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The Devil you know... (IC)


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"It's only been shouting matches so far, never an actual battle." Taylor explained, reaching up to run her fingertips over the dark amulet at her throat in a nervous gesture, "Really, it's only a matter of time. It's not something I like to think about, as there's nothing I can do to change it. Despite vast cosmic power. It isn't fair, but what is?"

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He nodded. "Yeah. Life can suck pretty much all around. Not looking forward to those events myself either but," he shrugged "what are ya gonna do? Not gonna get all depressed about it, that's for sure. Life's hard enough as it is. So, you didn't have a choice with your job? Or is it you can't use that power to change things?"

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"I didn't have a choice. I don't have a choice. You and I are alike in that as neither of us entirely belong to this plane of existance, but our places in the cosmic order are different. I'm not a part of this world anymore, or any other. I exist outside the worlds and just spend my time here. That means I have different rules than someone who belongs here. Someone who is fully mortal. Its the same sort of rules that allow you to be in either dimension without problem. The entire cosmic coil is bound by rules as firm and true as things like gravity. Much of magic study is about those rules, whether that's abiding by them, bending them, or breaking them." Taylor gestured with her fingertips to manipulate a pile of gravel with tendrils of energy, "In addition to more showy spells."

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He smiled. "Bending and breaking rules I'm quite good at, even when I'm barely aware of them." James nodded, staring off in the distance, not seeing it anyway. "So, would you give it up if you could? Give up all the burden and baggage that comes with being different and not really part of the world; be a normal person and all that entails? Give up learning about the rules and about magic for normalcy?"

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"No," she said without hesitation, shaking her head with a smile, "I used to think about it, but I wouldn't even know who that person was, anymore. I like being Phantom. I like making a difference. Even with everything bad - and there have been some very bad things - I wouldn't change who I am. Its true that choices were made for me, I can't change that, but it happens to everyone."

Her thoughts turned to Jack and the others she knew who by fate or accident had found themselves with wonderful and terrible gifts, "Just about everyone has some weight they lug around with them. What matters is whether or not you let it drag you down. What happened to isn't what defines me. My reactions to those events, however, do. If that makes any sort of sense."

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James nodded as he quietly listened. "Yeah, it does." He could identify with much of what she said. He wasn't much of a hero though. Sure, he did a few things in the whole 'hero' bit but that was more about just happening to be there or being there with his friends. Not some desire to go out and 'do good'. He didn't go out patrolling or even looking for trouble. He had power but he seldom used it. Sure he happily blasted the various infernal things he came across, but that was about striking back. He mainly relaxed and had fun. So if it was your actions that defined you, what/who was he? Something to think about he supposed.

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James nodded a little with a smile at the nudge. "I'm not exactly the best student. Far from it I suppose. But, yeah, sure. I'm in." He definitely was a poor student; not caring really impacted that sort of thing. He looked out across the city's horizon, at the wonders, marvels and darkness it held. "I'll take it. Who knows? Might even help," he said with chuckle. "So. Now what?"

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James made a face. Reading was right up there with performing advanced calculus as far as he was concerned. ie It sucked. "Ugh. I don't suppose that have these as audio tapes huh?," he said grinning. "I can read, write, speak just about anything. Demonic possession? Not a problem. Doesn't work on me. No infernal powers do. Outside of dad summoning me down to hell for a fun eternity of torture when I sleep that is. General possession and stuff I don't know."

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"But any friends you have likely don't share that immunity." Taylor said, not unkindly. "These imps have been all over the city, watching and spying. If they can't get at you, they might go for someone you care about. You're half mortal which means you can choose, James. The forces of hell can use deceit and coercion on you but in the end, you control your own soul."

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He sighed. "Yeah. Friends are relatively new for me. But I've been keeping all of this quiet. Don't want the fact that I'm a monster, or half of one anyway, to screw things up. Even then, I think only one person knows." He frowned. "If there was I a way I could make sure it didn't spill over onto them, I'd take it. As it is, I'm just making do by being there for them but not mentioning anything about it."

"Maybe." Whether or not he had a soul, or if it was full or half or whatever wasn't something he tried to dwell on. "He's got some hooks in me obviously. And I do choose. But no one is unbeatable. No one is constant. Everyone fails. I've seen it." Pride, the toughest sin. He'd seen more than a few souls damned because of it. Luckily, that wasn't one he suffered from. He knew quite well that he wasn't unbeatable unfortunately.

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"Of course, anyone can be broken. That, too, is human." Taylor's smile flashed white in the moonlight and dimpling her cheek, "Even with my own debatable humanity, I can be broken. It's almost happened before."

Taylor gestured, spreading her arms out, "You pick yourself up, pull yourself back together and promise you'll do better next time. That's all anyone can do."

