from direct confrontation and actually come to them for a change.
  18. When Luke finally burst into the room, following his friends and had the chance to take in the scene, the young man could do nothing, but starting to see red. Muirne was there, which was a definitely relief , but the smile on his lips died down quickly, apparently Cas, had gotten into her head again, the idea itself was enough to fill Luke's young heart with rage. "Get the Hell out of her head." Nightscale half-shouted, half roared, ignoring everything else that was going on in the room, dashed past the group of fighters, the army of clones and the circles of runes almost if none of them were really there. He crashed into Cas, with all his weight, pinning the telepath against the floor and trapping him in an in a tight grip, unleashing a fury of punches and claws, that, although they had very limited impact on the man himself, at least proven to be somewhat cathartic.
  19. Failed the first save for the aoe (by one) 19 But at least he got the second 28 EDIT: a minor thing that I thought, can Luke prevent Cas from talking as he is grappling him? I mean, if I remember well from previous encounters his powers are telepathic, but at least it might make it harder for him to coordiante his minions.
  20. I think that in the end Nightscale is gonna charge Sebastian if he can or otherwise just move\jump at his position and claw him, hoping that if he disables him the mind control will end (hehe and being 'slightly' angry that he is getting into Miurne's head). Note that if the runes do something that is magical to people that pass through them Luke is resistant to magic He will use this: Dragon Rage - Strength Attack (Extras: Autofire 1 [9 ranks] ) If he succeeds he will also use Improved Grab and try to tackle him. To hit: 29! (nat 20!) 31 if he can charge (but he will get -2 defense). That would be 24 base DC + 5 for crit + 1 for each 2 he managed to hit. To grapple: 43! With another 20 lol hehe I imagine that seeing his girlfriend mind-controlled did a number on him
  21. "Hey man..." Luke smiled, his tired gaze shifting from his empty glass to his flatmate. The young man clearly had missed more than a few hours of sleep, a fact that Leon could easily attest given that the paper thin walls of their flat could not disguise the sound of Luke nervous pacing in his room late at night. His girlfriend had apparently vanished from the face of the earth after visiting her adoptive parents in the Old World (what if they didn't like him that one time they met?), no one seemed to know where she was and not even his dragon senses could reach her. Now, of course, she could have just needed some space (which wasn't exactly reassuring)... and yet... Still, there wasn't much he could do about it... Not that night at least, the two were there to have fun and he didn't want to drag the morale down. Plus he owed it to Bernadette for inviting them. He grinned at the mention of Leon recent encounter. "You did? Bold move for a guy whose girlfriend has eyes everywhere." He teased playfully and gave his friend a light nudge on a shoulder. His gaze though still followed Leon's own toward the bar, he was still a nineteen years old after all, being with Muirne hadn't suddenly turned him blind. "For real?" The young man smiled when he recognized one of the two college girls. "But... I am sorry my man, I got there before you... I know Jen." He grinned. "She is pretty good at kicking ass, we got some mummies together by the dock... " He chuckled. "And no that's not some unusual euphemism, I am being literal." He joked. In truth, he did have half an idea to go check how she was doin'... But then again, it was almost Bernadette's time. He leaned in his seat with the hands behind his head and turned toward the stage.
  22. Luke rolled his eyes as witnessed his friend talking with the cat. "Sure man..." He smirked. To be honest, given the kind of lives they lived, it wouldn't be that absurd to think that Leon wasn't being metaphorical with his words. "You are making me jealous right now." He teased. "Fair." Luke nodded and tossed Leon the keys. --- The boys have been on the road for a while now, in fact, they had traded places and already multiple times behind the wheel. They had spent the night in what must have been the cheapest hotel in the next one hundred miles, one that seemed it was cut straight out of a cheesy eighties horror movie, fortunately though, no maniac with a chainsaw came looking for them during the night and the only shenanigans they had to face were of their own making (which was already saying something...) The sun was again high above the horizon and the two were darting down an isolated stretch of desert road, it was again Leon's turn to drive (and pick the music), so Luke was resting lazily against his seat, this time with an actual shirt on (albeit one of his trademarked sleeveless ones) and the legs against the counter, arms behind the head and his ballcap down to shield his eyes from the unforgiving sun above. "Where do we wanna stop next man?" He wondered out loud, they were still a long way from Vegas, but that didn't mean that the two couldn't have some fun on the way. The young man had just finished listening to Leon's response when the two spotted a figure down the road. A young woman, perhaps just a few years their seniors, was sitting on top of a comically huge suitcase by the side of the road, with her thump up, eyes hidden by a pair of luxurious sunglasses. It was the first soul they had met in miles and there was no other car in sight...
  23. Luke listened at the exchange between the two cops, ready to step in, should any of them tried anything too reckless. Although, to be honest, he could sympathize, now, revenge wasn't very heroic, but he himself, wasn't sure he would have been able to restrain himself so well when dealing with the killer of a friend. It was easy to stick up to a code when it had no personal cost. It seemed though that things quickly went back under control, well, as much as they could, given the situation. "I am sorry man... Sir..." He lowered his eyes. "What?" Luke winced, was she gonna? Eat her or something? Well while he had never seen Aquaria eat anyone, well... Was he being specie-ist right now? Besides, Dragons in stories tended to eat people too, so... yeah... He let a sigh of relief escape his lips when the heroic Deep One, clarified that she meant sending the woman to prison. "Right... Yeah... Like teleport her right?" Made sense right? He had seen Aquaria disappear before. "Do we... I mean, do we have a place for super-prisoners?" Until now the school staff had handled this kind of things after all, but he was no longer a student after all. "Yeah... It was... Well, that other scent... Desire for flesh. This one... Wanted blood instead..." Which was already creepy enough. "Anyway..." He inhaled visibly and his eyes started faintly glowing as he began searching for traces of the second killer.
  24. Luke balanced himself against one of the crates, trying to regain control of his stomach and shrug away the disgusting scent of those horrors that was such a pain to his enhanced senses. He threw a glance at Chimera as the shapeshifter tried to tackle one of the creatures. He could not leave her alone to face those things. When he was finally managed to regain some composure, despite still being unsteady on his feet, the young man sprang into action. There was no way he could stop all creatures at the same time, but perhaps he could slow them down. He crouched so that he could touch the ground and his eyes started glowing as he channeled magic into the vessel, turning as much of the floor as he could into solid gold.
  25. Fortitude: 16 Yey success. Barely though. Has Luke ever heard anything about golden mummies that can help, he is far from an expert, but at least the roll Knowledge: Arcane Lore - 19 is decent Finally he is gonna try and strengthen the floor that the mummies are pounding by turning it into gold. Transform 9 (Broad group into one result [Inanimate Objects into Gold]. Flaws: Distracting, Range [Touch])) {18PP/24PP} This is distracting though for him, so he will be easier to hit this round
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