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Everything posted by EviscerusNox

  1. Toughness Save: 1d20+8 18 ok so that's another injury for Spitfire! Let's try this hitting thing one more time, this time pow attack 2 and all out attack 2 Attack roll pow attack 2 all out attack 2: 1d20+11 31 Natural 20! Makes the damage 11 so toughness save DC 26! yay! Edit: his defense is lowered by 2 for the round so his Defense is merely +11
  2. I'd say she can get 4 who are relatively close to each other so that'll leave about 8 thugs left Ronin is up!
  3. ok so here's the plan i've come up with, tell me whether it's doable. I use the computer to shut off life support directly around the bridge, wait for everyone to pass out, turn it back on and resuscitate everyone while restraining the would be mutineers.
  4. Ok then that Means the Initiative order is thus: Lady Horus - 38 Ronin -28 Zealot - 24 Thugs - 14 Lady horus is up first!
  5. Seeing yet another blade in Flare's hand irritated Max. He didn't want to end the night looking like a pin cushion so he decided it was time to get a bit more aggressive. Moving in, he brought up his hand covered in the molten metal of the bike, now cooled he let loose with a wild haymaker meant for Flare's abdomen. There was no finesse to the attack, no graceful art with which Max had shown earlier in moving. This wasn't his area of expertise, and so his clumsiness showed. He had to hope that the metal covered fist connected, because he felt himself fading fast. Still he thought he was doing rather well for being blown up a few short hours ago.
  6. I guess it's time to put that metal encased fist to use finally. Let's just Power attack for 2, make it a DC21 toughness save with the improvised metal hand weapon bringing his attack to just +9 Attack roll pow attack 2: 1d20+9 17 Yeah that'll probably not hit but such a low damage effect isn't worth an HP on it so it is what it is
  7. Max looked around the room and nodded appreciatively. It was a nice sized place, big enough for one chair and a counter and some other things, maybe a piercing station. It wasn't what he was looking for long term, but neither was his trailer. Max got goosebumps as Moira whispered in his ear and felt his heart beat faster reflexively. A smile played across his lips as he answered. "This is great Moira, would be a good start to get me out of the trailer before I get a proper shop. And I hope by now you consider me a little more than a friend," Max winked and drew Moira into his side, kissing her on the head. "This is really above and beyond though, Moira, it's amazing."
  8. Ak'kar looked down at the man on the ground. It was quite clear he needed medical attention, but before that, Ak'kar wanted answers. Ak'kar leaned down and pulled his face in line with Ak'kars, getting the alien to focus his eyes on Ak'kar's scarred face and cybernetic tentacles. "Explain to me what is going on? Why are the refugees attacking my crew and trying to take my ship? What desperation drives them to such an act of lunacy? I need to know that I might defuse the situation without further loss of life to both my crew and the passengers," Ak'kar realized he was being rather perfunctory and cold in his interrogation of the wounded man so he decided to soften things up a bit at the end by adding: "Please."
  9. Prince Ak'kar Diaspora: The Trek Outwards (1) Spitfire Gun Run (2) Ink! (1) GM Giving Up The Ghost (2) Ref posts should go to Bugbear
  10. Spitfire saw an opportunity as Flare was on her keester to hopefully put her out of the fight without more danger to the public in the form of a large commercial sized refridgerator. Sparing no time for witty quips (or just quips in Maxie's case) he sucked in a breath and sent a line of fire into the metal legs of the large metal fridge, sending it toppling over, falling towards the already floored Flare. "Cool off, darlin'," Max smiled widely to himself, particularly proud of that one. "See? Cuz it's a fridge, I said cool off because fridges are cold and we both like fire." Max then realized he ruined it by explaining it, but was still smiling, still proud of the pun.
  11. Yes sir but Lady Horus has already detonated all the explosives
  12. Ok so now that the lady is on her behind, i'm hoping this might work: Spitfire isn't particularly strong, but I'm hoping there's something heavy he can drop on her to sort of pin her in place, maybe like a fridge? I figure he could melt the legs out from underneath it to topple on her? If that's a possibility let me know, I would also spend an HP if necessary to perform something like that.
  13. Side note: SC, Ronin still has a surprise action if he wants to do anything since he has not been noticed by the baddies.