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James smiled wanly. "Yeah I know. Just keeping myself grounded. Just gotta hope that when I fall, I don't take the whole world with me. No pressure right?" He chuckled sourly before shrugged and moving on. No need to dwell on what he couldn't change. "So, you're not much older than me. When do you have time to study and all that? Or do you even study? Job, or school or full time doorguard for the multiverse?"

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"Job and school and full time door guard for the multiverse," Taylor confirmed with a laugh, "And for a while membership in the Knights of Freedom before they dissolved. Significant other who does know about the secret other life and a huge family that doesn't. I don't get a lot of downtime."

She smiled and glanced back down at the city, "I'm a linguistics student at the university. I do translation work."

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James nodded. "Yeah I heard about the Knights thing. Not the details but that it was over. I did a little digging after that party, especially after you guys did the whole change to hero thing. Well, certainly sounds like you're busy. And stressful. I need more downtime than that. Gotta relax and have fun. Whether it's kicking back, dancing, partying, racing, whatever. Just need to be and feel alive, you know?"

He nodded at her. "If you need something translated and can't find another option, let me know. There's nothing I can't read or speak. 'Least I haven't found it yet. Another part of the whole heritage thing."

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James shook his head. "Nah. There's really no where I can't get to anymore even if it might take me a few hops. But thanks. So...how's this going to work? Class on top of skyskrapers? Weekly quizes? I don't sweep or do windows in trade though we can come up with something if you like," he joked.

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Taylor shrugged and waved off the payment suggestions, "This is something you need to know. Sooner rather than later. My duties are to stop interdimensional crossovers and I think this will only help with that.

Her hand vanished into the void and she pulled out a battered silver phone. "Well, I was thinking we could just exchange cell phone numbers."

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He gave a wry smile. "Thanks. If it helps blast demons and such, I'll be happy to help. I'm getting stronger when it comes to finding and tracking the taint. It is distinctive."

James grinned and laughed. "You mystical types. What with your old fashioned thinking and antiqued ways." He took his own phone out and they exchanged contact information. "I guess I'll have to get started on all that reading stuff." Well, he wasn't going to devour the books or anything, but he'd get around to it. "Give me a few tittles and I'll track them down."

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Taylor rattled off the names of the basics, and gave him a few places he might be able to find them. As well as a few books to avoid at all costs, "There are certain magics that would come easier to you but I don't reccomend them. Generally magic is a tool that can be used for good or ill, but some practices are by the nature of the acts involved inherently evil. I mean, not to sound all Yoda on you but the dark paths are the easiest ones and for you that's doubly true."

She lifted her shoulder in one shrug and flashed a smile that dimpled her cheek, "But truth be told, magic in general should come easy to you so I wouldn't worry over much about it. Just steer towards the white magics where you can. First off the cuff lesson. You've got white magic, things that are only benevolent. Healing's a classic example. Grey magics which are like the blasts I fire. They're selfish but only harmful based on intent. Black magic's are corrupting and hurtful and that's all they can be. And they are very, very good at hurting other people. That's why you get so many street witches and warlocks that do a little blood sacrafice and terroize people but people like myself and Eldritch are pretty darn rare."

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He nodded. "Yeah, I can understand that. My powers aren't exactly beneficial to other people. Unless you could messing with their emotions, hurting them or learning their deepest secrets. Though I suppose I could lift something off of someone to help them," he said with a little shrug. "And it took practically no time at all to get a handle on them when they first surface. It's always been easy."

"Well, looks like I'll be focusing on those white ones for the most part I suppose. I've got the black stuff down pat already. No need to add fuel to the demonic fire," he said with a wry grin. "You mean power-wise? Or the type of power? 'Cause I'm better there are plenty of the darker crew out there. Probably not at the power level I suppose; the bill likely comes due before they get too far most of the time I'd bet."

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"There's a fair number of powerful dark wizards too, sadly. There's not so many good magic users and even fewer powerful ones," Taylor explained as she pushed off of the rooftop to float in the night sky. She reached up automatically towards her amulet and her cloak folded out of the shadows to wrap her in her costume. "I pick up my cell phone messages but I don't answer a lot of the time as it's in another dimension. There's not a lot of good ways to get in touch with me in a real emergency so I'll have to think of something."

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James chuckled. "A cellphone without good multidimensional signal reception. I wonder if that Verizon guys is working on that," he said with a grin. "No worries. I'm sure we'll figure something out. If you need me, just call. I usually am not too hard to reach." He stood up and stretched. "Thank by the way, in case I forget to say it later."

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"You're welcome, although we'll see how much those thanks are deserved after you've had a lesson or two. I've never tried to teach anyone magic before." Phantom said with a laugh. "I wish you luck, James. I have a feeling you're going to need it."

With that, she teleported away, the cloak collapsing in on itself until it vanished with a silent pop.

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