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Everything posted by RocketLord

  1. Pirates ref saves: 23 25 13 16 19 @TheAbsurdist, You get two of them, make an IC and I'll get their reaction up.
  2. GM Whatever Oz was trying, the poacher rolled to the side, avoiding his gaze and raising his rifle. He pulled the trigger, letting loose a loud BANG!, a high powered bullet being sent flying directly for the wizard. And then, before he could react, Oz would hear additional BANG!, BANG! Two more rifles fired. Two other poachers untangling themselves from bushes and trees near them, each clad like the first, wielding the same type of rifle. Another hit at Oz... and a bullet fired towards William. The pig whined loudly, while Charlemagne did his best to try and steer it towards the portal to his home that they had entered from.
  3. First, let's try for the gun: Reflex save: 26 Gun is not transformed! Opposed Stealth Checks: 27 26 Surprise attack! Seems the hunter was NOT alone! Notice from William and Charlemagne: 34, 29 Hunter 1 and 2 tries to shoot at Oz, who is distracted (even if Uncanny dodge would've allowed Oz to avoid the surprise attack): 17 27 2 hits, make 2 DC24 TOU saves. Hunter 3 shoots at William: 17 A miss! Hunter 1 - Staggered Hunter 2 - Unharmed Hunter 3 - Unharmed Oz - 1HP - Unharmed Charlemagne - Unharmed William the Pig - Unharmed
  4. A tough world, with no super powers? Interesting. It might be fun to see such a world. Yes, of course he would go. It was an adventure! A journey into mystery! A challenge of the unknown! Of course he would be going! Feet lifting from the ground, Pan quickly flew inside in a glimmer of glowing dust. He didn't really feel like worrying about might happen, unlike Astrid. "To adventure, then!" Why worry? They would deal with what were about to happen when it would happen. It was another world, one that only Dana knew about, and he was just too excited about the thought of going somewhere brand new.
  5. GM The duo of heroes were being watched. Whether they realized it or not, they had been followed for a while now, even as they chatted among themselves. The large figure had so far proven surprisingly adept at staying out of sight, creeping along the shadows. It was surprisingly silent as well, given its stature, but it was growing restless. While it had previously been content to keep some distance, it was now moving faster, slowly closing the gap between itself and the two heroes. Still, it made no sound, and seemed to do its best to stay out of sight. It seemed to know the value of a sneak attack. The only question was if the heroes would notice it in time or not.
  6. Can I get another notice check, to see if you notice that they're being followed? DC25. And Initiative roll, while we're at it.
  7. Will be gone Thursday and Friday, probably busy during the weekend as usual.
  8. Justice Robin thought about it for a moment. "Y'know, I'm not really sure if the Gas Man was actually a bad guy. Like, he wasn't a good guy at all. Kind of a mercenary I guess? Like the kind of guy that swoops in and is just in it for the money, and you think he might have a hidden heart of gold, but really, he's just a jerk who's in it for the money?" Alright, rambling again, but Robin just couldn't help it. This was too exciting! This was the Emerald Spider after all! And they were doing a team up! This was too awesome! The point about the few heroes and running into the same villains were pretty good, though. Why didn't they do that? Or just run into more heroes, for that matter? Robin knew that there were some out there, but she hadn't met a whole lot yet. It was kind of weird? Maybe she should suggest setting up some kind of network, some way to get in touch with each other if necessary, but it felt kind of weird? Also, this was the Emerald Spider! She was awesome, and she was being nice, but it wasn't like she'd actually need Robin's help, right?
  9. GM Almost as if on cue, the noise of something being thrown around started to sound from outside the theater. Raised voices, heavy objects, people falling. Someone was shouting, quite loudly at that. One of the voices seemed to almost echo, like multiple voices spoke the same words at once, with only a slight delay. It was difficult to make out the words, but they sounded quite upset, shouting about a beast to be slain and strange surroundings. There was a brief pause, then another yell, then a loud crash as the popcorn machine came flying in through the doors to the theater.
