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Analytic Magic Awareness?


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So I'm working on my char edit for Shrike, and I want to make sure this power is street legal and how much it costs. The idea is to make the Helm of Truth's Magic Awareness (Visual) Analytic in nature, so Gretchen can better understand magical items and effects. And would that be considered one sense or a whole sense type for the purposes of PP cost?

Edited by Heritage
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It would cost (3 for Magic Awareness, +1 for Analytical) 4 PP, and it would be tied to Shrike's normal Visual senses. So things like mundane darkness would make it unable to work (magical darkness could presumably be analyzed, but not seen through.)

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Well more accurately for 5PP all her other visual senses would also be analytical.  So her normal visual acuity would be such that she could analyze wavelengths of light etc.  Counters Illusion, Counters Concealment, and Counters Obscure function on sense types not specific sense by default so by having her magic awareness tied to visual senses it gets access to those for "free".  For 4 PP you can analyze magic even through darkness, illusion or visual concealment.  5PP just would let you analyze with other visual senses like regular vision and any ultra or infra vision she might have, any other visual awareness effect etc.

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