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If football has taught me anything besides just how many combinations of 7 and 3 are actually possible, it's that concussions are serious business. Get all then rest the doctor commands. We'll be here.


In other news, I don't expect someone else on my site work until the last week of this month at best. So my posting will continue to remain minimal as I pick up my share of the slack.

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Neither was my finest month, but then again, I've had a, charitably speaking, a rather lackluster year.

Oh, well. It's burning 40 degrees Celsius here, which makes commuting between my grandma's and my house (or anywhere, really), in which I have internet access, something of an embuggerance. I shall preserve, but if you see me off the map for long, well, there you have it.

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Free at last, free at last, thank god almighty, I'm free at last. The new guy is hired and trained. As I type this, he should be on site and working. Hooray. I didn't appear last week because I was working every single day. But it's over. Apparently.  For now. Please work out, new guy. I'm tired of that place.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The good news are, my grandma won't be going back to the village for vacations this September, so I'll be staying with her, and only my parents will be going.

The bad news are, I'll still be at my grandma's so limited chances of logging in. I'll try to log in on the chat at least twice a weak (still got my keys to the house), but I'm still not confident on making posts :(

My deepest apologies to everyone who is waiting on me!

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Sorry for my recent slow-to-post, which is likely going to continue for a bit -- working two jobs, one of which is currently at its peak busy time, is eating up most of my free time.  I'll still be posting, just at more infrequent intervals, with a priority to any multilayer threads to avoid slowing too many people down -- thread triage!

Hopefully my schedule will settle somewhat soon, and I can stop being such a posting laggard!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure where this kind of post goes, but this seemed like the place. I haven't posted in what feels like forever but I am, in fact, still here. Now that I have a handle on the school year, I should be able to get back to doing stuff with a little more regularity.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well...I think I have to call it, for now.  With working two jobs, I have less free time than I did before, and it's being fairly consistently prioritised so other things get done before I get a chance to turn to role playing. 

Rather than chronically keeping people waiting, I'm going to retire from the field for now.  Anyone can feel free to NPC my characters if they would be useful anywhere, and I may be back one day if my schedule changes. 

Have fun, and game on!


-- Mad Scientist


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