  10. Forever Boy It made sense, one could suppose. To be able to do the things that they could do, and yet do nothing? That would be an awful waste. And Pan had seen the difference that the Capes could do, on more than one world. Still, what he wanted to do once he finished his time at Claremont? It was a bit of a tricky question, was it not? He did not have the same ties here as many of his classmates, and his stay was only supposed to be temporary in the first place, a way to keep him under watch, while he was in this world. Pan was uncharacteristically silent as he chewed his popcorn, before finally replying. "Why, I suppose I will go on another adventure then, unless I manage to find my way home, somehow." His previously somber expression split into his usual grin again. "There is a whole wide world here to explore! So many things to see and do! How could I ever refuse such a call to adventure?" A slight pause. Pan was nothing if not dramatic, after all. "Besides, Freedom City cannot be the only place in this world in need for heroes."
  11. @Zeitgeist Blue: Both succeed. I'll put something in my next IC about what happens. @TheAbsurdist: Go ahead with the IC for that, but remember that Astrid is up close with the pirates.
  12. GM Rita was clearly enjoying this, a huge smile plastered over her lips. "You're damn right it is. See why we gotta be careful about people getting wind of all this before we're ready?" She gave a small wave to the mouse as Nicole moved on. Others in the room were watching them, while still doing their best to keep their eyes on their own work, too. Still, it seemed Nicole's presence brought some interest. "Well, we use a very expensive and precise 3D printer for creating the nanomachines, but these tools are something else. A test, I guess you could call it." Rita moved back towards the mice, opened a cage and took one out, cooing over it and gently stroking it while sitting it down, then nodded to one of the other researchers, who turned to his computer and entered some commands. "C'mon, Jerry. Show the kid what you can do." The mouse looked around, sniffing at the air. Slowly, it moved forward, then reach for one of the tools, a small screwdriver, with its paws and took it up. Using both paws, it moved the screwdriver towards a tiny nearby screw, then slowly started screwing it into the hole it was sitting in. Rita grinned, waiting for Nicole's reaction.
  13. Let's get a notice check.
  14. It's cool, hope it gets better soon. Tricia Thorne seems to be fiddling with *something*, while she is trying to make her way out the back of the room.
  15. GM The man yelled, doing his best to evade, but failing, as the emerald lightning crackled around him, several blasts hitting him straight on and dancing over his body. He dropped to a knee, while letting out a loud curse. Now that he was not directly in the light, Oz could see that he wore a light brown armor, with padding at the chest, arms and legs. He wore a full face mask in the same color, with black goggles over his eyes and a gas mask over his mouth. His heavy boots had, somehow, not left any imprints in the ground. He was stunned for the moment, giving Oz another chance.
  16. That's a hit, with a +1, so DC30 TOU. TOU: 19, fail by 11, Hunter - Staggered, Dazed Oz - 1HP - Unharmed You're up again, and let me get a Notice check.
  17. GM Astrid's club collided with one of the pirates, a fellow with an eyepatch and a peg leg. He had a full black beard, which appeared rather grimy. One had to wonder if he had ever washed it at all. His lips split into a wide grin despite the hit, and he seemed none the worse for wear. Astrid might be mighty, but it appeared that the pirates were strong as well. Perhaps Pan's stories of them had not been exaggeration, despite his other habits. Vegas read the lists that Nicole were presenting him, quickly putting down notes. Despite his obvious disarray, he was doing what he could. He was a company man, after all, and he was not about to argue with Veronica or her friends. As he noted the items he mentioned a few he knew where to find, and some that they didn't have, but he would do his best, at least. The second pirate ship continued its approach. It was slower than the first one, but it fired a cannonball that shook Zenith's dome as it struck it, a thundering explosion rocking the entire building under it.