  14. The small shape charges blew out most of the doors and windows of the church, the large wooden double doors in the front of the church turned to flying kindling and landed in the street to be put out by the rain. Only one of the explosions managed to catch the speeding Lady Horus, but it wasn't enough of an impact to slow her. As Lady Horus' ankh came down at the man's head he fluidly shifted his head to the side, spinning as he did, the attack missing by a mile. The man slowly stood, brandishing a wicked looking weapon, it's shaft was made of dark wood and protruding from it were several tails of barbed wire all crackling with angry red energy. The weapon let out audible hissing and popping noises as it seemed to whip and snake at the man's side of it's own volition. "I could smell you coming a mile away, tainted one. The stink of foul magics is upon you. I may have been contracted by these petty criminals to exorcise this ethereal pest," the man waved a hand at the ghostlly man that was somehow tied to the floor inside the magic circle. He seemed to be writhing in pain. "But you I will dispatch for the sheer joy, and at no extra fee to my employers." The man flicked the scourge and a thunderous boom resounded through the church as he took up a defensive stance. His stark features were pulled into a malicious grin and his skin was flushed with evident excitement. "Now you will see how my scourge, Witchbreaker, lives up to it's name!"
  15. ok then I suppose it's time for the initiative! Zealot: initiative: 1d20+13 24 Scarpias thugs: initiative: 1d20+0 14
  16. also sorry for the long hiatus! Weddings and honeymoons and all that
  17. ok so since she pulled basically all the wires she's going to need to make quite a few reflex/ toughness saves Luckily they are all shape charges so they aren't as powerful so that they can be less detrimental the toughness save will be 20, reflex of 15 I think I'll call for 3 of them unless you want to stop once the first one goes off Sadly due to the target's Danger Sense Lady Horus does not hit Notice vs DC 15 danger sense: 1d20+18 35 Before I post IC I'll let you decide if you want to set off all 3 charges
  18. hey all I'm back from honeymoon and thanksgiving and all that stuff finally! Ready to throw down!
  19. Up until this point, things had been relatively non-lethal as chases go, but when searing hot pain flared to life in Maxie's shoulder he knew things had taken a turn for the deadly. He looked down surprised to find a knife embedded just below his clavicle, it took so much of his attention that he almost slipped on the sudden ice as well but managed to keep his balance. "Sonuva- you threw a knife at me?! You basically long distance stabbed me! I don't think I want to take you on any dates anymore! Hope that was worth losing all this," Max said gesturing to himself.
  20. ok so here's the toughness save Toughness save: 1d20+9 14 ouch! makes him injured! it is no bueno!
  21. So i've been slowly vanishing this week due to my heavy workload before my wedding tomorrow, sorry about that. And after the wedding going on the honeymoon so won't be back for about 2 weeks after that. Expect me back around Thanksgiving! Sorry for the inconvenience all!
  22. yeah i'm going with Friction Control I guess for a trip effect? freeze the water on the ground to make her fall, hope that Max's acrobatics keeps him on his feet.
  23. The inside of the church was all the things that one would expect, tall vaulted ceiling, ornate tapestries and stained glass windows, but there was something very different about the people inside the church than your normal worshippers. Roughly a dozen men in disheveled and ill fitting suits meandered around and through the pews, each holding a sub machine gun and looking like they knew their way around it. Also, at the back of the room (or front depending on your view) a glowing blue figure lay chained to an alter, a circle drawn around the alter with what looked to be a cross inside a 5 pointed star running through the circle. The chains around the figure glowed a green sickly light and were clearly translucent. Kneeling before this strange alter was a man who looked very out of time. He was dressed head to toe in white, a gleaming silver breastplate adorned his chest with a filligree rose stamped into it, and a large red cross was painted on his white cloak. Lady Horus could see his lips moving but from the outside of the building no sound could be heard. From a window Lady Horus spied a trip wire along the front doors to the cathedral, it was not clear what this wire ran to, but after seeing it on the door she could see it's like along every window and every opening into the church from the outside. Ronin, for his part, was confident in his sneaking, and none had noticed his passing.
  24. Ok from the outside of the church it is pretty easy to see through windows that there is something tied up at an altar, and a man in a cloak and what looks like crusader garb is kneeling in front of the altar. There is also what looks to be Scarpias button men positioned throughout the chapel, roughly a dozen of them. Notice: 1d20+18 19 Ronin is not noticed stealthing about just yet Lady Horus with her 28 notices that all the doors and windows have been wired to something but you can't tell if it's simply a trap or an alarm. Ronin does not notice this I'll post in IC and let you guys have at it
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