  18. @Zeitgeist Blue: Let's start off with Knowledge (Arcane Lore) and Knowledge (Technology) for what bits and parts you can use. Vegas will be able to get you most of the tools requested by the end of the next round. @Cubismo: That's a hit for the first guy. TOU: 33. He's tanking the hit! @Tiffany Korta: Ship A is closest, and will remain so. I'll assume you're approaching it. Ship B approaches, moving slower. It takes a shot at the dome. 26, that's a hit. Rolling TOU for the dome for saving time, vs DC27: 22. Fail by 5, another Damaged to the dome, but its still standing. *32 - White Lioness - 1HP - Unharmed - Waiting for a lift for the rest of the turn 26 - Thunderbird - 2HP - Unharmed 25 - Veronica Danger - 3HP - Unharmed 24 - Forever Boy - 4HP - Unharmed 23 - Ship A Crew - Undamaged - 5 Pirates near Danger building - Unharmed 21 - Ms. Thursday - 2HP - Unharmed (Currently DEF 5) 19 - Salvo - 2HP - Unharmed 15 - Ship B Crew - Undamaged *11 - Zenith - 2HP - Unharmed Other Zenith's Dome - Toughness 10, Def -7? (5-12) (Awesome Size) - Damaged x3, Disabled (hole in the barrier) Fog/Rainclouds around the building, courtesy of Thunderbird The cannonball that didn't break the dome was destroyed, the other is now inside the dome, not too far from the people near the entrance, with pirates appearing from it. Current situation, to summarize: The institute is currently surrounded by a Toughness 10 dome, which the teens can pass or shoot through without harm. Zenith, Thunderbird and Veronica Danger are outside, with fog and rain clouds giving them some cover. Forever Boy has reached Ship A, flying near it. White Lioness is approaching Ship A. Salvo has moved further inside the complex to try to figure out the Horologium. The flying Sky-Pirate ships are approaching from above. Ship A is about 1000 feet away at this point, and Ship B about 1500 feet away at this point, but approaching rapidly. Both are about 200 feet above ground. A group of 5 pirates have appeared from a glowing light from the cannonball that managed to break through the dome, Ms. Thursday is in melee. They're within the fog/raincloud cover that Thunderbird has created. @TheAbsurdist, @Tiffany Korta, you're up.
  19. @Grumblefloof It's fine. Give me a post when you can.
  20. Check! I'll let @NineOfSpades go first!
  21. Forever Boy Pan frowned at Selena's comment. Get away from the insanity that was their school? But why? Even with everything that had happened, he had to admit one thing: He had rarely been bored. Except for during classes, of course. Now those could be boring, dragging on endlessly at times. "Honestly, I quite like it at the school, insanity and all. If anything, it is a grand adventure. There are few things worse in the world than being bored, and aside from the classes and homework. Besides, I have done many things, but I do not believe that I have ever attended a school before." He honestly couldn't remember. Maybe he had spent some time in a school at some point back on Neverworld, maybe he had not, but nothing like Claremont, at least. He did like being up high, at least. He slowly chewed some popcorn, savoring the flavor, while he looked up at the screen. Now that Selena mentioned it, there was actually something he remembered that he wanted to ask her. "Why did you decide to come to Claremont? Everyone seems to have their own answer to that."
  22. GM *BANG!* The sound was loud, and efficient. Even if Oswald had not called out the man's location, both Charlemagne and William would have noticed him by now. How had he entered the world of the painting? That remained a mystery. His intent, however, seem quite clear, the bullet flying straight towards William, with only Oswald's emerald cube standing in its way. The pig squealed, quite loudly one might add. William was not happy with the prospect of being hunted, it seemed, and neither was Charlemagne, quickly diving to shield the pig with his own body. "A poacher!" Charlemagne almost snarled the word. "In my menagerie!"
  23. And, action. The bad guy shoots at the pig, but in time for the shield to come up: 29 Give me a DC24 TOU roll for your shield, and let's just go with a bit of pseudo initiative, with action already having started First: Oz - 1HP - Unharmed Second: Hunter - Unharmed Third: Charlemagne & William
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